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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. Re: A Modest Proposal: an approach to character balancing You obviously missed the part where you subtract the campaign average defense from the incoming damage... so even with an infinite spd, infinite ocv and 4d6 normal, if the campaign average def is 25, then your rating is still 0.
  2. Re: A Modest Proposal: an approach to character balancing I like this system as it actually measures meaningful things. I also like flipping the equation on its head and calculating how many attacks from a generic opponent the character can be expected to survive. The largest blind spot in this equation is that it is very effective to build a character that can generate an enormous amount of damage with a low hit frquency. Although such a character will not generate a lot of damage wrt the hit %* damage inflicted * SPD equation (thanks to the low hit %), there are numerous methods of denying a target some or all of their DCV, so either using something to augment their own hit % (darkness field, entangle damage field, etc) or with the aid of a teammate (martial throw, flash etc) such a character can be a game breaker.
  3. Re: And now something silly: Trouble Chocolate I really enjoyed Urusei Yatsura. I couldn't bring myself to watch Trouble Chocolate.
  4. Re: Automatic Hit Advantage 3-4d6 normal, always hits = No problem. 1d6 - 1d6+1 KA always hits = Blood transfusions. In a world without this advantage, a martial artist or acrobat without combat luck or resistant defenses is plausible. In a world with this advantage, such a build is prone to posthumous retirement. Then again, in a general sense, a character design without resistant defenses is asking for trouble anyway...
  5. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break? acessible vs inacessible is still a valid distinction. There are many more ways to screw with an accessible focus than an inacessible one.
  6. Re: No more "Abort to Dodge?" I am thinking it would just cause people who rely on aborting actions to stay conscious and/or alive to just delay all the time and use their held actions to dodge/dfc when needed or to move/attack at the last instant before their next phase comes up.
  7. Re: Psychological Limitation discussion: Casual Killer in other words, his PC gets to do whatever he wants. I don't see how that in and of itself is any sort of disadvantage. Certainly, there might be some disadvantage in the repercussions of said actions, but that's not what a disad is all about. There are negative repercussions about falling out of tall buildings, but I don't get points for that unless I am unnaturally attracted to jumping out of them. Granted, if he has a reputation of doing such (and such activities are held to be unusual, reprehensible or otherwise abnormal) then a reputation is in order. But the activity that justifies such a reputation is not in and of itself limiting. $0.02
  8. Re: Automatic Hit Advantage Problems a-plenty. Is it missile deflect-able? If so, then what's the associated OCV? Is it inherently indirect? can it evade obstacles and/or cover? What if you're flashed? Can you still use it to automatically hit even if you have no compensating targetting sense? What if the target is invisible and you have no targetting sense that can perceive the target? What if the target is a perceived (and believed) image? Mental image?
  9. Re: [Newbie] Is desolidification truly unbalancing ? While desolidification by itself is pretty reasonable, there are combinations that should be carefully watched, if not banned outright. Invisibility + desol has been mentioned. Desol + 10 STR affects solid world is potentially a game-breaker depending on the situation. Can a character with that combo pick up a gun? Pull the pin on somebody else's grenade? Ick. Add stretching to the above combo for even more irritation... I guess it depends on how weasly your player(s) are. I know of some players I know I wouldn't mind having desolidification. I know of some I wouldn't dream of letting them have it...
  10. Re: Crowd control overpowering game Look at the CKC for a sampling. What percentage of them can break out of a 6d6 entangle by themselves in one shot? Now, what percentage of them can escape a 3d6 EGO entangle without help? ...
  11. Re: Crowd control overpowering game If he's making a habit of opening with the flashbang (and it sounds like he has), then I'd find some villains who had access to an invisible force wall and catch him in the act of tossing it, only for him to find out that he's in a 1 hex force wall bubble, with nowhere for the grenade to go but in his hex. Then the force wall drops and the fun begins...
  12. Re: Romantic Villians What? No love for Grond?
  13. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence Yes, it's limiting. It's also common enough that many characters and villains have powers and abilities that compensate, either partially or fully. I disagree. To the extent that we're even discussing what flashing ones 'sense of balance' does, we're obviously inventing new mechanics. If it was simply using the standard flash mechanics, that part of the discussion would be over. here, you prove my point.
  14. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence Just because the term 'sense' is often applied to balance doesn't mean there ought to be an option to flash this 'sense'. Otherwise, I could just as easily flash your sense of wonder, your sense of security, your sense of timing, your sense of fair play or your sense of humor...
  15. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence targetting taste? Ask Tongue-tongue. targetting smell? Seen that before, too. Repeatedly, actually. targetting balance? Not seeing it.
  16. Re: Trying to make an attack that forces dex roll "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?" - Flounder (animal house) I'd buy it as a suppress to running with the limitation that a dex roll will negate 1" worth of suppress. (-1 per successive roll made?)
  17. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence eh? Weren't you the guy suggesting no concentration powers at all, 1/2 ocv, -1 per rolls and half movement and on and on and on? This is not a hose? Rather than inventing a brand new mechanic, why don't we use what we already have. We have rules for draining dexterity to 0 and below, don't we?
  18. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence The fundamental problem with taking an unusual power (causing vertigo like effects) and making it universal (assuming everyone has a 'sense' of balance) is that suddenly there's a brand new way to hose people out of half or all of their dcv and possibly ocv as well. If you make it a unique (or at least rare) power, incorporating a CE or dex drain, then you don't need to do any further work. If you make it a universal trait shared by anyone who hasn't bought the appropriate life support, then you have to either retrofit every PC and villain ever made, or else risk them all being hosed by a relatively cheap power. And I do mean cheap.
  19. Re: Fake TV-Shows The Brown Hornet! and Commander Hoëk and Stimpy
  20. Re: Super Day Jobs pay three points for an alternate identity and try to keep it secret?
  21. Re: Question about "DANGER SENSE DODGING" I think it probalby shouldn't work against area effects and some explosions. If you put him in a spherical room with no cover and inpenetrable walls and it's flooded with a microsecond pulse of radiation, his 'dodge armor' ought not to work...
  22. Re: Neck Snap Why shouldn't it apply? Part of the maneuver requires you to get a grip on the victim's head, right? Well, if there's something preventing that (say a fully enclosed helm like a motorcycle helmet or a football helmet) then should you be able to perform the maneuver at full efficiency? You exert your force on what you get a hold of, that being the helmet, and the force transmitted to the victim's neck depends on the fit of the helmet. You might snap his neck, he might be looking out of his earhole...
  23. Re: Invulnerability I like the 'flavored' only type of 100% damage reduction. It's far more elegant than anything else for something like the human torch being invulnerable to flame. Also, it's sufficiently narrow to preclude it being completely cheesy. (assuming the GM isn't crazy enough to allow a whole bunch of them on the same character)
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