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Everything posted by Roy_The_Ruthles

  1. Re: Curious of Other Opins abilities is pretty general, so the information it gets should be pretty vauge. Like a fire elemental "well it probably has some fire abilities, and won't be harmed by fire or physical damage" maybe it's super obvious sense?
  2. Re: Magic: The Gathering to Fantasy Hero possibly, but remember that each player reprents a plainswalker like teferi or urza, so wiether they spontaineously create these contructs from ideals, or merely summon then is irrelevent from a purely end result perspective But if teferi discribes them as ideas made real, then isnt' that whats happening?
  3. Re: 'Bots 'n' 'Droids 'n' Star Hero the handedness is an interesting point. Data seems to prefer one hand over the other, but that could be a fact of him being portrayed by a human. Do you think the program droids for handedness?
  4. Re: Curious of Other Opins let him do it until he wants to use it like find weakness, then let him run flat against the wall
  5. Re: The Slivers are Coming... I'd have muscle sliver be pretty beefty (as befiting it's stature as best sliver ever), and have it give both strenght and armor. I'd definitly give more than 1 per sliver, more like 3-5. Finally i'd make shifting sliver damn deadly, because it's super turbo cool. If i hated my players, SS would have both desolid and a naked power advantage to all other slivers allowing them to use their powers while desolid (as does body, no stun attacks) (ie. damaging the player) i'd build it with the usuable simultaneously advantage.
  6. Re: Magic: The Gathering to Fantasy Hero acording to what i understand, the creatures are merely ideas made physical (as explained by Tefiri in "Invasion") so that a person casting both black and white has two diffrent ideas, and both will work tworads his eventual goal of destroying the other player.
  7. Re: An idea on making the system a bit more dangerous that's ugly. Real ugly sean. Now i want to try it.
  8. Re: New defence power: Damage Conversion I think it's unneeded. Yes that is how a bulletproof vest works, but between killing and stun we already mimic it good enough for me
  9. Re: VPP Nightmare! that's as bad as my character with enraged "insults to orc culture" who was a time bomb waiting to happen. Someone called him a smelly orc, and he leveled a bar. I expect to see similar distruction here.
  10. Re: VPP Nightmare! i'm totally in favor of coming up with new powers as the game goes on. I'll spend the whole sesion in a hero book sometimes, just to appear, with a carefully crafted power (usually everything on armor) and smite evil with my mage powers (usually repesnted by a big sword i have)
  11. Re: [Character Concept] Telekinetic Wings you "restrain" them with a bucket of water (although maybe the "physical manifestation" lim might be better)
  12. Re: VPP Nightmare! My first character was a VPP weilding magic user, with the -1/4 limitation, *mystery*. This has some big plot significance, which we are trying to unravel, but currently it means i can't buy powers that would break the game (like mega scale teleportation to anywere i want). The GM and other players don't mind me taking 5 miniutes to make new powers every session (or new power suites) because it's cosmic and changes size every few sessions. On the other hand, i've run flat into walls with what you can't put in VPPs. So far i've seen two of them that Deisel has. 1) Enhanced Senses in a VPP (that's a special power, requiring GM permisson. if she can't play nice, make her play by the rules) 2) Life Support. Don't let her put LS in a framework, unless she can damn well justify it. I've run up against this for ages, trying to not eat and drink when we die of dehydration, and so i'm allowed to make ego checks to not eat, but when i fail, it all snaps back. basically, smack her with the big black book of universal rules, and ask her if she wants some more!
  13. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay wait, what's this about a hat? and i wouldn't mind a few deaths, i figure we've got half a dozen extraneous PCs. My pet peeve is that people who don't do anything get the same XP. but that's because i'm a greedy XP whoring bastard. And i'd also like to act. That'd be nice. You know, in the season finale?
  14. Re: And in his wake ... desolation (Power Design Help) a huge change environment maybe?
  15. Re: Walking On The Sun the reason i don't play supers with it, has mostly to do with the fact that none of us like to be super heros as much as we like to be space aliens and ninjas etc.
  16. Re: Loop model of RPGs and why long chargen is okay not happening. So far we've had no challangeing encounters. The GM is trying to make challenging encounters, but with 12 PCs we're an army
  17. Re: 40K Hero most of the players i know would rather play chaos than regular marines
  18. Re: Warhammer 40K Space Marine Power Armour radios make sense, even if they arn't included, i'd like my set of powered armor to have them
  19. Re: Walking On The Sun it's a good thing i'm not using it to play superheros that often
  20. Re: How much attention do you give to powers' Senses visibility rules? i use it all the time. in fact it was once the sticking point when i tried to make luck with "costs END"
  21. Re: Walking On The Sun I've said it before and i'll say it again. I think that the most attractive thing about HERO is it's lack of absolutes
  22. Re: Help: Mr. I Can Do Anything You Can But Better Man! also with all the new stuff he's learning all the time, he'll have problems figuring out the right way to do something. So if he wants to be the ultimate lock pick, he should get someone to take lockpicking as a skill to constantly show him how to do it. being dependent on other players to remind him of things would totally make him not show them up
  23. Re: Mass Area Effect i like naked power advantages, and i like VPP, so i'll suggest a VPP of naked power advantages
  24. Re: Help and ideas with Spider-Man Homage ok, start off with the effects, give him a high speed, a good dex, some nifty martial arts and maybe a small gaget VPP pool, and some disadvantages. shouldn't be too hard.
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