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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Calendar Date/Time: 2024-02-02 00:00:00 Calendar Date/Time: 2024--33 00:00:00 Day of the Week: Friday Julian Day Number: 2460342.5
  2. Funny, even if a little close to home right now.
  3. Death Tribble asserts he is the guy with the earring and the makeup referred to in Dire Straits' Money for Nothing.
  4. At least he didn't pee on it.
  5. My response on first seeing this was, "HEY!"
  6. Sky & Telescope's resource page for the total eclipse of the Sun on April 8 of this year
  7. American Astronomical Society's YouTube channel
  8. I would never complete this set-up. DEX 6 and so on.* Might be amusing to compute the entropy in domino arrays and then examine probabilisticly what the largest array your DEX permits you a reasonable chance of completing rather than having a catastrophic failure during construction. A rather roundabout way of finding a conversion between DEX and energy, kind of, in HERO terms. *EDIT: this leaves out the three feline chaos emitters I dwell with.
  9. I've usually seen history (unspecified, regional, national, etc.) categorized among the social sciences rather than the humanities. Art history does get put into the humanities, though.
  10. I know much more about this sort of thing than I wish I did, and it has a very familiar sound to it. My condolences.
  11. Assuming one particular aspect of inheritance law is similar in my state as in Maryland, if Angelos sells while alive, then he gets taxed on the profits made over his entire ownership (that is, the raw dollars number of current value [price he sells at] minus basis value [price he bought at], with no adjustment for inflation or anything. Once the legally owning entity changes (i.e. it goes from Angelos to estate of Angelos) then the new owning entity gets the current value as a stepped-up basis and that profit-over-time tax is null.
  12. With my daughter having flown out this morning, it occurred to me that I am living alone for the first time since fall 1990. Well, no other humans; there are three cats in the house which wasn't true way back when.
  13. Hm. I'm not that big a fan of the medial-line triple stripe on helmets; the Seahawks have never had that.
  14. At times, the justice system does live up to its name.
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