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    Ranxerox got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Before Doug Jones can be sworn in, the election results must be officially certified.  This is normal and it takes time.  When McConnell said that Strange would serve until the end of the session, he wasn't making some big, unconstitutional power grab as your article writer asserted.  He was just looked at the calendar, and stated the realistic facts.  Please avoid linking to articles that are long on hyperbole and short on accurate facts.
    All elections are an effort to chose the lesser of two evils or viewed differently chose the greater of two goods.  People  are never black and white, they are always shades of grey and this includes politicians.
  2. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Here is where the matter of viewing differently that I mentioned comes into play.  Perhaps I have a significantly higher view of politicians than you or maybe I have a lower view of people in general and don't view politicians as harshly as a result, but whatever the case, Nixon and Trump are the only top party nominees of my life time that I consider to be bad people.  All the elections not involving one of the two of them have been matters of choosing the greater good.
    Ford - Good man. I have nothing negative to say about him.
    Carter - An extremely good man, but a poor president.
    Reagan - A good man (or an actor who did a good job playing one) but who fell in with a bad crowd
    Mondale - Good man.
    Dukakis - Good man. I have nothing negative to say about him.
    Bush Sr - Good man and tireless public servant, but due to a life of wealth and privilege held a very inflated view of the importance of rich people.
    Bill Clinton - A complex figure.  I believe that he really did his best to make the world a better place, but had a deep rooted insecurity due to abandonment by his father and a serious zipper problem.
    Bob Dole - Generally a good man though as Speaker of the House he had obviously had to make some compromises over the years.
    Al Gore - Like all politicians enjoys the spotlight, but a good man nonetheless.
    Bush Jr - A good man, but not really smart enough for the job and his vice president/puppet master was a piece of work.
    Kerry - Very ambitious and probably did exaggerate his Vietnam heroic, but still a tireless public servant and a good man.
    Obama - Good man.  Perhaps better than we deserved.
    Romney - See description for Bush Sr
    Hillary Clinton - A complex figure like her husband.  She has fought hard for the people and has done much real good, but life under partisan attack has left her very secretive and guarded.
    I have little doubt that your mileage differs considerably, but that is my take on the presidential candidates of my life time. 
  3. Thanks
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Before Doug Jones can be sworn in, the election results must be officially certified.  This is normal and it takes time.  When McConnell said that Strange would serve until the end of the session, he wasn't making some big, unconstitutional power grab as your article writer asserted.  He was just looked at the calendar, and stated the realistic facts.  Please avoid linking to articles that are long on hyperbole and short on accurate facts.
    All elections are an effort to chose the lesser of two evils or viewed differently chose the greater of two goods.  People  are never black and white, they are always shades of grey and this includes politicians.
  4. Thanks
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Before Doug Jones can be sworn in, the election results must be officially certified.  This is normal and it takes time.  When McConnell said that Strange would serve until the end of the session, he wasn't making some big, unconstitutional power grab as your article writer asserted.  He was just looked at the calendar, and stated the realistic facts.  Please avoid linking to articles that are long on hyperbole and short on accurate facts.
    All elections are an effort to chose the lesser of two evils or viewed differently chose the greater of two goods.  People  are never black and white, they are always shades of grey and this includes politicians.
  5. Thanks
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Ternaugh in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Before Doug Jones can be sworn in, the election results must be officially certified.  This is normal and it takes time.  When McConnell said that Strange would serve until the end of the session, he wasn't making some big, unconstitutional power grab as your article writer asserted.  He was just looked at the calendar, and stated the realistic facts.  Please avoid linking to articles that are long on hyperbole and short on accurate facts.
    All elections are an effort to chose the lesser of two evils or viewed differently chose the greater of two goods.  People  are never black and white, they are always shades of grey and this includes politicians.
  6. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Sociotard in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Before Doug Jones can be sworn in, the election results must be officially certified.  This is normal and it takes time.  When McConnell said that Strange would serve until the end of the session, he wasn't making some big, unconstitutional power grab as your article writer asserted.  He was just looked at the calendar, and stated the realistic facts.  Please avoid linking to articles that are long on hyperbole and short on accurate facts.
    All elections are an effort to chose the lesser of two evils or viewed differently chose the greater of two goods.  People  are never black and white, they are always shades of grey and this includes politicians.
  7. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Hermit in In other news...   
    I still want a warrant. My house, as far as I know, has no illegal contraband in it. I still want a warrant if they search it. My phone, as far as I know, isn't calling Daesh or other terrorist organization or being used to arrange drug drops. I still want them to have a warrant. 
    It it means the police have to actually do paperwork, the poor precious dears, tough stuff. Our rights as Citizens come before the ease of any government agency. First, Last, Always.
  8. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from pinecone in Can we forgive old movies?   
    Yes, we can forgive old movies (and books, and plays and comic books).  What we can't do is insist that other people other people forgive them as well.
