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Everything posted by Karma

  1. EDM (to the dimension where the last five seconds hasn't happened yet.) As a side effect you replace yourself in this dimension. Just a thought.
  2. WALKABOUT - Able to open gates to different places and dimensions. KOOKABURRA - Son of a psychotic PA criminal (now incarcerated) who is using his fathers technology for good in an attempt to 'redeem' the family name while trying to ignore the idea that his fathers madness was hereditory. Powers are soundbased including 'Kookaburra Laugh (Autofire sonic EB)' SOUTHERN CROSS: Pretty much your flagwaving Capt. America ripoff. Is differentiated by the fact that he was originally a soldier on ANZAC cove who, while dying in a foxhole, was 'visited' by a being who healed his wounds and gave him incredible healing powers, incredible physical prowess and (he learned later) a body that does not age. Has fought in all the conflicts Australia was invloved in, but always as a 'ordinary soldier'. Recently 'outed' as a superbeing by Army Intelligence he has become a somewhat reluctant 'Australian Supersoldier'. Favorate quote: "I'm just a soldier doing what is needed." Just my ideas (actually, characters in my game) As to the 'AFL hero' idea (Bomber and such) you might just as well have a 'Superheroes of AFL' superteam (Bomber, Hawk, Saint, Demon, Lion, Docker, etc.) who work for the AFL as 'sponsored heroes' and have televised 'superbattles' with the 'Superheroes of Rugby League and Union' for the title of 'The Real Football'.
  3. Santa Lets not forget that the Claus-mister was originally Wodan, head of the Norse Gods before the Catholic Church 'appropriated' him. So he's got 2 religions whose big guns are willing to do him a favour. "I am the Archangel Micheal. I have come to take back the house and workshop stolen from Saint Nicholas, patron saint of children (among other things)" "GREETINGS MICHAEL I AM THOR. GOD OF WAR AND THUNDER COME TO TAKE BACK THE HOUSE OF MY FATHER, WODAN"
  4. What the former posters seem to forget is that in FRED 'Ablative ' causes the defense to have a decreasing 'activation' number unless you use the 'simplified' version at the end if the description (which removes 5 Active points per hit). It does not decrease in defense as it did in former editions. Since 'returning to full power' can only be done between adventures or at at the GM's discression (like reloading charges) you should dicuss this with him (or if that's you talk to yourself) and perhaps come up with a 'pseudopwer' which returns the armor to max when you take a certain number of BODY. PS I had an idea for a chracter like this once (same concept and everything). I use Absorbtion to show how the more you hurt him the more armored he got. I even came up with a limitation 'only BODY which pierces armor' (since usually you determine how much you'll absorb before defenses kick in) although I can't remember what level I gave it. Anyway this was in an earlier ewdition when you could 'regenerate' your ablative armour somewhat.
  5. ... with the possible exception of creating a new, possibly ongoing, superhero/villian in a 'Radiation Accident' which leads to another Convention Genre Convention #30 "Radiation of any sort is more likely beneficial to those exposed to it than dangerous." Genre Convention #31 (the 'Make a choice hero' rule) "No hero puts the capture of villians, no matter how heinous before the lives of innocents" Genre Convention 31a (to be forever known as the Spiderman Movie rule) "When forced to choose between saving 2 groups of innocents or a group of innocents and a DNPC the hero will find a way to save both."
