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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Heh. My players would attempt to determine whether or not the vending machine was intelligent. THEN they would try to find it's home dimension and send it back. A previous encounter with a hostile, sentient vending machine soured them on vending machines in general.
  2. When it's done, it's done. I was hoping for Gencon this year but things got a little awkward.
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=Chinese+Mythology+Bull+King&biw=1920&bih=945&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoATgKahUKEwjptYXmnPXGAhWKeD4KHS4iDsk#imgrc=qQBGJPTCWvNAFM%3A
  4. Wooden Man's background is complete! With more plant jokes than you can shake a stick at, too! Whoops. There's another one. King Bull is next!
  5. It's a really good setting. I paid for the special cover. It's not done yet, but that's okay. I gave them carte blanche.
  6. ...All this and more on today's episode of "Science of the Mind!"
  7. New Art arrived in our dropbox today. A cover by Mark Helwig has been commissioned. 7 maps remain to be processed. So that's 7 maps, 17 character pictures and one cover. Then it's technically complete.
  8. Wooden Man's sheet is finished. (This was a busy week) On to his background.
  9. You can base them in Vancouver and call them Everyteam, since in the film industry, Vancouver is every city in America.
  10. Interjecting some casual humor into our writing process. So this morning I look at Wooden Man. I see "43 INT 3". My tired brain springs to life. "Hey! He doesn't have a 43 intelligence." Checking for a typo, I realize that I have read a dust smudge. 13 INT it is." This is how writing really works. :
  11. How about boobs and a bikini? That adds spice to any mentalist.
  12. Darkseid vs. Terminator: Genisys Pits
  13. In my game, we have multiple groups. Each Arc contains sixteen sessions. That's 12 issues, an annual and a giant sized special. Sometimes there will be 17-18 if we get stonewalled or so, but then we switch to a different group and handle something else in the world. By keeping it fresh and then going back to old characters, we maintain the world, and it's been 29 years. Players come and go. We use a staggered experience point system so that high powered characters don't get a ton of XP for beating up Foxbat-level villains. But the system works. And people are happy with it.
  14. Mission Impossible: Rogue Alien Nation
  15. Smokey and the Time Bandits Solaris of La Mancha A Tale of Two Cities: Tomorrowland vs. Pleasantville
  16. Red Sword is complete. Wooden Man is next.
  17. A legendary rock band! A tragic story of death from disease! An ice cream company! Freddie Mercury is the Dairy Queen!
  18. Dick Cheney's Holistic Detective Agency
  19. National Lampoon's Firefly Vacation The Long Arm of Galaxy Quest Mr. Bean the Shootist Dirk Gently's Holistic Showgirls
  20. Red Sword's sheet is complete. Father's Day slows me down a lot. Now on to his background.
  21. Well, it's better than Dr. Dysentery or Professor Plague.
  22. Too watchable. Watching the Avengers fight any large monster is a classic. Now Bill and Ted vs. King Ghidorah....THAT's a nightmare. or... King Ghidorah's Excellent Adventure or even worse King Ghidorah and I See also Anna and King Ghidorah and The Muppets vs. King Ghidorah
  23. Shapeshift is the way to go here. The character doesn't intrinsically become another character. The character stays the same, only the powers and gender change. Lockout and other limitations such as side effect and activation rolls (With a possible gender switch to the wrong set of powers for the situation) can be your friends here.
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