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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    A deep diving suit, as the caption says? Or a Republic serial robot?
  2. The new Star Trek series is taking things in a decidedly different direction. . .
  3. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    And where do you go to get your pulps? The newsstands, of course. . . "Hey, KID! This ain't no liberry!"
  4. Dr. Pepper is my go-to drink when I go to a restaurant and Coca-Cola isn't available. The conversation usually goes like this-- "Can I get a Coke?" "Is Pepsi okay?" Suppressing the urge to hiss through clenched teeth, "No, Pepsi is NOT okay!" "Do you have Dr. Pepper?" If "Yes" then order Dr. Pepper. If "No" then the conversation continues-- "How about ginger ale?" If "Yes" then order ginger ale. If "No" then the conversation continues-- "How about lemonade?" If "Yes" then order lemonade. If "No" then I order 7up or the equivalent. My brand loyalty is very strong when it comes to cola drinks.
  5. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    There's that little blurb on the lower left labeling this mag as "A Thrilling Publication"--which I'm guessing is the name of the publishing line. Which leads me to imagine their slogan. . . "If It's Chilling. . .It's THRILLING!"
  6. Wonder how long before this shows up on Ebay at 2X retail?
  7. I think there have been chocolate (or chocolate-flavored) sodas before--it's just something that didn't quite catch on. I'd look it up right now, but I'm in the middle of looking up something else.
  8. It could have been worse--the man's name could have been Clint Flicker.
  9. I wanted to change it to Starburst, but I couldn't fic a pic of him that was small enough. The "Woo Hoo!" pic was the only one I had that was under the limit.
  10. Markie Post Dead At Seventy The Eighties doesn't seem that long ago, then something like this happens. Godspeed, Ms. Post.
  11. Or keep the dead tree edition, and you'll have a record if we ever get the EMP Apocalypse. (Remember the TV series Dark Angel? Or Revolution?)
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