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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. “They could say whatever they wanted so long as there was no imminent threat of harm,”
  2. "Such magnificent treasure! We slay this beast, and we shall be set for life! Our names will be forever enshrined in legend! Ready Arms, my fellows! Prepare for Victory!" You guys got my back on this, right?
  3. New Batman Animated Series For HBO Max
  4. Then perhaps you should run for office yourself.
  5. "I still see it today in my mind, 100 years later."
  6. Boy Scouts Announce Support Of Black Lives Matter
  7. I got my friend an elephant for his room. When he said "Thank You," I said, "Don't mention it."
  8. It was my understanding that Wookiees didn't believe in medals. Howling in triumph was enough. (I imagine the howling translated into "Uh-Huh--That's Right--We Bad--You Know It--We Bad--")
  9. George Lucas Is 77 Today.  Thank You Always, Sir
  10. America's Newest Chess Master
  11. During "Watchathon Week" on my cable system I binged the Mrs. America mini-series on Hulu. Really good stuff; it does a good job of illustrating the political divisions back then that we continue to deal with today. One scene in particular struck me--after an appearance on the Phil Donahue show, Donahue talks with Phyllis Schlafly about her assertions and if she's fact-checked them, and she replies-- "Phil, let me ask you this. When Lenin started the revolution in 1917, do you think he told the people, "Fight with us, and we'll give you food shortages, censorship, and terror? Oh, no. He promised them peace, land, and bread. Now it starts with a simple piece of legislation like the ERA, and then the left feels emboldened to eliminate alimony, child support, and the widow's Social Security, and before you know it, we are living in a feminist totalitarian nightmare. Thank you for having me on your show." Schlafly walks away satisfied, and Donahue is left to pick his jaw off the floor. Then there's the live debate with Schlafly and Betty Friedan (excellent performance by Tracey Ullman) who loses her temper and declares, "You are a traitor to your sex! You're an Aunt Tom! . . .You are a witch! God, I'd like to burn you at the stake!" People seem to think there was a time when political discourse was all flowers and bonnets. Really--it wasn't Anyway, a great show. Watch it, if you haven't already.
  12. Chicken nuggets are still in great supply, I hope.
  13. No wonder we get such wild stories out of Florida--you'd have to be a crazed adventurer type to live there.
  14. Godspeed, Sir. May you fly farther than ever before.
  15. They still make that stuff, dontcha know. Not my brand, but at least it ain't Pepsi.
  16. Lethal Organization for Superiority, Extortion and Revenge
  17. That's certainly plausible--although given that the last great Jedi Knight was named Skywalker, I would think that someone with that name might draw a little more attention than usual, even on the planet farthest from the bright spot of the universe that was never a part of the Republic. It would be like someone in the US having the same last name as a President. Hope that helps.
  18. "I'm the chief of police, and when I see a squad car behind me, my heart skips a beat."
  19. Point of order. Luke was never called Skywalker on Tatooine--he was always Luke. Just Luke. It's even there in the dialogue-- C-3PO: "I see, sir." LUKE: "You can call me Luke." C-3PO: "I see, Sir Luke." LUKE: (Chuckles) "No--just Luke." Not even in the deleted scenes does the name Skywalker come up--not until the detention block scene-- LUKE: "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!" Which leads me to conclude that Luke did not know his father's name growing up on Tatooine--if anything, he was likely called Luke Lars. With good reason, as Uncle Owen didn't want him knowing the truth of his origins. Hope that helps.
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