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Manic Typist

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Everything posted by Manic Typist

  1. Re: On Fantasy [G.R.R.M.] Jamie is a Lannister dog, but then again, he MIGHT just end up redeeming himself. Still, he deserves whatever misery he gets for what he did to the Stark child. Jon is kind of a whiner, but otherwise ok. What about Ned? I loved him! Of course, I guess he had to die because he was too fricking perfect. I would love it if Arrya's sister (Sonya?) died. I haaaaaaate her so. I think that there is such a thing as OVERkilling of characters. But you are right......... the Starks must rise again!
  2. Re: Tactical Principals Hmmmmmm............ well, a block requires an attack roll, but it is a perfectly acceptable abort. You are attacking an attack........................and you get bonuses to DEX only to go before that person if you share the next phase. So, how about you allow the Grab like a Block, but at the begining of the next person's phase (the grabed or the graber), the graber has to roll to make a NEW successful grab if they want to LOCK it down and use it like any other grab, with maybe a plus or two to their roll? After that........ they can then use the Grab as normal. If they fail, then the Grab is broken.
  3. Re: On Fantasy [G.R.R.M.] It infuriates me how he goes about killing off the WRONG characters! Sheesh. I mean, it is really well done, but I hate him for it to. Sometimes I think he does it just to remain "unpredictable." And yes, Hamilton's sex stuff is kinda annoying. However, the real reason I dislike it is that as the books progrss, the sex seems to have more and more control over Anita's and her actions. Basically, it is getting dangerously close to mind control, which I hate as a general concept, at least when it removes what I think is free will.
  4. Re: Is Crimefighting Ethical? Well, are you saying that if you had superpowers and the cops tried to give you a speeding ticket, you would use your powers to prevent the cops from fulfilling their duties of upholding the law? Unless you were speeding to some destination in service to society (i.e. to get to a burning school, etc), you've just become a supervillain.
  5. Re: Daily Art Findings Where were links 57, 58, 59, and 60? Every now and then this seems to skip numbers...... or am I just missing links?
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Why did the guard curse? Because someone spooked him from behind?
  7. Re: Interesting telekinesis situation. See, character attitudes are important here. Under those conditions, it seems reasonable. But also under those conditions, considering that the GM seems to have UNDER played an NPC to the benefit of the PCs, it seems fair that the GM can save the most likely story critical NPC with a little OVER play later. It balances to me, and it seems to be best for all involved.
  8. Re: New Skills Idea Aren't you worried that this might make skills TOO cheap? It's a neat idea and all, but I think I might only allow it for campaigns with lots of powers, in order to make skills a more viable road. In a DC campaign, where most things are skills and not powers, I probably wouldn't allow it.
  9. Re: Interesting telekinesis situation. GMs can't break the rules. The rules are whatever the GMs decide, whenever they decide. Consistency they can violate, but whatever they say IS the rule. I don't see a huge issue. This looks like it was done for the benefit of the players. To give them a more enjoyable experience later. After all, the players WON the fight. The villains had their tails between their legs! It wasn't like the GM handwaved a sudden defeat onto the players, or even just a nasty attack! While an off panel vanishing act would have been best, or at least a hidden roll, I can certainly buy this before I buy something as ex machina as a volcano, or even the building starting to collapse. As long as these tools are used for the BENEFIT of the PCs, I am typically ok with it. Sure, it wasn't as stylish as it could have been, but you know, what kind of superhero shoots someone in the back while they are running away carrying an injured comrade? That's not very stylish either... So, in small doses, GM ex machina is a good thing.
  10. Manic Typist


    Re: N/t That's nothing! With my unarmed martial artist, I tried to get the GM to let me buy fast draw for my hands. Seriously.
  11. Manic Typist


    Re: N/t Them's fighting words. Time to roll fastdraw on my duel rapiers...
  12. Re: How do I introduce HERO to a potential new player? Sleep deprivation, bright lights, taping their eyes open while you flip through the rule book showing them everything, and a constant noise treatment repeating "HERO is my friend. I love HERO. I will enjoy HERO. It is amazingly versatile..." Don't forget a bucket. You will both be there a while.
  13. Re: Comparing starship speeds. Although I agree that George has a marvelous ability to mess up his universe, he is pretty good about fixing that with reasonable explanations. The Keppel run is a route through the Keppel system, which is filled with dozens/hundreds of min-black holes. People who play it safe and go around often take many parsecs to do so. However...the system is ONLY about 12 parsecs in diameter. Han was saying his ship was so fast that he could hyper into and out of realspace fast enough that the singularity's didn't have the time to get a good grasp on his ship and suck it in.
  14. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment" I can see that, but then again.... a disadvantage that isn't a disadvantage.... And it's nice to see that he was consistent with his character concept.
  15. Re: "Your Most Embaressing Game Mastering Moment" What happened next???!!!?
  16. Re: Providing Character Resonance and Moments that matter Use the Disads and DNPCS. Oh yeah......................................
  17. Re: Character Assessment Method I see. So, reliability is merely a measure of a character's ability to measure up to the player's intentions of design. I.E. the character can accomplish what the player wanted the character to be able to do. To fufill his designed function. In the military campaign hypothesis...... I would love to see a power hungry, backstabbing, black marketering bueracrat......... who worked his way up the ranks rather than fight on the field. Just to screw with everyone's heads a bit, before he went away. "Ok, I transfer all the squads that are outshining you to guard duties on backwater planets. Also, I'm "accidentally" shipping you the latest in arms and armor. Now, we are even, and if I ever see you again, I will "accidentally" assign you to a freighter that is going to be scuttled and "accidentally" loose the paperwork telling anyone that you are on it."
  18. Re: Character Assessment Method I would be interested in tips as to how you would improve a character's reliability. Also, could you provide some more deliniation between Relevance and Reliability? If someone is EXTREMELY relevant to a setting...... then could that become their "schtick" and thus increase their reliability...... even if another character's stats at a given ability were far superior? I guess in terms of roleplaying, the character with relevance will be more effective. But, when combat comes about, the reliable character will be more... reliable?
  19. Re: SPD Standards On the martial artist notes and the whole "pausing" for 3 seconds........ I would recommend that you look at the time between phases as being used to accomplish what you desire. For instance, on segment 3 I attack you. So, that means on segments 1, 2, and 3 I am doing everything necessary to attack you. I am stepping forward, lining up, and launching the shot. On segment 6, I sweep at you. On 4 I punch, on 5 I punch, and on 6 I punch.
  20. Re: Clever Future Weapons I'm guessing it had seeking, right?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Of course. That way, their strength becomes yours!
  22. Re: How to have long combats Any suggestions on how to maybe get fights longer, but also make them MORE interesting, or at least stay fun and not get boring?
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