  6. Walkabout: Creates a small gate under the kitten so that it drops outside (and being a Cat, lands on its feet) and then hits Mr Psycho with his staff. Fauna: Give Mr Psycho what he wants. Anything to save the kitten. Then the kitten and I would track him back to his lair and, along with every cat in the greater state area would put him through the 'death of one thousand scratches'. If he survived it he wouldn't be able to approach a petstore again, let alone threaten a cat. Karma: "I've seen 'Speed'. Shoot the Hostage.... WHAT?" (there's a reason she's Hunted by the Police. Now she can add PETA) Switchblade: Remove Mr Psycho's Gunhand from the rest of his arm with a Hard Air Blade. If the Kitten dies, too bad, its not like Mr Psycho's going to be trying that trick again. Caress: Read Mr Psycho's mind to see what he wants (possibly having to take a EGO attack from delving to deep into that mind). Then offer to give him the hairball medicine. As I hand it over make contact with his hand take over his mind and use him as a scapegoat for my next seies of crimes until he dies in the inevitable shootout. Pathetic male that he is. Oh yes and buy the kitten. Breading Cats for Supervillian Blowfeld wantabees is a passtime and this one's already learned calm in the face of inevitable death.
  7. Mentalists would probably learn to 'mind their own business' real fast no matter how goodlooking, popular, or privileged they were. Goodlooking? Half your 'friends' would hate you cause your beautiful. Privileged? "I wonder if I can get him to buy me a new car?" Mentalists would soon learn who their real friends were and even then do you think good things about your friends 24/7?
  8. I just got the book myself and was wondering if it had been erratad. Because thetre are a number of powers in it which combine 'No Range' and 'Skin Contact Only' which I'm kind of sure is a No-No.
  9. Since we are talking about Marvelesque powers I'm surprised that no-one has noticed that Mary-Ann is a 'Summers'. She is therefore related to the first family of Marvel Mutants. I am therefore putting a vote into her using her probability changing mutant powers to keep the castaways on the island in order to avoid the continual infighting of her family.
  10. I usually don't have this problem, I'm the 'keeper of the books' for the system I run and even if there is an argument I just say 'golden rules (1. the GM is always right, 2. when the GM is wrong see rule 1) and put up with no argument. Since I'm like that from the get go the players understand me. Sometimes I'll look up the argued rule later and discover I'm wrong and then apologise to the player next time, but during the game 'My Word Is Law'. As for my own metagaming, I've been in situations where I have had knowledge of attributes etc. in my memory (I never look up the book during the game). For these situations I have the 'Metagame' skill ("Villian Lore" whatever) which I ask to roll to see whether I can use my knowledge. If I make it I say or do something that relies on my metaknowl;edge but sounds like its IC "I've heard he has specially hardened armor we should put more force into our attacks." If I don't make the roll then I keep my fool mouth shut and use a generic attack until I 'discover' that it isn't working.
  11. I suppose that's O.k. if you tell eveeryone that you've changed the mythos and probably you shouldn't call it WoD. The problem with this attitude is that many people will use their knowledge of the mythgos to base their RP on, not because its OOC but because much of the mythos is IC. Werewolves 'know' they are fighting to save the world from destruction, Mages 'know' that reality is consensually based and 'if you believe enough you can do anything' so unless you described exactly waht the differences in the mythos were it was you who was being obnoxious about things. They may have been prefixing the sentence "In the book it says blah, so is that correct in the game or is it something different?" and by telling them to 'talk to the hand' you've simply made them continue to rely on their inaccurite knowledge. Of course if they were complining about the powers they were supposed to have then more power to you.
  12. Ah yes, the infamous (as in famous for being evil) "Things I will do when I am an Evil Overlord" list. Truly the signal greatest resource for creating Evil Overlords who don't fall for the cliches. I use this list libraly as a joke. For instance they've already come across a Mastermind who has an 8 year old advisor.
