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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. Re: Speeding Up The Game I see, you've sped up combat by implementing a stun lottery for Normal attacks.
  2. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? I agree with the thread starter. It's unbalanced in a champions setting.
  3. So, preliminary to the inevitable poll, who do you think is the most unstoppable badass fighter in manga? Is it Kenshiro (Hokuto no Ken), master of the decapitating autofire martial arts? Is it Goku (DBZ), super saiyajin and all that? Is it Gally/Alita (Gunm/Battle Angel Alita) Cyborg master of Panzer Kunst? Is it KotatsuNeko (Urusei Yatsura) Huge ghost cat with incredible strength? Is it Saotome Ranma (Ranma1/2), cursed Boy/Girl, heir to a dubious school of martial arts? Is it Sawamura "Mad Dog" Seiji (Midori no Hibi), best fighter in town, owner of 'the devil's right hand' whenever there isn't a little girl attached to it. (probably not) Is it Baki Hanma (Grappler Baki), more scars than brain cells, but just try beating him in a fight...? Is it somebody I'm forgetting because it's late at night? You tell me.
  4. Re: Spiffiest Power Name? Mittens' Rocket-Punch!
  5. Re: 6-2 Stun Multiplier Method Assuming that the designers of the killing attack "intended" for the true average of the stunmod to be = to the average yielded by the hit location chart is not a good idea. Your impression is mislead. The stun multiple was first printed in the first printing of Champions. The hit location chart first appeared in Espionage. If you do a search of the boards, there have been pages and pages posted on the mathematical analysis that show that, even with an average of 2.67, the stunmod of KAs is probably too large. Increasing it to 2.8whatever is just going to make it worse.
  6. Re: BIG bada-BOOM Actually it's "If you refuse, you die, she dies, everybody dies." (sounded reasonable to me) It's examples like this which provide the only real screaming need for megascale, provided you have a screaming need to stat them out at all....
  7. Re: 6-2 Stun Multiplier Method The average of 2.8something stunmod for using the hit location table assumes that there will never be any called shots.
  8. Re: 3d6 Dice Roll Probabilities 3 = .463% (1/216) 4 = 1.39% (3/216) 5 = 2.78% (6/216) 6 = 4.63% (10/216) 7 = 6.94% (15/216) 8 = 9.72% (21/216) 9 = 11.57% (25/216) 10 = 12.5% (27/216) The other half are the same as the first, order reversed.
  9. Re: Campaign Norms You'll probably want to invoke some sort of rule of X guideline or else people will be tempted to submit characters with 12 CVs, 6 SPD, 12 DC, 30 Def...
  10. Re: Suggestions for deflecting attacks Extra def: +5 def only if attack hits exactly. +5 more def only if attack hits by 1 or less. +5 more def only if attack hits by 2 or less. (etc) Does not work vs. explosions or area effects, restrainable, focussed. Must be aware of attack. Normally, I just go with DCV, but you've already stated that you're pushing campaign max.
  11. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!" What is it about exposure to enemy fire that makes it needless? If they aren't focussing their attention on you, they might be focussing it on your teammates. Or slaughtering normals. Villains do that sometimes. There are plenty of people who fight crime without being exposed to it. The lab technicians who process fingerprints, or pull phone records to expose fraudulent alibis, or compare ballistics data to evidence are important to the process of the justice system. They are rarely if ever considered heroic. Are they important to the process of putting criminals behind bars? Certainly. Are they considered as heroic as combat troops or firefighters or beat cops? I doubt it.
  12. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!"
  13. Re: Stunning the target without damaging it +60 PRE Does not add to skill rolls. Does not apply in defense against PRE attacks. Do a presence attack against your target. It always hits. All you need is a +20 result to achieve roughly the same effect as stunning people (constant powers don't drop, though) For the record, I hate this idea. I just thought it might stimulate some debate.
  14. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!"
  15. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!"
  16. Re: Alternate Earth #25: What's up, Doc? at least one PC from our game would require no changes whatsoever. Arguably others as well...
  17. Re: Alternate Earth #25: Mind Switch I would trade one blonde teenaged girl for another blonde teenaged girl. This time, with martial arts! The player to my right would probably have fits trying to run my character, though. It's not his thing.
  18. Re: Question About a SPD Limitation The answer depends entirely on context. If your character relies heavily on continuous attacks and rarely uses anything else, then the limitation should be small. Otherwise, somewhat larger.
  19. Re: Alpha Male Contest Guns don't usually shoot themselves. Monsters imply a certain amount of self direction, usually of a hostile nature.
  20. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!" Part of the issue is risk. Mr Invisible doesn't have to face his share of risk because he's not being attacked with anywhere near the frequency of his visible comrades. (unless every villain in the world has the ability to target him) Bunker-Brain doesn't have to face his share of risk because his powers are indirect and he never actually shows up at battles. Summoners can do their thing out of sight of the enemies and have the summoned critter face all of the risk. Posessers (especially the kind that don't leave their bodies behind) let someone else's body face all the risk. If it get's broken, there's always another one to use. Immortals and beings that can regenerate from death don't face risk in the same sense that anyone else does. You have to wave your hands a whole lot just to put them in any sort of true peril, which strongly implies to me that they will face much less of it than their mortal comrades. Part of the issue is accountability. Mr Invisible never has to account for failures because the public never knows he's there. If the kid gets run over, nobody will blame Mr. Invisible for standing by and ego attacking Grond while it happened. The public will blame somebody else. Same thing with Bunker-Brain. Same thing with summoner guy. Same thing with possesser. Meanwhile, if the brick chucks a car and misses his target and wipes out a building full of normals, who get's the blame? If an EB goes wide and blows up a gas station, who gets blamed? Characters who stand there and deliver their own attacks and take the return fire are more deserving of the label "hero" than people who rely on indirection. Compare the tactics of a standing army and terrorists. A standing army wears identifiable uniforms and terrorists seek to disguise themselves as civilians. I know that people who support the political agendas of terrorists will describe them as heroes, but really...
  21. Re: "You're not a REAL Hero!" IMO, part of what makes a hero is a willingness to expose themselves to peril in the line of duty, for the sake of others, whatever. If you're playing an invisible mentallist, you aren't really exposing yourself to much peril, in that nobody can see you and only mentallists can usually see your power effects, etc. Ditto for anyone who has regen (from death) and can face suicidal situations without a worry in the world. Ditto for anyone who summons other beings (assuming an unlimited supply) to do their fighting for them. Ditto for anyone who projects their consciousness into replaceable vessels such as robots or people who posess people or objects who then do their fighting for them. (assuming that your consciousness suffers no ill effects if their current container gets smoked)
  22. Harken back to yesteryear, when last your group was assembled at the gaming table. What would your PC be like if it was written and played by the player sitting to your right?
  23. Re: Would you allow this VPP? I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I would put a cap on the skill roll. Probably no higher than 12- for non-knowledge skills. $0.02
  24. Re: Alpha Male Contest Obviously, some people think that either Bill Gates or George W. bush is the most alpha male in the world.
  25. Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer? I prefer playing a Beta or even Omega. I've been forced to play Alphas on rare occasions and found it to be challenging. I can do it, but I find I don't enjoy it as much as my preferred roles.
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