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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. This was posted on the Facebook page of a friend of mine, and she didn't originate it because she's a much better speller. It does leave me wondering how she, and the other right-wingers would have reacted to the rationing during World War II. Would they have accepted it as necessary to overcoming the crisis that was upon them, or would they have derided it as socialist or communistic?
  2. It Would Be Completely Absurd To Force Biden Out Of The Race
  3. Apologies, Dear Crab--'twas not my intention to disappoint you.
  4. Lockdown Protestor Carries Sign With Nazi Slogan
  5. Let me guess--the ringleader's name is Fagin?
  6. Drakaria The daughter of an illicit affair between Zeus and Persephone, Drakaria was raised in the underworld by her mother and Hades, who vowed to treat the child as his own. Lately she has found her way to Earth, and she very much likes what she sees. When she first appeared a cult of evil sorcerers tried to enslave her--assuming that being from the underworld, she must be evil--but she escaped their clutches with the aid of a team of heroes, and has been fighting for justice and protecting the innocent ever since. The full range of her godly powers is not known, but she has displayed a godly measure of strength and the ability to fly, not to mention a godly ability to withstand the most powerful of blows--and as most every electrically-powered villain has learned, lightning only makes her stronger. She loves to fight and she loves to party, having learned the ways of strong drink from Bacchus himself.
  7. You'll undoubtedly take this for inspiration, if you haven't already.
  8. By itself, no. It could hurt him, depending on his power level at the time. But I'm sure the Daleks could acquire some Kryptonite-based weaponry, if not actually synthesize the stuff.
  9. While it may be specific to the ever-lovin' blue-eyed guy who says it, he's usually the one leading the charge into battle--so to my mind, it counts. Come on, shout it--you know you want to--
  10. Happy Easter Everyone--And Remember, Keep Smiling!
  11. It was my understanding that Prince The Artist took back his name, so he would have a greater claim to it than "Prince" Harry. The Purple One wins. And The Queen can kick anyone's tail. First she distracts her opponents with her adorable corgis, then whales on them with hand-to-hand techniques she learned from Winston Churchill. Proving once again that The Queen is the most powerful figure on the board.
  12. Krakatoa II: This Time The Revenge Is Personal Sounds good to me. Someone want to get started on the script?
  13. I believe in The Ultimate Vehicle (5th Edition) there were two mecha-inspired vehicles--Panthrobot, which I think was inspired by Transformers, and Shining Warrior Epsilon, which were five hover-fighters that combined to form a super-powerful fighting robot. (No idea as to whether or not the hover-fighters resembled lions.) I agree that giant robot fighting machines, like single-seat manned space fighters, are thoroughly impractical in real life. But they do make excellent storytelling devices, and I do like some of the stories in which they appear.
  14. Does he speak English, like "Darryl" in that one Progressive commercial? Because I have this image of your officer Bigfoot at a roadside diner in the Northwoods having coffee and shooting the breeze with the locals. Did you have anything like that in mind?
  15. "A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway."----Christopher Reeve
  16. Florida Poll tax Law Struck Down In Federal Court
  17. Perhaps the original character has a bodily feature the shapeshifter doesn't know about or can't duplicate, even with his powers. A birthmark--a tattoo--a scar--a missing or deformed toe--things like that. Ask the hero and his duplicate to expose where the feature would be--the one who has it is the real hero. Alternately, the hero could use it as a bluff. "So--your left middle toe is missing, after all. That's interesting--because my friend has all his toes intact!" Hope that helps.
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