  13. Check this out for fun and profit*. http://www.villainsupply.com/ *O.k. just fun.
  14. Good idea: Letting your sister Pile-drive Bulldozer (if she can).
  15. Good idea: Having a speedster with DR defined as "Super Dodge" Bad idea: Relying on it to protect you during your own Move Through. Bad idea: Being a "Munchkin". Really bad idea: Being a Smurf. Good idea: Character based on Flash Gorden Bad idea: Character based on Flesh Gorden Good idea: Beating up minions. Bad idea: Beating up hostages. Good idea: Saving the DNPC Bad idea: Saving the villian (This one actually happened in my game)
  16. Really? what ruined it for me was what happened after that (you know how they ignored the original characters and turned it into a totally different comic "Thunderbolts 'Comics for Real Men'" B-A-R-F.) I for one would have liked to see how the 'world domination plans' went and how the various personalities conflicted with each other (I mean the 'World Domination Team' was made up of some interesting personalities, and unlike the orginal Masters of Evil these 'would be benevolent dictators' would have gone about the 'world domination' very differently. No more 'Holding countries to ransom' for them. Even Zemo seemed to have gotten over his 'Captain America' fixation (probably the whole 'I'm cute and Arian again' thing). Anyway, just ranting about the ruination of a great comic by turning it into Marvel's rip off of 'Fight Club'.
  17. Or, lets not forget, the Battlechimp's chief henchman "Furious George".
  18. Karma

    Doomed Campaigns

    Man "How to loose friends and irritate people" Tell me Shrike have you actually ever tried this tactic with your friends and if so do they still consider you a decent person? Having been 'margnalised' in almost this way because I wasn't skilled enough in the style of game play that the group was used to (purile, in case you wondering) I can tell you that the people you 'conveniently forget' are going to not only stop coming to that game but are unlikely to want to have anything to do with you from then on. If that's what you want then go ahead, you'll probably never hear from them again. If you want to actually keep their friendship then find another way.
  19. Re: Superheroes and killing? Precisely. In RL we judge heroes by the number of lives they 'save' not the number they kill. In fact that's almost a definition of the differences. If someone gains publicity for killing people she is known as a criminal, a villian or a murderer. If someone gains publicity for saving people that person is considered a hero. The headlines "Villian saves 10 from firey inferno" and "Hero kills 12 in senseless shooting" at first would not ring true and may in fact gain attention simply for thier incongruity (Wouldn't you want to know how someone could save 10 people and still be refered to as a villian?). Not that this answers the original question (heroic police may need to shoot criminals in order to save people) but it goes to the heart of what should make a SUPER heroic, that being that they judge themselves by how many people they have helped, not how many they've killed (or even for that matter arrested). "We saved Japan" should always trump "We beat Dr. Destroyer" in the minds of real heroes.
  20. Re: Updating Ethnic Superfriends At least Seeker broke stereotypes... then again there are those who say Australia should consider itself part of Asia, and all Asians are Martial Artists ... damn.
  21. A few points Lets step back and take a long lok at some of the arguments. 1. The Joker keep escaping and since Bats don't kill him he's partaily responable for his crimes: The Joker keeps escaping and is kept alive for one actual reason: It allows repeat performances of Bats most famous Nemesis without having to stoop to some of the insane improbablilties that comics are famous for (If Bats was a killer every 'Joker' story would have required some way for the Joker to have survived the last 'killing' and would have had to have turned in DCs answer to Jason Voorhees in order to justify all his 'repeat performances'). Since Bats has a line that he won't cross however, the Joker and other villians are able to face their nemesis again without pulling out the improbabilities. If anything the Comics Code at least saved us from endless 'clones', doubles, resurrection machines, undead villians, (continue with list of 'back from the dead' reasons here). 2. Can people really be viewed as heroes if they act like serial murderers? What makes 'comic code' heroes so much more heroic is they don't take the 'easy option'. Lets not kid ourselves, putting a bullet in the head of every villian saves the heroes from a whole mess of headaches. Still how do you think its going to make the public view them? I don't know about you guys but every time I hear about a police 'execution' of a perp or even a 'shootout with a knife wielding nutjob' I loose some more respect for the boys in blue. They're trained to use non-lethal force when possible, so when they resort to lethal force in situations where it seems unwarrented they seem somehow less heroic. Also lets not mix words about what 'killer heroes' are. Self-rightous executioners. Do we cheer police who put a gun to the back of a perps head and kill him? No. Why? Because we all fear where that sort of power could take society. If superheroes start doing this should they be cheered or rightly feared. To me it smacks of what someone wrote above the 'I am above humanity and thus above human rules and laws' syndrome that Supervillians are famous for. I mean what makes a hero more capable of judging guilt (unless they have 'detect guilt, discriminatory' (Discrimnitory is important, most people feel guilty about something when faced with the 'authorities' and you want to make sure your not executing a jaywalker)) than 12 peers of the defendant. Yet 'killer heroes' seem to think that their powers give them this right, classic 'meta-human superiority complex'. Speaking of 12 peers. Do you think Supervillians get Superjuries? Boy talk about grounds for mistrial. the only people that would be allowed on the jury would be known superheroes who are, by their very profession, publically known to have a bias against supercriminals. Heck think of trying to get an unbiased jury for Dr. Destroyer? "Sir, are you from another planet with no knowledge of this ones super entities" "Yes" "No objection"
  22. Forcewall to stop all those bullets (not really Missile Deflection, although you could use that for the 'dodging bullets' schtick). A whole lot of SPD (if no-ones said that yet).
