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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Who would have thought Homelander would be an actual hero?
  2. I'd be scared too, if I were condemned to the Death Of A Thousand Screams.
  3. Surely you're old enough to remember the 2000 election, George W. Bush vs. Al Gore, and how it came down to one state--Florida--and the whole examination of the punch-card ballots to determined if the vote was all correct.
  4. I've been looking for a site that would tell me the popular vote count after votes were counted on November 3rd, but the above post says the same thing I wanted to point out--that if all that mattered were the popular vote, this election would have been decided days ago. So now, perhaps, we can agree that in an age where the speed of communication is no longer limited to the speed of transit, that the Electoral College has outlived its usefulness, and we should find a way to transition to a system where the President is elected by direct popular vote, either by Constitutional amendment or the Popular Vote Compact?
  5. I've suggested before that a marksman-type could use a slingshot, the weapon of mischievous little boys everywhere. Give him various less-than-lethal loads--pepper balls, hard rubber balls, paint for marking a target, flashbangs, etc.--and you're all set. There's even the perfect name for such a character--The Menace.
  6. I figure we could all use a good laugh, and this is the best I've seen all Election Day.
  7. I suppose if they're going for the whole "space western" motif, they may as well set their adventures on the most western-like planet in the Star Wars universe. And I'm wondering how much time Mando himself spent there, as he's the only one who can speak and sign the Tusken language--something none of the human occupants on Tatooine seem inclined to do. Nifty number of callbacks, and not just to the movies. The Child was thoroughly adorable, as usual. I thought he might help out in a couple of places, but he didn't. I do find it kind of ironic that he's so popular, given the backlash over the Ewoks when Return Of The Jedi came out. ("They're too cute! It's too disgusting for words! George Lucas has ruined Star Wars!") Now we have this creature that's cuter than the Ewoks and the Porgs put together, and everyone can't get enough of it. Some people owe Lucas an apology, I think. Looking forward to the next episode.
  8. Take any notes? It sounds like you may be on to something.
  9. I have a hard time thinking of Beastmaster as a superhero movie. Nothing against it, but it's basically Conan The Barbarian mashed up with Doctor Doolittle. But again--no Wild World Of Batwoman. aka She Was A Hippy Vampire? No Invasion Of The Neptune Men? The Wonder Woman movie with Cathy Lee Crosby? There are many other superhero movies that are much worse than the list in the OP. Movies that we wouldn't dream of suffering through--or even give as gifts.
  10. @archer--If I had found your post I would not have posted my own link. I wasn't trying to step on your toes or anything like that.
  11. Biden Campaign Bus Threatened By Trump Supporters
  12. I concur, although I was able to make it through the whole movie. Even the Captain America cameos were disappointing, as was their version of MJ--which seemed to me to be a bad emulation of Daria Morgendorfer, if anyone remembers that character. I suppose they felt the "va-va-voom" version of the character was inappropriate for a high schooler, but still. . . The Spider-Man of the comics never needed a mentor. Nor did he need a Cadillac Spider-Suit with more gadgets than James Bond's Aston Martin. He got by just fine on his own, even with the press, the public, and every lawbreaker this side of The Red Skull against him--and that included The Red Skull on a couple of occasions. That was what was so disappointing about the MCU's Spider-Man, who's basically become a wholly owned subsidiary of Stark Enterprises. I didn't bother with the second movie, either. I seriously doubt I'll bother with the third.
  13. That doesn't look like Aflac. It doesn't even look like Matt Damon.
  14. According to the GOP's Twitter feed, these are some of Trump's plans for a second term-- Many, many Twitter users found this hard to believe.
  15. I'm not from Seattle, but I remember Almost Live. Who could forget Bill Nye back in his superhero days? Or Tracy Conway, who I always thought bore a resemblance to adult star Christy Canyon? Or Mind You Manners, With Billy Quan? "Remember Kids, Be Like Billy--BEHAVE YOURSELF!!!"
  16. Well, I'm sure McConnell's seen a doctor for whatever condition it is, and while the news may affect his prospects for re-election, the condition shouldn't affect his abilities to perform in the Senate. Not that I'm any fan of the man, but Tammy Duckworth is missing both her legs, and she represents Illinois just fine. Unless this turns out to be something really serious, I'm sure McConnell can do the same for Kentucky as he's always done.
  17. Sounds like the title of a children's book.
  18. The Case Against Trump And once again I remind everyone--
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