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Everything posted by Amused

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q) The martian girl's breasts were what?!! A) Sweet cream and coffee in layers
  2. Re: What Would Your Character Wear? The Costume Party! Gwendolyn (Champions Tinkerbelle) would either wear something traditional like a witch or something really wacky (can't think of anything), this would all depend on how Halloween was describe to her. Anything she would wear would be done so with great enthusiasm. Vera (7th Sea Vodace a.k.a. Italian) has in the past worn a El Vago (or Zorro) outfit, but that wasn't her idea. Since her sister would probably be wearing something exotic maybe from China if she had the option, so Vera would probably pick something from the local scenery that was a tough/combative costumer. If they were in France she would chose a Mustketeer. Either that or pick something extrememly alluring and feminine. Just to screw with people's heads.
  3. Re: Best Superhero game system thread poll I did my part.
  4. Re: Queer heroes Cute. Wouldn't work for the shapeshifter I developed (I can't imagine her in a relationship until she gets some people skill), but it's a clever idea.
  5. Re: Queer heroes I created a shapeshifter that goes between male and females forms and now that I think about it would probably be bi-sexual in either form. Of course she is a bit anti-social so the chance of coming to light is miniscule (plus being played by a sixteen year old makes most adult uncomfortable in exploring that aspect of characters.)
  6. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, and I keep having problems similar to that happen. It shuts itself when I try to open a saved project (with errors and everything). I have to try multiple ways (and times) before it'll open it. If I could find another free movie maker it would be great, I think there's a big bug in mine (windows movie maker).
  7. Re: The cranky thread :mad: movie maker crapped out on me in the middle of a project that I have been working on for the past FOUR hours! I had just gotten to a point where I was thinking about stopping. :mad:
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A quote from a while back in a D&D game. First keep in mind I was about ten at the time and a tend to watch more than speak. After my character just came back from a halfling community. Other PC: How was it? My PC: Well the halfling I stayed with told me about an adventure he had with an evil ring, some dwarves, and a wizard. *laughter* I think it was more due to the fact that I had spoken.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Personally I call it them Preppie, but that's just cause I got tired of all the "cool kids" at me school in the over priced black shirts and pants (I think only the rich kids can afford to be goth/punk/emo anymore). And have you ever noticed how all the goth pants with chains look exactly the same? That just makes me laugh. blegh, I'll take my paint smattered blue jeans anyday.
  11. Re: The cranky thread I don't think I could manage it, but thanks for the suggestion. lol
  12. Re: The cranky thread My new school schedule includes my idiot math teacher from Sophmore year, whom I hate (involves yelling at me and another girl in the middle of class without prior notice about the fact that we were near failing and not being allowed to take the final and receiving a 'D' in the class dropping me from Honors). Which means I have to waste mine and his time the first couple days while I get my schedule changed. Luckily my therapist has written a letter that I will be able to take with me, to make sure that I am allowed to change classes. Extremely aggravating.
  13. Re: Titles for your character Gwendolyn Pan- Daughter of a fairytale.
  14. Re: WWYCD - The Night of the Dead Gwen (daughter of Tinkerbelle) would receive a visit from her grandma Wendy. Have a pleasant evening, then after it was done go visit this tribe and try to figure how to re-create the effects. So that when she finally got back to Never Land she could resurrect the Lost Boys. I imagine it would become and unhealthy obsession until someone finally knocked some sense into her that it either wouldn't work or that she shouldn't do it. Following would be a rather dramatic emotional break down (probably disorienting for the rest of the party, because she is normally very upbeat and quirky).
  15. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power at first thought it was invisibilty (but I'm a teenage girl, that's expected ) but what I'd really want teleportation with no endurance (and the one that allows you to bring people along and teleport out of a moving car without going splat, I can't remember their names ) This is mostly because I'm lazying and don't like walking places.
  16. Re: WWYCD: Evil in Innocence Gwendolyn- Would not allow anyone to touch the child in a malevolent manner. It would take alot of convincing that s/he was evil, (she's protective of children and once she decides you're good(or bad) it takes an ego roll to change that once she has been giving a reason to think differently). This would probably be used to the evil dudes advantadge, playing up the good kid for her to keep him protected. All in all it would probably be up to the rest of the team to figure it out and deal with her.
  17. Re: Hero Talk Magazine Looks like a magazine I (or my characters) would read. Very nice.
  18. Re: WWYCD: Unholy Matrimony... I don't know about my character, but I know of a character in our 7th sea game who would find the girl and sleep with her.
  19. Re: WWYCD: Discovering the nature of reality? Vera would be pissed in the, "You can't be control my life only I can be doing that" sort of way. Then I would say maybe her actions were her own, but put into my head after the were done. My gaming group would be playing an echo of her life, not the reality. Then we'd probably get into the why's and hows... Gwendolyn would probably either not understand or giggle because it made complete sense depending on how it was presented to her. (She is a big, "Everything is a game" sort of person)
  20. Re: WWYCD: Any last words? Gwendolyn would be freaking out. She has a fear of growing up, growing old and dying. (Peter Pan complex). She'd be pressing for a cure and acting very erraticly until one was found or she snapped. If she snapped, she'd probably revert back to talking about Never Land and what they were going to play the next day. Vera (technically not a Champions character, but ah well)- would cry a tiny bit and then invite the whole gang for one last round at a nearby bar. They'd probably spend the whole talking about past times and joking around.
  21. Re: Queer heroes Rage & JT? if you don't know what QAF is you won't get that one How about: Super Name: Sidhe Super Type: Shape shifter/Alien Backstory/Personality: The people don't really know which gender Sidhe is, though it has been generally decided to be a she because it's normal form has glands that would carry milk[or a similar substance]. S/he protects Millenium City to the best of her ability. Has a girlfriend who teaches math at a nearby Highschool and routine is kidnapped by evil bad guys and extremist gay haters. Sidhe hates the fact that the media plays up her(his) "alternative lifestyle" and refuses to answer questions about it. She answers only with, Cassie (girlfriend) is female, yes... The Truth: Sidhe is both female and male due to her shape shifting abilities which is natural to her home planet. She is a lover of men and woman, but is very loyal and protective of Cassie. Name chosen because of how the elve's(sidhe) male and females look alike.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Dangio: Sidekick wave!
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above SatinKitty the woman with the hat of weirdness, but interesting sense of humor.... There may be a bit of velvet and a kitten involved. Edit: Bazza multicolored and thrilling, so close the godhood he must be a saint...
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I love the Coldstone Icecream place that's near where I live. When I'm carrying alot of sutff, the man behind the counter gives me enough ice cream to fill the bowl, but also allow a lid to cover it. When I'll I've got is a soda to carry, he fills it way past the brim, giving me more icecream to savor. I love that place, their coffee icecream mixed with cheesecake icecream is really good.
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Girl All the Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup followed by Almost - Bowling for Soup
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