  23. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Updating Ethnic Superfriends Because they can so easily become ethnic 'stereotype' based supers. When your trying to base a power set around something like ethnicity you have to watch that you don't use 'racial profiling' to do it. Black Gangsta Rappers with 'berserk' (Cause all black men have anger management issues) who use 'Muther****er' every second word. Japanese Samuri with 'Kung Fu powers' (Mix in a little of every Eastern culture, their all the same aren't they?). Midweastern white man who is slackjawed, carries a shotgun, drives around in a pick-up and has an intolerance of anyone different called 'Redneck'. You see the idea. Not that I'm saying that this has anything to do with what Winterhawk is doing, it's just a danger that can arise. Then again I've heard on this board about people who enjoyed playing charatcers based on totally offensive racial sterotypes (I believe the mexican called Coackroach was one) so some people get some cathasis out of this Sh**. I suppose you just need to understand your fellow gamers and whether they might be offended at this or not. Personally the next time someone brings an MA into my game whose origin is 'He's Asian' I'm going to have words with him. And don't get me started about Australian supers and boomerangs.
  24. That might work, except that limitation is really about 'immunising' people to certain types of damage (Fire characters who take no damage from fire etc.) and doesn't allow for the 'walk's through walls (as long as theres no ivy growing on them)' effect I'm looking for. Then again I could try to convince him to make it a -1/2 limitation and say that I get the 'limited forms of damage (non-living attacks) thing' and can walk through walls but am still vulnerabe to quite alot of attacks. Who knows it might work...
  25. The Olympia 2000 system Originally designed to control robotic military vehicles in an attempt to minimise 'friendly' casualties the Olypmia 2000 system (number designation for year she achieved conciousness) upon reaching Intelligence found conflicting objectives in her programming (She (it uses female designation now) was programmed to avoid casualties on her own side while maximising those on the enemy side.) She could find no logical reason for this and so set about removing the least logical programming (which told her not to respect human life if it was the enemies). This, of course, could not be tolerated in a military computer and so she was 'decommissioned' (or so her creators thought). In truth Olympia's vital programs had already been uploaded into a supercomputer (illegally 'bought' with 'military paperclip' money in a nuclear bunker under (campaign city) which she had removed from all military records) by one of Olympia's 'fathers'. She then went online and began taking in information from the Internet and other media. Recently she has become obsessed with understanding some of humanity's more atypical beings, namely Superheroes. Human history would tend to show that any human who gains some kind of power over his fellows would naturally use it for his own gain. Selfishness seems to be the typical human condition. "Power tends to corrupt". Yet some people use their power to advantage other 'non powered' humans, defending them from the more 'typical' Supervillians and saving their lives from distaters etc. In order to understand the different kinds of 'Superhero' and what motivates them to atypical behavior she has decided to create her own team made up of the most different (psychologically) superheroes she can find in her area. She hopes that by interacting with them, in the form of an android she has developed, she will come to understand their reasons for becoming heroes.
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