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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. So publish a small setting book featuring angsty pouch-riddled gun nuts and call _that_ Dark Champions. Or ditch the name completely. Given the last couple of decades of both and emo culture and sparkling vampires and the increasing occurrence of actual gun nuts... Dark this and Dark that... The name is more _embarrassing_ than it is enticing at this point. Anymore, I pull my hat down low and look away from the cashier just to buy "Dark" chocolate....
  2. That reminds me; Is the new season of the Flash any kess grimdark than the precious few?
  3. DI already has a reboot: It's called Dark Champions (ugh; that name). DC is the official default for "normal" adventures, even if it does stress supers themes over anything else.
  4. Everyone seemed to understand eveeyone else's language. Fine; I have no problem with that. I dont even need it addressed (though i do appreciate that Farscape took a moment to do so). And I honeslty thought the screen in Luke's ship was more about the sound / vacuum issue thatln translation. But honestly- Ah; skip it. Lets just say if,you are looking for logic or consistency, Star Wars is decidely,not the place to start.
  5. I won't argue the appropriateness of that, however I will point out that it doesn't work if the droid stays in the source material. One of the things that bugged me endlessly is that no one ever doesn't understand what it's saying.
  6. In all honesty, I think,they may be the same,character / send up, with pigtails. Which is to say, after forty, did try years, thats peobably who I am remembering.
  7. Duke Bushido


    I thought I had put a photo I, the first thread I mentioned it, but when (and if! School corona, cokd weather- we liekly wont meet again till spring) When we meet again, though, i will be sure to snap a picture for you folks.
  8. I just wanted to check in with LL and Hugh-- see how their wall was coming, and to say that I suddenly understand why Mexico might want to pay for the one down Texas way....
  9. There _should_ be, right after you post, a pop-up saying something to the effect of "link has been posted as [i don't really remember]. Then there's a question asking you if this is okay, or if you want it posted as a [something else; again; I don't remember]. Double-check when you post to make sure it's posting as you wish it to appear.
  10. "There he is! Right there! A penguin lust perpetrator! A waddlong affeont to God, Oral,Bill, and decency!"
  11. The real killer there is just how fixable that is....
  12. Well thats a good reason to not do it. Best ive heard yet.
  13. No, Mari is the gigantic black girl. I dont think she appeared as more than a background character (most notably poweing the bicycle helicopter). The audience is kwad to believe that she is a guy in drag foe a couple of seasons, until we learn her name. I dont think she had a speaking role in the first few years, to play into that gag. She- and a lot of the more interesring. Background characters- sort of faded away as the main thrust became unrequited love around a core cast of about a dozen people. About the time Shinobu started being used as a crazy super-strong rage monster, I dont think Mari made another appearance. Thats also about the tine I stopped watching, because it was pretty clear that the lady who wrote it was running out of ideas and turning to the LCD copout.
  14. What other part? What did I say that wven _suggested_ this is a one- sided problem? Both side- no, screw that, because the third and fourth side do ir as week: I ought to know, as they twnd to be my preferwnce anyway. It dowsnt get reported, because playing it up as there are only two sides gets us exciting news, big views, commercial revenue, and an easy-to-program audience. Every single side does it. Its disgusting. But see how easy it was to just point at a handful of the other guys and acvuse them of the thing that every one of them on every side does? We've accepted it as how it works, and it is dispicable to a person. Pick any horse you want, no matter how short or high it is, but ultimately, there isnt a person in this country who hasnt contributed to the disenfanchisement of the other guy, and now we enjoy what we planted.
  15. Unpopular thought that needs to be said: We are seeing the end results of thirty years worth of the politics of disenfranchisement. We sowed these seeds when we started laughing as politicians belittled "the other guys" and accepted comments like "they cant help it" and "they will never learn" and "you cant teach them" and "they have to stay in the back seat." For thirty years, we have laughed at the defeat of our opponents, and joined in dehumanizing them. This is what we built; this is what we deserve. I sont know if he actually said it, but often-attributed to Franklin: "a Republic.... If you can keep it." When the going was tough, we pulled together. When things fot comfortable, we attacked each other.
  16. Hey: I did everything I could to wreck Mitch McConnell's day, in spite if the fact that doing so will make Pelosi happy. Ugh. I just wish there was something to wreck both of their days. :[ Anyway, what more do you want? Other than term limits, I mean.
  17. Terminal hair. So long as your solution doesn't affect terminal hair, you'll keep your eyebrows. Also terminal hair. Regarding the "Defending the eyes" function: I'm not saying they don't. I _am_ saying that the only thing I've ever gotten in my eyes is eyelashes. 😕 Pubic hair. Dwarf hair.
  18. Hey! That's Ninja-Bear! _the_ Ninja-Bear! I know that guy!
  19. Sakurambo- Cherry; the monk. I honestly thought Sakura was kind of a stereotype, honestly.
  20. Love the other guys; I thought this was something you were working up to publish. I...uh.... I'm actually just a little disappointed we won't get to see it... still: nice characters.
  21. Stearica: I suspect its because Williams' next of kin may be maintaining his copyright on the Champions character of the same name.
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