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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. Re: Opinions on build with Naked Advantages As far as the haymaker: If I recall, it adds 4 "Damage Classes" which more or less equates to 20 active points. So no, if you have advantages on the attack, I think you need to account for them with the haymaker. If it's a total of +1 advantages, I think the haymaker adds 2d6. Of course, that's just an instant opinion without having consulted the rules. I could be wrong. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary points out that I often am.
  2. Re: Leocrotta I've also seen it spelled leOcrotta, I think. I've come across it in an Irish story. So it was a pan-European medieval mythic/heraldic beast? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary has appeared as far afield as Belgium and England....
  3. What would you trade for wealth?
  4. What is HERO about? Perhaps it is worth mentioning that the word "Hero" comes from the Greek meaning "to seize or grasp." At its most basic it means to grab something and hold it in your fist, but it also has a military meaning of "seizing" territory, or taking or "holding" a city, as well as a mental meaning, as in to "grasp" an idea or "have a handle" on a technique or situation. Lucius Alexander Or, observes the palindromedary, perhaps not.
  5. Re: What is HERO about? Zornwill: What is the English Language about? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary urges you to look again. Think about it. It's a serious question with a bearing on the matter.
  6. Re: What would you trade for wealth?
  7. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See? I've been thinking about it, and add my voice to those saying we need SPD > 12. I don't think we should have an "official" rule necessarily, but a discussion of different optional ways to play it would be a good idea. If nothing else, one could argue that we already have computers that should be rated at SPD higher than 12. Lucius Alexander Moving at the SPD of a palindromedary
  8. Re: Learning Heroes - Basic Elements and Balance Or maybe a whole series of haiku. One must count points, else Pointless the game; but know that Points are not the point. Lucius Alexander Cleverly I park My palindromedary In the center line
  9. Learning Curve? First, there are at least 3 different curves to consider. 1. Learning to play. This is the easiest thing, and assumes someone hands you a character and the fireworks start. Knowing how to roll for your skills, how many dice to roll for your power, how to mark off damage and END, etc. 2. Learning to be a player. This means understanding how to create a character and how to spend XP to improve it. It means knowing what your options are - and they are considerable. 3. Learning to run a game. This is the most challenging. Theroticially it could be split up like the first two (running a scenario and designing a scenario are two different things) but in practice it's probably best to think of it as one thing. As for what people mean by "long" - I think that means that it isn't that hard to learn the basics (not "steep") but that once you do, there is still a LOT to be learned. Even for the first "curve" I enumerated, after that first game you can continue to learn about manuevers, skill modifiers, and other options in play. Lucius Alexander I'm still learning about the palindromedary
  10. Re: What would you trade for wealth? STR, COM, Running. These are all statistics where I'm already below normal and another point or two won't hurt. I could see myself giving up 2 or 3 pts of STR. Where do I sign? Lucius Alexander Palindromedary Enterprises
  11. Single Green Superhero seeks.... (personels for your characters) Single Empowered [campaign code word for "Mutant"] male seeks contact with other empowered individuals (especially in Las Vegas area) for networking/support group purposes. Share your story with me. If we can learn to understand ourselves and one another, maybe we can help our families - and the rest of the world - understand us. Contact quetzlcoatl@inpenetrablesecurity.org or call 1-800-I-MUTANT. Ask for Quetzlcoatl Dragon's Kin. Lucius Alexander Palindromedary Enterprises
  12. Re: Background skills FRED has a sidebar on the same page as the Resistance talent, explaining that other talents to resist other interaction skills can be made on the same basis....including Hard Bargainer, 1 pt to subtract 1 pt from an opponent's Trading rolls. And by the way, she's not a focus - either DNPC with useful skills, or follower, or contact. Or maybe YOU're listed as HER DNPC. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary is writing up a character sheet...."Psych lim, hallucinations, sees Lucius Alexander everywhere...."
