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Everything posted by gojira

  1. Re: Help me populate a low level champs / pulpish / horror-mystery setting I think I'll wait on some back-story. Champs, pulpish, horror mystery.. yup that's got me mystified already. Any books, films or shows you're using for inspiration? Might help set the tone and milieu a bit.
  2. Re: 6E - Low Fantasy Hero - Game Balance Issues - Advice Requested Neat, I like the complications especially. Complications are often the difference between a two dimensional cutout of a character, and some more like a fully rounded character. Other ideas for complications, just off the top of my head, because it seems like the player group could use a few more thoughts in that direction: Soc Lim: Sworn vengeance on captors. Soc Lim: Must find lost family. Soc Lim: Foreigner/Barbarian in a new land. Soc Lim: Psychological Tramua--Berserk in combat Phys Lim: Old wound--side effect Stun/Endurance/-Dex/-Movement, sometime occurs in combat Phys Lim: Scaring/Hideous Scaring Phys Lim: Maimed: Lost eye, hand, foot, etc. I didn't put any point costs, I left it for you and the players to work out the exact details. But I think you can see that if you put yourself in the shoes of your character, and you think "Hmm, what sort of difficulties is this person likely to encounter," you can think of lots of things other than "fight for friends."
  3. Re: 5th Ed. Help No there were two handbooks produced for 5th, Combat and Adventuring, and Character Creation. I assume he's referring to one of those.
  4. Re: Speak with the dead I was going to suggest a contact also, probably with a lot of adders because it's a super large organization available almost anywhere (i.e., dead people). Imagine a person is killed by a sniper from far away. He doesn't know who his killer is. Clairsentience doesn't model this well. A contact does, because contacts can't tell you things they themselves don't know. The contact could also suggest other lines of investigation. "I have a will; it's in the roll-top desk." Etc.
  5. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! I think Tasha is reading my mind. I also have no serious issues with the 5e source-books I bought. Most were great, some were merely good. The whole rules thing might seem kinda up in the air, I guess, although Jason did say explicitly that Champions Complete will be the main rule book going forward. I think though the important thing to remember is that Narosia and MHI are third party products. Of course, those third parties may want their own books to include a full rule set. So I'm not seeing that Hero Games is setting a new policy here, or telegraphing how new books will be published. I think HG might be waiting to see how Champions Complete does, then make some further decisions based on that. (I.e., exactly what new products to bring out, what source-books to convert, etc.)
  6. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! While I appreciate the response, this is all logical deduction, analogy and assumptions. I could do that too, and I don't disagree with what you've said. But there's no facts presented, no basis for the deductions. I guess I was looking for hard data. Oh well, not a big deal, I was just wondering in general if there were any insider secrets to spill here.
  7. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! Are you really sure that all-rule-in-book products sell better? I'm honestly asking, because I don't know. I've never sat in a company booth selling products, for example, or worked for or talk to folks who have. It's just a question, because I'd have to assume, I really don't have any independent data one what sells in the RPG industry.
  8. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG!
  9. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! Here's kind of an off the wall question: Is this "Storm Lords?" Do you still plan on doing a separate Storm Lords RPG? And perhaps will it be a supplement to MHI? Because the premises seem somewhat similar; I'm thinking that two "Big Guns plus Fantasy" RPGs would fit rather naturally together.
  10. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.
  11. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? Just being clear: You're saying you intend to word CC such that your Maneuver's OCV/DCV bonuses last until your Dex starts your Phase?
  12. Re: Let's talk about movement I'd consider doing something really, really simple. Like: everybody has a non-combat speed of 2. Then, everyone runs at base-movement x 8. (That's x4 for NCM and x2 for Speed.) But I think only for Heroic games. Supers kind of need crazy speed differences. Edit: I think that works out to 8 m/s, if I can still do math. Which is 100m in 12.5 seconds, which is a pretty good approximation of a "normal" speed. I think I could do about that in high school. Hmm.
