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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One? I'm done with the advantages. Now on to limitations, complications, and thinking about templates and martial arts apendexes. Thanks Christiopher for the info. I have more limitations which only are in the 6E2. Limited Defence: Limited Maneuverability: Partial Coverage: Thank you in advance.
  2. How does Proportional affect Multipower? If I buy it for the Multipower Reserve, does it only affect the reserve? If I buy it only for a slot, should I calculate the Reserve takeing into acount the full 'phantom price' of that slot? What if the bonus from Proportional makes the slot over the Multipower Reserve? How does Proportional affect Variable Power Pools? If the advantage only affects the Pool itself, can I buy it directly for the Pool (and this, partly violate the 'no advantages and limitations' guideline rule)? Or should I only buy it for the Control Cost and word it that it only affects the Pool? If Proportional also affects the Control Cost, can I buy it twice at the same level? If a charater has a "Mimic Power" Pool and mimics a charater with a power with the Proportional advantage on it, does it take the 'phantom value' space in the pool, or the real cost of the power?
  3. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One?
  4. I created my magical girl charater Lady Heart with a Preportinal advantage on both the Multipower Reserve and in each indivisual slot. What would happen if I just buy it for the slots, and not buy it for the reserve? Hows about buying it for the reserve, and not the slot?
  5. Re: What third party Hero products would you like to see? Hear is a list of what I would like to see in a third party product. 1) Gendra Books which are on the low end of the priority list if Hero would do it themselves. For example, Western Hero, Mecha Hero, Melodrama Hero (, Or "The Guy Who Saves Pore Little Nellie" [oldfashion melodramas are famous for haveing more than one name, hench the second title on Melodrama Hero]), Cartoon Hero, ect, ect. 2) Sourcebooks are always good, especaly if the source is in the public domain. 3) More villian books are always welcomed. And while the Champions Universe and the Dark Champions Universe are off limits, that dosen't mean you can't do supers. 4) Interesting adventures are also welcomed. That is more than enougth.
  6. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One? OK. Trying this again. Using my DSi is hard work, but the MPL system is closed for Easter. I am curently on the Advantages section (and yes, I have decided to seperate both sections for ease of use). Thanks for leading me back to the easy side folkes. I ran out of loseleaf, so I am going to have to buy some more before I can continue (a rather simple thing, acualy...I'll be back before my pencle cools off). The problem is, there is one Advantage and a handful of Limitations wich I have no values for, since thay only appear in 6E2 (a book I have yet to aquier). Is eveyone cool if I left them out for version 1.0 of this list (if I am able to shair it)? Now the realy big questions: 1) Do you want a seperate Martial Arts section (Name of style / what page you find it detailed)? 2) Do you want a Templates section (Type of template / what page you can find more details for)?
  7. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Used my DSi to rep you for Duplex. Great background and imagination (a 'duplicator' who dose not aculay have that power). Will look at the sheet when I can get to a real internet computer (as opose to my glorified internet toy).
  8. If I buy the Preportinal advantage for the Multipower reserve, that only affects the reserved points, right? If not (as it would fall under 'shared multipower slot advantage'), what reduced would you reduce the advantage by if the player only wanted to increase the reserve points in certen conditions? Oh, and Hoppy Easter!
  9. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Methinks Matt has taken the definition 'basic enimies' to literly. All I wanted was to see that a complexe villian can be writen up using only the Hero System Basic Rulebook and your imagionation (well, you CAN also use both Advance Player Guide books and Hero Sysyem Martial Arts, but more limitedly).
  10. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Thank you, Assault. I am looking forward to that moment.
  11. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One? Update: Done with Powers list. Now working on the Powes Modifiers list (Advantages and Limitations).
  12. Re: 4th String Villians Yeah! Well, Dunn from The Savage Dragon comes easly to mind. Note: He was proably more of a description of why superbeings don't use the bathroom in comic books then a true villian...
  13. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!
  14. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see? Humm...what do I want in an Enimies book? 1) I have tons of ideals for enimies. Like, for example, Orochi (a group of Japanies agents and 8 tech base supers who thinks that Japan needs to go back to being an isolated country and back to the Shogonate). Groups or related villians and agents are nice to do. And, what is Orochi's reasion to leave Japan at times? Why, thay attack Japanies companys which do buisness outside the country, and forien companys which do buisness inside Japan. 2) Duos. We haven't had any good twosomes in years (like Lighting and Thunder, Panda and Racoon, Radar and Sonar). 3) Lots of 'starting' villians, with low Villian Bonus (if any). 4) A homage to Carman Sandiago would be nice. ("Where in the world is Ryouga Hibiki, Ryouga Hibiki, where in the world can he be? And what's this black pot-bellied pig doing here?") Homages are always welcomed. 5) An evil 'Magical Girl' team would be nice.
  15. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! For the Dakota Destroyers: Wheat Master William "Willy" McCoy is the Wheat Master, supervilian exordnair. Buying the power he has from a traveling ARGENT agent, Willy can cause Wheat to grow and can comand them to attack at his will. Well, he wanted to have control of all plants, but he could only afford one. So he picked Wheat. Forcent for the heros that he did not pick corn.
  16. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Well, I think a mental power VVP would be overkill (and steping on the tows of Menton). With 6E1, you could add the "Telepathic" option to Mind Control, but it might not make sence with this charater. A nice vareant would be buying the advantage with Mind Control, then buying the limitation Incantations. This would mean that Psimon MUST say something, but what he says may not nesasary be the orders given via Mind Control. The limitations "Language Barrier" and "Literal Interptation" could also fit in nicely.
  17. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Matt, I am haveing a hard time decipering your charater sheets. Where are the Complications? Are theas sheets works in progress, and not yet finished? And skills? Where are the charater's skills?
  18. Re: Famous Martial Artists in the Champions Universe? *nod* Great ideal. I for one, would defently buy such a book. May I ask for a martial artest who uses his or her braided hair as a weapion?
  19. Re: Can a limitation be an advantage? I would buy that sence as Mind Link, with the adder which makes the link unbreakable, then limited it so that the comunication through it is extremly limited.
  20. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Falling Sun is Milenda Yakamoto, a half German, half Japanies woman bread for the ability to generate and manipulate energy. Unforcently for her, it is darkness, and not light which was the original target of the breading program. She strives to be useful, and to get the others of the group to amite that she is not a mistake.
  21. Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange! Intresting ideals. I ponder...no notes on how to use 6E1 to improve the charaters?
  22. Re: 4th String Villians Yeah! Has anyone here delibertly created a 4th string villian for there campain? If so, how did it go?
  23. Re: Champions Live, Coming Soon From Silverback Press! Oh me...Live Action Champions RPGing. Would that mean that you going to have to have someone dress as "Fred Hexman" for the cover? And if so, would the picked person have to asume the pose (You know...both arms up, legs spread)? Well, at least the costume would be rather simple...
  24. Re: Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet...Would You Like One? Update: The Powers part of the Powers section is done as notes, as is the Power Adders section. Now all I need is to figure out how I am going to do the Power Advantages And Limitations section notes, Power Framework notes, Power Formula notes, then Complications. I still have a long road ahead of me (mostly because of Advantages and Limitations). Should I realy lump Advantages and Limitations together? What do you think?
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