  13. Human Batteries Or ignoring it. If every player character is going to possess the ability, I don't see a balance problem. It's no worse than any heroic campaign where no one pays points for a killing attack but everyone uses them because there are swords and guns and the like lying around. But to differentiate between characters who may be "better batteries" if such exist, it may be best to have each character buy a form of limited REC. They would pretty much HAVE to buy their own END batteries, of course. Lucius Alexander And my own palindromedary
  14. Re: charging Human Batteries Okay. What I mean by the limitation on REC is that when the REC is filling up an END Reserve - the Divunid's, a device's, a little green Martian's, or any given END Reserve - the points are "coming from" somewhere. I'm not sure what the limitation value should be, but the way it would work is that each pt of REC costs 1 pt of END from SOMEWHERE. The reason I say it shouldn't have to have "Usable By Others" is that if you build a character and have an END Battery in a focus, and the REC for it is not in a focus, you don't need "Usable by Others." Besides, if a device is built with a battery, it's probably built with some means of recharging it - in other words, the devices probably have their OWN REC (it just functions only when the Divunid is putting END into it.) Also, I don't think you need Range, unless it's your intention that when the Divunid moves away from the device, it can continue to shift END to it. Lucius Alexander Insert palindromedary tagline here
  15. Re: Heroic level characteristics ramble Thanks for the STR info – nice to know. As for the INT, I think the problem here is that what Hero means by “INT†is not what most people mean by “Intelligence†by a long shot. In fact, I think it’s been said officially that a Nobel-winning genius can have an INT of 10 with a logical, methodical, powerful but plodding intellect. INT is sort of like intellectual SPD or DEX. It’s how fast you think not how well. Yeah, and maybe that means the whole concept of STR minima needs to be revisited… The NCM is a bad idea to begin with. Changing where it’s set doesn’t make it any better. Granted, I’m not sure it makes it any worse. Maybe a better idea would be to have STR mins that are actually REALISTIC. Possibly for people who don’t have the Weapons Familiarity, add 5 to the STR min. In game terms, all that skill and experience **IS** “phenomenal DEX.†Plenty Not necessarily. If Mr. Waters doesn’t mind, let’s take 10 of his friends to the gym and test their STR. To protect their privacy, we’ll refer to them by letters. A 11 STR B 11 STR C 11 STR D 11 STR E 11 STR F 11 STR G 11 STR H 11 STR I 8 STR J 4 STR Adding it all up we get 100 STR – dividing by 10, we have an average STR of 10. Yet I see that 8 of 10 people, or 80%, are actually above average in STR. At least for this group. That said, I have no idea if this group is a valid microcosm of the Human population. I actually doubt it, as I suspect the average adult STR is closer to 8. Lucius Alexander And an above average palindromedary
  16. Has HERO achieved maximum desirable complexity? IT's also an idea that seems to assume everyone's using Herosphere. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still using paper and pencil and dice. LA p
  17. Lucius


    Re: Isis What I wonder is, where were Osiris and Horus? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary wonders where Set went....
  18. Has HERO achieved maximum desirable complexity? I'm with you on that one! As for the more general issue, I'll have to think about it. Lucius Alexander And the palindromedary ruminates
  19. I know this probably sounds psycotic, and it probably will be. Nope. A 1-pip with penetrating is no good. It has to be at least a 1d6 for penetrating to have any effect. Doesn't it? Lucius Alexander And a no normal defense armor piercing palindromedary
  20. Re: Elemental Controls and Package Deals in 5ER
  21. Re: generation / Healing Oops. Thanks for catching that. Yes, I agree with the idea of using "Regrow Limbs" as an adder. Lucius Alexander (-: :-)
  22. Re: generation / Healing Depends. If you go with it as a straight build like that, it's actually very CHEAP to slap "Usable on Others" on it - the Base Cost is like 2 for 1 pt of REC. If you redefine it as its own Power as per the rules for creating new powers, you have to use a Base Cost of 10. Of course, if you really, really don't want to allow it at all, you can Just Say No. Lucius Alexander Inevitable Palindromedary
  23. Re: Is this android "anatomically correct"? With Bloodstone and I around, I hardly think YOU need to worry about lowering the tone. Lucius Alexander I mean, I ride around on a palindromedary.....
  24. Re: generation / Healing A lot of things leave me at a loss. However, if you take REC, and add a custom advantage to move it up the time chart at +1/4 per step, I believe you'll find that at the point where it recovers BODy every turn, it is up to 10 pts per pt of REC : same as the old Regeneration. Lucius Alexander And a Megascale Interdimensional Palindromedary
  25. Package Deals in 5ER I must not have been clear. I know that under the Current Dispensation the DON'T give cost breaks, but I was trying to say that if it's right for an Elemental Control to give cost breaks, it's right for a Package Deal to do so. The Current Dispensation is logically inconsistent. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary and I are still trying to figure out what dispelling a gun has to do with anything, though....
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