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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Why no heavy cavalry? well in the low fantasy game, our country hadn't invented stirrups, so mounted combat was unfeasalbe. Then once we had stolen the technology, we had the cost problem, because training warhorses and knights costed lots in money and time. So we had at most 20, for one battle (like we only used them once). In a high magic environment, it's just as effective to put a shield on the horses, so that the fireball breaks before them (a forcewall). Remember that as offense increases, so would defense. An example of this is in the "Sword of Truth" series (i belive "faith of the fallen")
  2. Re: SPD, DEX, and Movement Rocky makes battles easier, but no battle (except maybe the balrogs) was unbeatable without him. The orcs would have taken more time, sure. But we still would have won. Now also compare the character who buys 1" running with megascale, he's much faster than both character A and B, and he only spent 2 points. It's not the points that matter, it's the concept.
  3. Re: Electromagnetic Pulse now does someone want to write a brand new power called EMP?
  4. Re: Combo Attacks? i like the VPP idea, maybe add "requires skill: teamwork" to change, if you need to make it cheaper
  5. Re: Be like unto a god nobel must be the awarder! he used his superhuman intelect to make dynamite and to become imortal!
  6. Re: What Would Your Character Do #33 Roy: who belives he is a god, would obviosly ignore the pope (actually in his sorta diffrent lowfantasy universe, the pope has branded him a heritic and is sending catholic supers after him to kill him. Baby Joe: A sci fi super, grown in a vat to be a messiah (he has it as a professional skill), would most likely ignore that, because he was made by his cult, thus proving supers have souls as they are the pathway to eternal salvation.
  7. Re: Chickens? colonel sanders works for general tso. It's a rank thing
  8. Re: Folding, Spindling and Mutliating Settings i've often used the mongol invasion for inspiration and stuff, and done things that you should never do to a setting (see my LotR hack slash setting), but not tweaked it in the same way you describe.
  9. Re: Chickens? PM lord Zod, he has a space fareing race of giant chicken aliens
  10. Re: Psionic Empathy with Animals I'd either wuss out and make it a perk, or i'd go the whole hog and get... One of you - 4d6 Mind control, Vs. Animal minds. commands - 0 END (+1/2), Persistant (+1/2), Treat me as an animal, except vs cats, treat me as a preditor (-1/2), Always On (-1/2) 20 pts
  11. Re: A funny thing happened on the way to the Dungeon... Harry Potter- legendary good guy? or just a washed up wizard who spent the rest of his days making magical cerammites? you decide
  12. Re: Be like unto a god since HERO won the "Best game of "XXXX as according to Inquest, does this make the DOJ all minor super heros? does steve long have Detect: answer to rules questions? what about other gaming companies?
  13. Re: Occult Powers Difficult to Stat in Hero i like the transform idea. Because it grants mostly intangible roleplaying advantages, it might also have a perk assosicated with it.
  14. Re: Need some advice do it! you can always claim it was a dream
  15. Re: Summon help ok, a big radii killing attack, and sell back all it's movement and give it the physical limitation "immobile"
  16. Re: Summon help just give the character the ability to summon it, or am i missunderstanding what you are saying?
  17. Re: Ever have one of those moments when... this sounds like an out of game problem. I'd go with talking to the players about the kind of campian they want, vs. the kind of campain that they should have. If they don't want an 4C hero game then you have a problem, it could be they misunderstood genre conventions (unlikely but possible)
  18. Re: Knocking People On The Head. i'm gonna suggest a varient of Deadly Blow, that only works from behind or against unawere targets. (plus maybe OIF: weapons of opportunity) so that you can hit people with darn near anything
  19. Re: Electromagnetic Pulse i just have the core book, and i think i remember ion cannnons as ignoring shields
  20. Re: Munchkinpalooza i will have to watch this, as i am not sure on my munchkinlyness
  21. Re: Hard Target: Statting The Minigun i think +2 is nessisary, to represent the fact that it's a torrent of metal
  22. Re: Electromagnetic Pulse i don't know about the movies (Because they leave lots of space combat open ended) but if a hand held weapon drops R2-D2, then a scaled up space combat ion canon should do the same thing (ie. a big enough volly would disable a whole ship), and fry circuts and cause overloads and chain lighting. At least it does in the books (like "Bacta War")
  23. Re: Electromagnetic Pulse right, but R2 was an unshielded target. The question i have is wiether ray shields are able to deflect/disapate an Ion Cannon, or else why would a ship ever have more turbolasers than ion cannons? you just need to use enough ion cannons to turn the ship off (if shields dont' block them) and then blow a small hole in them if you dont' want to capture the ship.
  24. Re: Hard Target: Statting The Minigun ah ok, thanks guys!
  25. Re: Hard Target: Statting The Minigun why is it "str min doesn't add to damage"? it normally doesn't for an RKA
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