  13. Re: Let's talk about movement Got to agree with the Collie, Sean. This is not a problem. I'd just say "keep player character SPD close together, say in a tight range of 3" and that'll avoid most of the ill effects of wonky SPD.
  14. Re: Making Magic seem distinct. I was going to say much the same thing. You want to differentiate on both mechanics and capabilities. Thus, divine casters might be the only ones to be able to use Healing as a healing spell to restore hit points quickly. Most arcane casters don't get healing at all. The few that do might only have the Regeneration version, so that injuries heal more slowly over time. In Tuala Morn, Divine casters actually pay full price for their spells; no frameworks allowed. Arcane casters effectively use a kind of Multipower: they pay for their maximum spell "rank" (like the reserve of the multi-power), and then they buy spells for one point each. Each main "type" of spell (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Fall) has it's own rank and skill (for skill rolls) which must be purchased separately. So that means that the spell lists are different, and the way spells work are different too. Most divine casters tend to have few spells they rely on, most arcane casters tend to have lots of spells.
  15. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Hmm, ok, so there was a recent request for vampire stuff. It was just was odd that this thread started almost three years ago. No worries, carry on.
  16. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Or just make them regular old separate PDFs that you can buy anytime you like. I do think it wouldn't hurt to have some "cross advertising" on the HG site. On Amazon, they have "people who viewed/bought this item also bought..." and some additional stuff.
  17. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! I have no idea what this is, but I am intrigued by your ideas, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Seriously, I'm never read any of the MHI books, but they have good reviews on Amazon (even glowing reviews) so it looks like I may have to check this out.
  18. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I don't mind paying for quality, and ultimately that's what I'm after: a $5-$10 set of adventures to get folks started. While one freebie, "how to play" adventure is OK, Hero Games has to make money somehow. $10 for an evening's fun is about the price of a movie ticket. If the rest of the group pitches in for pizza, I'm money ahead. $5 is just cheap, period. But I want a quality adventure: good characters, good writing, and good explanations of what to do. I realize this represents some initial investment for HG. I was hoping that they could avoid printing costs and maximize profit by going the PDF route. Another thought: I recently picked up San Angelo: City of Heroes by Patrick Sweeney from a used bookstore, and I have to say that the older source book still holds up. I found I liked the 250 point superheroes especially. Yes they aren't as capable, but they're easier to comprehend at a glance, and adding a bit of XP allows *me* to customize them. The modern 450 point published heroes are pushing Mary Sue creations for me. Too much going on; too much unnecessary detail. So I'd recommend any "starting adventures" use simpler 300 point to 350 point characters. Something that a new player could glance at and quickly decide what the character was actually capable of, and how it was going to play. The player can add skills, background, and tricky powers themselves if they like. No need for the writer to fill in all of the possibilities. Starting villains would need to be powered down too, or new ones made or carefully selected. Viper seems to fit this bill. Their basic minions seem just right for a new hero to go up against. That's my 2 XP. And something for a line developer to decide. Because it would have to be consistent, or it's not going to make any sense. Random fluctuating power levels in adventure modules would be really bad. Having a starting set of modules ("Champions Adventures 1-5") based on 350 points, and the subsequent modules ("Champions Advanced Adventures") based on 450 point heroes would present a clear product line, imo.
  19. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes, we will certainly need to assemble a top-flight research team.
  20. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Link to ePub. Semi serious book that needs to be researched: Bar Hero/Pub Hero.
  21. Re: Delaying and Interrupting - How Do You Play It? That's a pretty good rule, I may steal it.
  22. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I *should* check out your stuff at Blackwyrm Games! And I will too, but I'm thinking of adventures and other products that need to be marketed along with the main product. When I go to the front page of Hero Games, it's basically a blog entry. When I go to Amazon.com, there's a huge picture of something to buy right in the middle of the screen. One of those two makes it easier for me to buy stuff. Balabanto: what do you think of making some of the new Champions adventures pedagogical or teaching how to start? Good idea? Bad idea? Wouldn't sell worth a darn?
  23. Re: Has anyone seen an actual weapon like this? 'Cept the gov't took them away from us.
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