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Everything posted by Nevenall

  1. Re: 6th edition Min Str Which is exactly why the GM should set the STR Mins to whatever he feels is the right blend of "realism" and game balance for a particular campaign.
  2. Re: Quick Question from a New Hero for #7 I'd suggest a limited 75% damage reduction. I believe that with GM permission you can define it as affecting all powers of a particular special effect, and 75% plus some reasonable ordinary defenses is close enough to immunity for a game.
  3. Re: Eldritch Wizardry VPP I third the second approch. Totally the way I would do it.
  4. Re: if you don't want your xp, I'll take it. thanks everyone it's very interesting to hear how you approach experience. Does anyone award large sums after a long time? Say 25 points after 5 adventures or so?
  5. Re: 4th-6th VPP Question Are you asking if 6th Edition allows characters to buy one Power Framework inside of another? Because if that's the question it does Not and neither did 5th Ed.
  6. Re: Charm - No Conscious Control That's a fair question to which I don't know the answer. What about buying +15 PRE (No Conscious Control, Women Only)?
  7. That's a pretty common joke in our group, but the other day one of my players made the very interesting suggestion to start a campaign where all the points and experience were awarded to the group rather then a particular character. For example, instead of giving three players 150 points each, the group gets 450 to divide in whatever way they want. Maybe someone wants to play a more experienced Gandalf level character then the players decide as a group to give him 300 points and divide the rest equally. The same thing happens for experience, say the group gets 15 xp for an adventure, they could split it equally, or give the 300 point character 1 and split the rest between the 75 point characters so they advance more rapidly. I don't know how it would work in practice but it is an intriguing idea. It reminded me of the fact that the main characters for Star Wars were auditioned as a group rather then individually. One Han, one Luke, one Leia, and 1 1/2 Chewie.
  8. Re: How to make the Ultimate Character you peoples crack me up.
  9. Re: How to make the Ultimate Character Of course, either suggestion is ridiculous, which was my real point. It's fun to imagine creating ridiculous characters, and it proves that you truly can create ANY character with HERO System and that fact is not a flaw of the system, but it's greatest strength. The real answer to these kinds of characters in games is 6E1 page 9.
  10. Re: How to make the Ultimate Character True, but with Duplication you'd have a vast number of useless characters. Followers can actually do things, like protect you, and gather loot.
  11. Re: How to make the Ultimate Character Or...do steps 1 and 2 and then spend all your points on as many Followers as you can get.
  12. Re: Resistance to Poison/Disease I like your build, very nice. Personally, I'd base the Required Roll on CON. Somewhere I have a build for a disease with DoT where the defense was the target's CON value, instead of a NND. If you built poisons like that then, character's could buy extra CON just for Resisting Poisons.
  13. Re: Common 6E House Rules The Valdorian Age genre book that has some very excellent campaign rules for a S&S game. Including a Skill Maxima of 13- with no skill levels allowed.
  14. Re: Hero System Modern Mass Combat Testing Is my mind making things up on me? Maybe there aren't any such rules in the Ultimate Base. Carry on, I'll be-oO shiny!
  15. Re: Hero System Modern Mass Combat Testing Are you talking about the rules that in the Ultimate Base?
  16. Re: 4th Edition, Independent... The limitations were meant to be cumulative. You take a Focus for your power and it can then be lost, broken, or stolen and used against you, but it can be Replaced. If you add Independent it means you cannot replace the Focus and get your power back. You lose the character points you spent on that power. Independent is probably not a good limitation to take in most superhero games. It's really intended for magical items in fantasy campaigns.
  17. Re: A Robert E. Howard moment..... I say they fight to a draw after several minutes and then decide to pool there forces and take over the world!
  18. Re: Images and Invisibility My personal take as a GM would be to allow it freely. For one thing I like to encourage creative uses of powers because it makes it more fun for everyone. For another thing, Images can be a difficult power to get your points worth from as it is. In many circumstanced 60 points of Blast is going to be a lot more useful then 60 points of Images. As your player mentioned there are several things about Images which makes it less useful then Invisibility. One being cost, another being that the Image is always detectable as an illusion. Also, the default rule for AOE powers is that they you cannot move the power once it's established, which means that this character can make himself sort of invisible, but can't move outside the 4" radius of the power without becoming visible again. Also, I don't see much of a difference between using Images for light and using it for transparency.
  19. this article just has to inspire a pulp adventure! It's even got a map!
  20. Re: I need more Star Hero equipment. All so, the Spacer's Toolkit is a good 5th ed supplement.
  21. Re: I am Spartacus maybe the producers will come to there senses and tone down the silly for future episodes. I think the concept has some potential.
  22. Re: I am Spartacus And sometimes bad is just bad and unwatchable. I saw the first episode on Netflix and it is utterly awful. Full disclosure I also dislike 300 intensely. Spartacus is like 300 with half as good CGI, one third the plot, and twice the stupid.
  23. Re: Time in a Bottle If you feel like it should cost more you could always adjust the cost; or take the EDM and add an Entangle that takes no damage from attacks but is vulnerable to the bottle being broken. What I'm thinking is that the EDM itself doesn't prevent the trapped character from moving around in the Null Time dimension, so you add the Entangle to represent their limited movement. But really, use the EDM build and make it cost what you think it should.
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