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Everything posted by gojira

  1. Re: Hero Designer 3 die roller ported to Android? Nope. Java and Android have little to do with each other besides the name. It's one of the reasons Oracle is suing Google. Google used Oracle's stuff but didn't make it compatible. You can't run Java on an Android phone, they're too different.
  2. Re: Champions Villains 3: Solo Villains Kickstarter is LIVE Two weeks to go, and 60% of the way towards being funded. Not bad, but would be nicer to have a bit more in the till at this point. Time for a bit of advertising? Like posting more on forums or giving an interview; free advertising. I'm sure HG would have a hard time justifying the pay-for kind. Anyone want to toss some ideas out?
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Fools Gold, by Stone Roses. Srsly, go listen. Right now.
  4. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Yup, I noticed that and popped over here to mention it. Gratz!
  5. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Found on another website: This might be something to look into to get Champions LARP over the top... http://kickingitforward.org/
  6. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Gave a quick look after exercise today, and it's up to 99 backers and over $5,000. There may be an effect now of people starting to "pile on" as the goal gets nearer and nearer. Go go gadget Champions LARP!
  7. Re: Sign Language I'd probably just call it a "language" just like any other, and use the language table for point costs. "Gestures" replaces "incantations" and call it a day. Darkness isn't really much different than speach being unable to be heard in a loud environment, or across a vacuum, etc.
  8. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Just noticed this project. I'm not into LARP but I'll kick in a few bucks for wacky fun. It's cool that you have a bunch of folks who have been helping with this already, looks like a great krew.
  9. Re: Disaster Rules? Hmm, should check Apocalyptic Hero for more? I can't remember if there's rules like that in there or not....
  10. Re: Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey. Yes. Like "Stun Only," Knockdown might be useful as often as it is a hindrance. -0 overall.
  11. Re: Can be used as... Didn't read the rest of the thread, but this is what I was going to suggest. A MP with a reserve large enough for any two powers works as well.
  12. Re: Falling damage: all the right angles? Just FYI: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/12/nyregion/12fall.html
  13. Re: Hero system basic book question I made this point over on the 6e Concise thread, but here's it's happened again. Just my own reading of these forums indicates that new people don't like the Basic Rules. Once they find out it's not all the rules needed, they shy away from it. And if they don't want an 800 page double rulebook, then they don't make a purchase. Now Laser wants to get the full system, and is willing to buy the full books. That's great. But I still have a feeling that the 800 page books are chasing away customers, and that BR isn't filling the gaps. 6e Concise is really needed.
  14. Re: Bard villain/mastermind: how? Depends on the type of campaign. I was thinking about a "Dark Bard" as part of a Tuala Morn campaign. In that campaign world, Druids and Bards are part of the culture, and it might be considered proper for a noble man or some other social ranks to have formal training in the bardic arts. Just because you know how to play an instrument, can speak well in public, and know (in verse) the history of your people, doesn't necessarily make you a nice guy (or gal). I'd say villainy has nothing to do with that skill set, the two are completely orthogonal, and once you start thinking about them that way it's easy to see how a bard could be "evil."
  15. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Hey, somebody just made the $2000 pledge, and made it 30% funded exactly and an even 100 backers. Neat.
  16. Re: Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey. Not unless you also want to suggest a write up for "b*tch-slap." The GM's Prayer: "Let us pray the GM's Prayer. Lord, please pray for the soul of this player-b!tch and guide my GM hand and make it strong, Lord, so that she might learn a player's place. Amen."
  17. Re: Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey. I was thinking it would work for a lot of situations, like fantasy and space opera, where realistic numbers are hard to pin down. For everything else, the sample historical price list would help pin down realistic price ranges.
  18. Re: Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey. Some ideas for handling money in game worlds, and ideas for converting Active Points and Real Points into money. Convert Resource Pools into Money and go from there; there should be a one to one function like $5000 per character point in the resource pool. Let the rest falls where it will. Plus a list of historical prices for as much stuff as we can get our little mitts on. I'll throw in modern prices too, on the basis that they'll be historical as soon as the work is published, and therefore fit right in with the other historical stuff. Plus some future tech prices. Post-Apoc, High Tech, grim and gritty, trade rules for games like Traveller, cyberwear.
  19. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise Yeah, that's how I feel too. What gets taken out of 6ec could be added later to a new APG book. I.e., something to be used optionally. But the new core rules should spare players, esp. new players, from the very large number of options that are available in Hero.
  20. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise I pretty much agree 100% with all of those points. I haven't seen any real disagreement on this thread. Everyone is convinced that the Hero System would benefit from a condensed core rule book. I wonder if there's really anything we can say to the powers that be at Hero Games that would nudge them over to that point of view? (One individual who is new did speak up and say he appreciated the extra hand-holding. That's fine, I'd expect a few positive comments about the current format, at least. I just don't think it obviates the rest of the points in this thread.)
  21. Re: Meta Power: Instant Change (Coments Welcomed) These last three illustrate to me why Instant Change is a good idea. Yes, you can change your appearance with just the SFX of activating a power. However, when the change itself has limitations, it's easier I think to hang those limitations on the Instant Change power than trying to put them on each and every power in a character's repertoire. Instant Change (or any type of change) could be more important when a character has "Only in Alternate Identity" too.
  22. Re: What would you put on a 6th Edition GM Screen...? Actually, I'd love to see some of the current and older full color book covers made available for GM screens.
  23. Re: Touch of Knowledge... Can't remember -- does Hero have a Universal Translator power? Something like that with a minor limitation seems the easiest to me, already costed out and all.
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