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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources My favorite take on this is Bill Holbrook's Kevin and Kell. There's an extensive online archive somewhere, I'm sure somebody will sneak by and provide a link for those too lazy to google it (like me) It's a modern day story of an internet entrepreneur who is a rabbit who ends up marrying a wolf divorcee. She has one son from her previous marriage (predictably enough, a wolf cub) and he has an acopted daughter (a porcupine) They also have another daughter who is the world's only carnivorous rabbit. It's a long story. Another comic which had some nice anthro races in it (also including lizard and insectoids) is Fusion which was primarily illustrated by Lela Dowling but also had some issues handled by Phil Foglio and many others. Track this down if you ever get a chance! (Especially if you are a Firefly fan)
  2. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources I think the line was more like, "He may be bigger and stronger, but you're shorter and greyer!" "Fonflif!"
  3. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources High Society and Church and State were some fine reading. After a while, I got this uncomfortable feeling and stopped picking it up...
  4. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources some old character illos. http://www.4thblade.com/bryce_gallery/duel.jpg http://www.4thblade.com/bryce_gallery/h37a.htm I like cats.
  5. Re: Athlete HERO On striking out: Low strikeout rates = levels into OCV (hitting for average). High strikeout rates = levels into damage class (hitting for power). Why a skilled hitter doesn't make contact whenever they want by putting levels into OCV when needed? Style limitations. Use martial arts to model hitter/batter confrontation.
  6. Re: Teleportation, really that different? teleportation is a get out of jail free card for 90+% of all entangles, too.
  7. Re: A New Look at Martial Arts martial arts would work better if you just axed FMove and +V/5. Just about everything else has a fixed value for a fixed amount of points. Those two...not so much.
  8. Re: The Akane Tendo Culinary Institute You can't rely on unluck...sometimes it doesn't come up 1s. Akane's cooking is always bad.
  9. Re: Why Kill At All? because sometimes it's the only option available to you. Example: I have a character who has a doppleganger that has absorbed a portion of my character's soul. This doppleganger has basically identical powers to my character and identical memories as well. It has been revealed that the two are locked in a struggle for existence and that only one of them can secure a permanent existence at the expense of the other. Sometimes, it's a zero-sum game.
  10. Re: A New Look at Martial Arts how many points for FMove?
  11. Re: Creation philosophy Re: one hit mooks Bruce Lee
  12. Re: Character Design Theory I usually get a seed of an idea stuck in my head and then I draw it. Drawing a character gives me time to think about them.
  13. Re: Taking STUN from Killing Damage In a nutshell, it's because Killing Attacks do too much stun damage. If only resistant defenses counted vs. the stun from KAs, then they would be completely unbalanced. Even with non-resistant defenses added to resistant defenses for countering the stun of KAs, it is a subject for debate whether KAs (as written in the main rules) are balanced.
  14. Re: The Essential Bad Iron Age Fight Man.
  15. Re: Biggest whine about HERO and as usual, almost any thread focussing on what's wrong with the HERO system inevitably ends up talking almost exclusively about the stun lottery...
  16. Re: Biggest whine about HERO a 2d6KA will do that much or more about 15% of the time. 2d6+1KA wil do that much or more 20% of the time.
  17. Re: Favorite Abuse Unfortunately, it takes 5 minutes to prepare for the use of Simulate Death...
  18. Re: Idle Scalability Notion at what point does injured = dying? saving a life is great and spending xp to add body to an injured character is never an option in most games. you're comparing apples to electron microscopes, this is going nowhere.
  19. Re: Idle Scalability Notion You didn't read the quote thoroughly. I said any power to any character, not the same power that would help a wounded normal and be of little value to an unstoppable brick. In this case, the comparison is aid the body of the wounded normal compared to aiding the SPD of the unstoppable brick. In one case, the value is nominal - in that the useless character continues to exist, albeit in a even less use than normal fashion. and the other case, is that a max STR, max Def, Max CV brick gets to max his SPD, too. which do you think has a larger impact? EXP works a lot like the bell curve. A +1 at the 3- level quadruples your chance to succeed, but it's only a 1.5% improvement or so. A +1 at the 17- level helps even less than that. (assuming that you get any improvement at all) However, a +1 if your roll was 10- adds 12.5% to your chances of success. That's 9 times the impact of the same +1 at the 3- level. (3/216 vs 27/216) Similarly, if you add 5 points to a 0 point thug, it does very little at all to improve their odds of defeating an average superhero. Also, if you add 5 points to Dr Destroyer, the odds change very little if at all. However, if you add 5 points to a villain scaled to have a 50/50 chance against the hero, then the impact could be very large indeed. (assuming you don't spend the 5 points on something entirely stupid)
  20. Re: [Newbie] Abort to block? you only gain the advantage on your next phase if you succeed in your block and you and your opponent share your next phases.
  21. Re: What's the most ridiculous PC you've ever been subjected to? I was in a con game with this guy...who makes some pretty unusual characters. I'm playing a teenaged girl with telekinetic powers. He's playing some guy. I don't actually remember what sort of powers he had. All I know is that his 'secret' ID was that of a street performer, and that his performance took the form of wearing a loincloth and body oil, gyrating rythmically and banging two rocks together... Another convention, another game, I'm playing the same character, but this time he's playing an alien life form with tri-lateral symmetry with the superhero name of "Grappler". So when combat starts, what does he do? Shoot energy blasts... Go figure. At least it wasn't wearing a loincloth.
  22. Re: Are Guns considered killing damage? typically guns (unless you're using mercy bullets or somesuch) are condisdered killing damage. Jedi Mind trick is basic mind control Force lightning is some type of ranged attack, pick whatever you think is most appropriate...EB, KA, other Opinions vary on how best to model a light saber
  23. Re: A Modest Proposal: an approach to character balancing And that's a great thing - for your group. Some of us are obliged to play with powergamers and rules rapists and such a concept would fail miserably in contact with such gamers...
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