    For example, I love Will Eisner.  The man was genius at visual story telling and created a large swath of the storytelling techniques that are used in comic books today.  Beyond his talents as a creator, based on the stories that he chose to write, I believe he was a compassionate and honorable man.  Unfortunately, he was also a product of his times, and without even being aware picked up the blatant racism of his day.
    So, yes I can love Will Eisner's work, but I can't ask anyone else to overlook the extreme racism in his depiction of blacks and Asians.  If others find these portrayals as insurmountable obstacles to enjoying his work, I should not tell them to give him another chance, or to be more open minded, or to look at in historical prospective, or any garbage like that.  I just need to acknowledge that they have a point and not try to foster my love of Will Eisner on them or judge them over our different perspectives.  
  9. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Pariah in Can we forgive old movies?   
    Well, that depends a bit on who you are doesn't it.  Maybe some people get to find these to be distasteful opinions, but if are black, Asian, Jewish or homosexual these movies aren't merely distasteful.  They are direct spits in the face of you and  yours.  Just because an insult or an injustice took place a long time ago does not mean that it no longer requires forgiveness, particularly when a physical embodiment of that injustice is sitting right in front of you. 
  10. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Zeropoint in Thor: Ragnarok spoiler thread   
    I just want to acknowledge that Cate Blanchett absolutely nailed the role of Hela. She was completely convincing as someone with great power and confidence and came across as every bit as threatening and dangerous as she was supposed to be. IMO, she also looked damned good doing it. I found it impressive that she was able to project both "oozing sexy" and "oh hell no, I'm not going near that" at the same time. Mad props to her screen presence and acting ability.
  11. Thanks
    Ranxerox reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Just keep fighting the good fight; but do it with reason and patience. The reasonable people will eventually hear you. I know they're not as loud as the crazies, but there are more of them, and they're the ones who always clean up after the crazies have inevitably exhausted themselves.
  12. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Cygnia in Can we forgive old movies?   
    Yes, we can forgive old movies (and books, and plays and comic books).  What we can't do is insist that other people other people forgive them as well.
    For example, I love Will Eisner.  The man was genius at visual story telling and created a large swath of the storytelling techniques that are used in comic books today.  Beyond his talents as a creator, based on the stories that he chose to write, I believe he was a compassionate and honorable man.  Unfortunately, he was also a product of his times, and without even being aware picked up the blatant racism of his day.
    So, yes I can love Will Eisner's work, but I can't ask anyone else to overlook the extreme racism in his depiction of blacks and Asians.  If others find these portrayals as insurmountable obstacles to enjoying his work, I should not tell them to give him another chance, or to be more open minded, or to look at in historical prospective, or any garbage like that.  I just need to acknowledge that they have a point and not try to foster my love of Will Eisner on them or judge them over our different perspectives.  
  13. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from mrinku in Can we forgive old movies?   
    Yes, we can forgive old movies (and books, and plays and comic books).  What we can't do is insist that other people other people forgive them as well.
    For example, I love Will Eisner.  The man was genius at visual story telling and created a large swath of the storytelling techniques that are used in comic books today.  Beyond his talents as a creator, based on the stories that he chose to write, I believe he was a compassionate and honorable man.  Unfortunately, he was also a product of his times, and without even being aware picked up the blatant racism of his day.
    So, yes I can love Will Eisner's work, but I can't ask anyone else to overlook the extreme racism in his depiction of blacks and Asians.  If others find these portrayals as insurmountable obstacles to enjoying his work, I should not tell them to give him another chance, or to be more open minded, or to look at in historical prospective, or any garbage like that.  I just need to acknowledge that they have a point and not try to foster my love of Will Eisner on them or judge them over our different perspectives.  
  14. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Sociotard in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Please delete the portion of your post referring to her having posed in skin-mags, unless you can give a very good explanation why women who do pursue that work need less respect or bodily autonomy than other people.  Even if she were a full-fledged prostitute, posing with hands on breasts while she was asleep is wrong, and no less wrong than doing it to a nun.
    I also don't think the Trump support matters. I can accept contrary points of view, though, and respect someone who thinks the accusation was at least partially politically motivated. Still, I think clearly non-consensual grope-pose photos are egregious enough that no political motivation is necessary.
  15. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Doctor Agenda in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Well, I guess those are weakness that I can live with.  I mean, I prefer my plots coherent, but I have noticed that comic book movies that I have had no problem following the plots have often been called incoherent.  I think it is because comic book story lines tend to have a lot of moving parts and fantastic elements, and I think that makes it hard for people not use to them to follow everything.
    Doh!  Why would they use Steppenwolf when they could use Darkseid unstead!?!  
    Still, slightly relieved that the underwelming villain wasn't Darkseid.  If you have Darkseid as your villain and he is not intimidating as all get out, then story telling just clearly is not your thing. 
