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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Captain Chronos and APG2 Prehaps Steve Long does. But he might keep the writeup to himself.
  2. Should I write up an adventure fecturing Lady Heart and The Court Of Hate, and if so who do you think could publish it? Also, I have an ideal for a 'soursebook' for my made up in my head villian group Orochi. Any ideals on protental publishers? In eather case, should I forgoe any mention of the Champions Universe if it should be published by someone other than Hero? And, what name would you give each adventure/soursebook? Protental Name For The Lady Heart Adventure Book: Heart Of The Matter. Protental Name For The Orochi Adventure: Lockdown Japan. Swords Of The Iron Shogun.
  3. Re: The Sanity Stat I'm still pondering exactly how the amount of starting SAN should be set? Do you think 10 would be a good starting point, or 20? I think we can all agree on a 1 Charater Point per +1 in SAN. SAN itself has no roll (to make a SAN Check, roll EGO). At -1 SAN, you have to roll a SAN Check to 'act normal', at -1 to the EGO Roll. This gets worse, as the roll penatly is always equal to the negitives on SAN. At negative your original SAN, this becomes an 'imposable task' (which means the GM is free to add even more penatlies to the roll). Curring SAN is simple, as you regain 1 point per day for each day your mind rests (that is, dosen't think of or is exposed to how the universe realy works or things which you realy should not think about). But like BODY, this 'home healing' is imposable at negative SAN. Only a profesional (a psychietrist) can heal SAN at this level. At the negative SAN level, the charater gains an extra and perament Psychological Complication for free. What can cause SAN loss? In some Horror Hero campains, magic spells can (Side Effect, SAN Damage, Always Happens). Seeing horable sites also counts (the half eaten body of your best friend, for example). PRE Attacks from THINGS FROM THE OTHER WORLD also counts. Also, contact with 'Alien' class of minds. I'm powndering if we need Sanity Attack and Sanity Defence in this type of campain, as powers.
  4. Re: Support HERO Indirectly... Humm...I have a big question: Can this work for Champions? I mean, a few new villians of 400+ points and an adventure with them in 5 pages?
  5. Re: Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey. What I can say is...wow...what a list MegaPlayboy. Humm...seeing that "Awsome Power" is not that good as an advantage, what do people think as a 5 point adder to attacks for +1d6 PRE Attack after you use the power?
  6. steriaca


    Re: Argent Could it be possable to 'fan-publish' an unoficial, not-for-profit Argent soursebook, and give it away for free?
  7. steriaca

    Lady Heart

    Re: Lady Heart Lady Heart is finished. All that is left to do is answer questions someone asks.
  8. steriaca


    Re: Argent There are some things here and there. Interface works with Argent a lot, but he dosen't run the org, nore is he a member of that org. Many people theroise that Beamline is a member of the group. But since there is no official writeup of him in 5th ed, let alone 6th ed, who knows? Same goes for Monopole (except he goes even back to Champions 3). Therories also abound about Plasmoid being a damaged product of theres, along with AVAR 7. Another intresting thought is that Power Crusher, in this universe, was a VIPER agent who went to Argent for supervillionous strength (and brickhood), and five-fingered some special Strength Transfer Gloves from them. Of course, Argent found out and activate the 'overload' on them, causing the gloves to explode while he was wearing them. Forcently for Power Crusher, the gloves imbedded themselves into his hands and did not sease functioning. Unforcently for Power Crusher, he can no longer use his hands again for find manipulation. Of course, that is assuming that Power Crusher is still around.
  9. Re: Unoficial Advance Players Guide 3 Survay. Humm...what eveyone said has merrits. What I would add to Megaplayboy's list (and to Teflon Billy's add to it): MetaPower rules: Rules for using given powers to create 'new' powers with effects we mostly all can agree on. Examples: Boost (Aid, Cost Endurance to Maintain, -1/2), Boon (Aid, Delayed Fade Rate (1 Centery, +4), Limited Power (All Points Fade When A Certan Action Or Set Of Actions Happens, -1), Aid Others Only (-1)), Destroy (Drain, Delayed Return Rate (1 Centery, +4), Limited Power (All Points Return When A Certan Action Or Set Of Actions Happens, -1)), Instant Change (Cosmetic Transformation, Area of Effect (Surface, +1/4), No Range (-1/2)), Suppress (Drain, Cost Endurance To Maintain, -1/2), Transfer (Drain, Unified Power -1/4, and Aid, standard effect: same result on dice as Drain roll, Trigger (when using Drain, no time to activate, resets automaticly, +1), Linked (to Drain, -1/2), Unified Power -1/4). Or, at least, make Instant Change a power again. Secondary Endurance rules: Buying a second END stat for certan campains where things like 'eveyone can tap into magic' is common (MANA), or where 'eveyone can tap intio mental energys but fee can use it' are common (Mental Endurance, MEND), or where 'eveyone can tap into C'hi' are common (CHI). This in not exactly the same as requiering eveyone to buy an Endurance Reserve, for if the reserve runs dry, it then goes directly to STUN (like normal running out of END). Sanity rules: The SAN charateristic, and what is the starting value, and how to damage SAN for thoes who can't wait for Horror Hero 6ed. Expanded Weapion Familiarity list: Can I buy WF: Power Tools for my undead killer of foolish teenagers, please? Mental Martial Arts, build rules: I just got Hero System Martial Arts, and I always pondered how to use thoes rules to buy Mental Martial Arts. It must be possable. New Advantage: Awsome Power. This advantage, for +1/4, adds +1d6 to all Presence Attacks used right after the attack (along with other adds to Presence). For an aditinal +1/4, it adds another +1d6, and it can go on forever if the GM wishes. New Limitation: Lackluster Power. This limitation lessens Presence Attacks by -1d6 for each -1/4 bought with it. It is oveous that you can't buy both Awsome Power and Lackluster Power for the same power.
  10. Re: The Sanity Stat I was thinking of a more Cathuluian version of SAN.
  11. steriaca

