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Everything posted by Egyptoid

  1. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... and Fox-Bat soundly defeats that villain.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ok, I'll steal it Egyptian Lore am I not the Egyptoid?
  3. Re: Transformers Hero for some reason Transforming Hero has been eating my brain lately. I think its cause the tech shop dude is always playing the movie when I go in there. I'm leaning away from Multi-Form or duplication, or anything that makes more than one character sheet.
  4. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... your GM wrote a handy little spreadsheet to convert your character to the game system of choice
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... MIDDLE EARTH D20 ================= the giantish word for you is "tent-peg" the giants also have 15 different words that can be interpreted "short" Snake will you please stop humming "where there's a whip there's a way" . . . .and in Gondor we fix our horses as well as our dogs. (in the distance) neeeeeeigh
  6. the Hero System Sourcebook of Feminine Wiles Broads, Bimbos, and Brunettes
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Facebooks of Death
  8. Re: Battletech/Mechwarrior Hero Resources RW to 5th Docs: http://www.afeather.net/~archer/rw2hero.html hat tip: Mr. Goodwin
  9. Re: Battletech/Mechwarrior Hero Resources did anyone play anything Transformer-like lately ?
  10. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Now comes the hard part, the no-fun part, the scut-work. I wish I had a probie, I'd make him do it. The Third Edit Phase, the thankless grunt-on-minimum-wage labor. this is where I link together all the villains and hunteds; check all characters for rule of X; check spellings and other consistencies; Check the Hero System specifics for each build; ensure each background bit is a complete sentence, make the short ones longer, and make the over-running ones shorter. This is the polish and finalize phase. Like Sausage, it won't be pretty while making, but later...mmm good.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Middle earth D20 had a break this week. played a wargame instead, Hordes of the Things. my Ent Army versus my buddy's Northmen. the battle was at a public gaming hall. many people stopped by to look at the unusual setup and odd armies. 8 or 9 of those people had to say somthing to my buddy: Why ain't you using flaming arrows on those Ents ? Where's your Greek fire? Bet you wish you had some fiery pitch? Don't you want to use flaming arrows on those Ents ?
  12. Re: a living dead PC I dunno. Ask Rob Zombie.
  13. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... your super team went out on what should have been a simple little three-hour mission to recon the villain's hideout and ended up stuck on Destruga's Island for 3 years.
  14. the Star Hero / Galactic Champions Cooking Show Quicker Than a Rachel Ray of Light "I've taken this classic Sicilian dish and jazzed it up with some Perseid spices"
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Middle Earth D20: ========================= My Barbarian-Ranger went up a level, and so I was deciding which class to pick, and Gondor says I can't go up levels anymore as Barbarian cause while we were in Minas Tirith I learned how to use flush toilets, and there's no going back. ========================= My Barbarian (also me the player) forgot he was holding the party's holy water. so we get in a huge fight and of course the last enemy thing left standing is this undead brute, and its regenerating everything we slice it with. Plus I'm raging. So William the Rogue sneaks up behind me, pilfers the holy water out of my pack, and tosses it to Gondor, who splashes down the beasty, and that allows my spear to cut it now, and so it dies. so now I come off rage, and am exhausted. the whole party and the DM are yelling at me about how much sooner that thing would have died if I had gotten out the holy water at the beginning. would have saved a lot of spells and injuries. all I said to the group was: "You know how I get when I'm fighting..."
  16. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... everything the team's super detective knows about crimesolving he read in RPG rulebooks.
  17. Re: Also, henchbunnies... and you guys dissed my Chibi Thread
  18. Re: What would your sidekick be named? for the Egyptoid: Lil Scarab
  19. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Our Heroes at War Bad Idea: Ultimate Springtime for Hitler
  20. Re: How would you stat up gods in Hero System? Serpent-Lord Apophis this is a 5th edition avatar of a god, based on the fourth edition book Mythic Egypt. On of the design angles for him is that he is occasionally to be fought in hand to hand combat, that's assumed in the mythology. The book had stats for the "Basic God", a terribly powerful being. then onto the basics were bolted their portfolio and strengths. for example, Thoth, god of Wisdom was about 30 points smarter than the Average deity. This write-up originally appeared in Haymaker YMMV
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares House Gryffondor "She's suffering from wand elbow" "Your'e a moron."
  22. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... all the team's espionage missions begin at 1:15 am, cause Billy gets off work when the Pizza King shuts down at 1, and he can bring his car around to Team HQ.
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Shining Eagle
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