  16. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from bigdamnhero in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Is my memory playing tricks  on me, or did Wonder Woman have a bunch of early reviews before it came out.  Justice League comes out Friday and there still hasn't been a single early review.  That doesn't seem like a good sign,
    I want this movie to be good.  Heck, I want it to be awesome, but I am not going to go see it unless it has a Rotten Tomato score of at least 70%.  I have Friday off and I could certainly take in a movie, but I have this uneasy feeling that I will spending Friday binge watching The Punisher on  Netflix instead.  Hope I'm wrong  about that.
  17. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Nolgroth in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think that Trump is truly pathological in many ways and doesn't even understand what would be good for him or anybody else. He makes decisions on how they make him feel (powerful, smart, better, etc.). That has and never will be a winning governing strategy. In the short-term, he will feel good. In the long-term he damages the very civilization that he swore to protect and defend. In the long-term, he will go down as one of the worst presidents in history. He won't be alive to see it, but his descendants will. Maybe they will consider his utter and complete failure before committing to any sort of government service. Yeah, most politicians see a gravy train when they get elected, but there has to be a few who remember that elected positions are at the very core of government service.
  18. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    One thing Trump has achieved: A lot of us are realizing, or remembering, how important such fuzzy and archaic concepts as "honor," "character," "tradition," and "trust" actually are to maintaining the sort of society we want to live in.
    Back when I attended the University of Washington, I heard a talk from an emeritus professor who was one of FDR's advisors back in WW2. Early in the war, there was debate about media control. Should the government try to suppress news about military defeats or domestic labor unrest?
    He said no. He argued that "The government of the United States must never be seen to lie." Or even to hide the truth. His reason: "If our enemies see that we tell the truth when the truth is bad for us and good for them, they will believe us when the truth is good for us and bad for them." Roosevelt agreed.
    The payoff came at the end of the war. The administration knew the US was going to defeat Japan eventually, and began planning for the war's end. This led to what the professor called the most narrowly targeted propaganda campaign in history: aimed solely at Emperor Hirohito and the few other people with real power in the Japanese government. The message: Though we demand unconditional surrender, we in fact offer some conditions. There will be no revenge -- and the Emperor will live. In this, it is safe to surrender.
    And the message was believed. Not to undervalue the importance of nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the professor argued it was just as important that the Japanese government -- in particular, Hirohito himself -- believed the back-channel promise that he would be spared.
    I have remembered this story every time it has come out that the US government or president has lied through its teeth. When strict honesty was the rational strategic choice in the greatest danger the country faced in a century, what's your excuse for lying now?
  19. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    To some extent I have to disagree with you. What I've heard and read from a number of women discussing Wonder Woman and female action characters in general, is that in the past women seemed to need to behave like their male counterparts to be taken seriously. Qualities which have traditionally been seen as "female" -- warmth, compassion, supportiveness -- have often been viewed as weaknesses, making women "unable to make tough choices." As a result strong women have most often been portrayed as hard, stoic, even ruthless, the way men have been. Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde is one recent example.
    The Wonder Woman film is a game changer because Diana is none of that. She wears her heart on her sleeve all the time. She doesn't sacrifice her compassion in order to be strong; in fact it's the source of her strength, the motivation for her heroism. Essentially it's telling women that if they want to be heroes, they should embrace what makes them who they are, not give it up.
  20. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Trump and his people aren't competent enough to pull something like this.  Really, they would be reporting on the plot on the front page Washington Post before it got out of the spitballing phase, and since nothing would have actually have happened yet, the Trump administration would successfully play off as some poor taste joking.  Then Trump would hold a rally and ask if the joke was really in all that poor of taste.  His audience would assure him that no not really.  There might be some chanting of "Blow them up! Blow them up!"
  21. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from DasBroot in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Trump and his people aren't competent enough to pull something like this.  Really, they would be reporting on the plot on the front page Washington Post before it got out of the spitballing phase, and since nothing would have actually have happened yet, the Trump administration would successfully play off as some poor taste joking.  Then Trump would hold a rally and ask if the joke was really in all that poor of taste.  His audience would assure him that no not really.  There might be some chanting of "Blow them up! Blow them up!"
  22. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Does this make you feel inadequate? Are you suffering a crisis of identity?
  23. Like
    Ranxerox reacted to Greywind in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    They're all DCEU. Each one takes place on a different earth than the comics. Universe doesn't get any more expanded than that.
  24. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in New Series--The Orville   
    Well, the review that bigdamnhero posted mentioned how tone deaf episode 3 was with its message. So we know that they got watch at least 3 episodes.
  25. Like
    Ranxerox got a reaction from bigdamnhero in New Series--The Orville   
    Well, the review that bigdamnhero posted mentioned how tone deaf episode 3 was with its message. So we know that they got watch at least 3 episodes.
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