    Lady Heart

    Re: Lady Heart Original invention, but a homage to anime style magical girls eveywhere.
  12. steriaca

    Lady Heart

    Re: Lady Heart See...there she is.
  13. steriaca


    Re: Chaos Major Transformation, Person to Person with 10d of Unluck, Area Of Effect (Surface), Presistant, Reduced Endurance (0 END).
  14. steriaca

    Lady Heart

    Re: Lady Heart *bump*
  15. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Reg, did you see the 6ed writeup for Lady Heart on the board yet? Has anyone? What do you think?
  16. Re: The villain Nitro Well, he caused the cancer which took Captian Mar-Ver's life. He basicly destroyed the town of Stranferd(sp?) and started the Civil War indirectly. Namor keeps him locked up in an underwater cave for a reasion (both as revenge for killing Namorita, and as a way to make shure he can't excape, cause if he explodes he lets all that oxygen excape and even Nitro needs air).
  17. For doing a 6ed of Horror Hero...how would you set the base level of the Sanity stat (SAN)? Should the base be at 10 or 20? How would you do rules to attack and heal Sanity? At what point would you say that the victom of Sanity damage is insaie...at 0 SAN or at Negitive Starting SAN?
  18. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise If we can condence the book down extremly well, would that make more room for things from the APGs and HSMA (and other rules which not eveyone plays with, but are useful to play with, like the Sanity stat)?
  19. Re: Nook/Kindel And Hero. Cheep PDF Hero System Books Without Trouble?
  20. Re: Unoficial Advance Players Guide 3 Survay. Humm...nice ideals so far. Defently a 'how to convert to 6th' is needed, seeing that there are tons of 4th and 5th edition books around. Heck, there are still a lot of Champions 3 related stuff about. The skill system sounds cool also. I would add 'Secondary Endurance' in the stats section (if it is not covered in APG2, that is). That is for the 'eveybody can tap into, but not eveyone knows how to use' campains (Chi, in martial arts centered campains, Mana for Fantacy Hero, Mentel Endurance for 'psichic wars' campains, ect. I would proably have a guide to creating 'metapowers' (new powers based on using existing powers and tweeking them, like my version of Instant Change). Options for simulating 'Transfer' better. Of course, APG3 should be begining to be complied by the begining of next year. As Derek said, there needs to be some time before the next APG, or it would be a rather slim book.
  21. Re: Nook/Kindel And Hero. Cheep PDF Hero System Books Without Trouble? OK. Then, in my mind, it is setteled. I'll just buy the hard copys of some books this year, and think about Kindel or Nook at a later date. Thanks to eveyone for there $0.02.
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