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Everything posted by RPMiller

  1. Just so that you know. If you click on the define button with a power/talent/skill selected it tells you what book and page number it is found on.
  2. So how is it used in game? Is it like a type of radar sense that lets you see your surroundings since everything has Chi both negative and positive, or is it for some other use?
  3. Flying Lotus reminds me a little of Lotus from San Angelo except that Lotus of SA is a brick. Out of curiousity what is the thing her Chi awareness allows her to detect? Chi?
  4. Take a look at the metallic fill effects under blends. That might help see how the defaults work. It looks like a gradiant fill basically. Maybe add a lens flare or a light effect on the edge of the metallic surfaces. I'm going to have to take another look at the coloring that I've done. It is definitely not up to snuff with your stuff, but I'm not very artisitic either. Thanks for the posts!
  5. Excellent! I have been learning Photoshop as well, and have to say you did an excellent job!
  6. Monolith, I am not jumping into to argue or say anyone is wrong. Instead I think there are some misunderstandings. First, regarding the definition of NPCs. From FREd page 7: It is possible that you may have read that as villains are different from NPCs, however this is not the case. If you look at the definition of NPC in the same glossary you will see (See Characters) the phrase "or nonplayer characters" is actually defining villains. This can be easily misintrepreted do to the English languages "looseness". There are a bunch of other gaming systems out there that will define NPCs as those run by the GM and perhaps that is where they should stop the definition. Just look at the words themselves. Non-Player, not a character run by a player. Character, a participant in the story. Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but I believe that the method of communication (written) is causing some misunderstanding. Mark was not saying that villains and npcs are different those were two separate statements. Players in combat with a villain are also interacting with them are they not? Mark, nor anyone else that writes material for us GMs should not, and do not, have to justify the levels of NPCs or why things are they way the are. As an adult, I am sure you can appreciate the fact that just because it is in the book one way doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. After all we are the GM and it is our world so I'm going to change it to fit my setting, just as Blue mentioned above. Finally, your statement regarding enemy npcs is not wholely accurate. I've been reading comics since I was old enough to read in the early 70s, and I can point out hundreds of examples where the villain was in the background not directly confronting the heroes, or even scenarios where the "enemies" allied with the heroes to combat a common threat. In closing, I have to say that I'm sorry that you feel slighted because honestly there wasn't anything said that should make you feel that way, and I'm sorry that you feel you would be best served to not be a GRG customer. Would you feel less affronted if I were to writeup some Campaign Guidelines on how to increase the power levels of the various NPCs in the back of the book, or do you think that is something that you can handle just fine on your own for your own campaign setting? Beyond that, I'm afraid there isn't much else that I can offer you.
  7. Here is Night's Kiss. He is a MA with lethal desold powers if you get my meaning. The background is from Marlin studios which someone on this board referred to. Sorry I don't remember who it was, but thanks! The body was done in HeroMachine and then Photoshopped to create the desolving effect and shadow. I also used PS lighting effects to enhance the overhead light.
  8. Ok, I finally got around to redoing Ryunosuke. He is one of my oldest characters. I don't take credit for the body (obviously that is Silver Samurai) nor the background (forgot where I got that from). But I did modify the costume by removing the "sun" and I lengthened the katana to a 'proper' length. Also the wings and all fire effects are mine. You can find his character sheet in another thread, I believe it was the Character Challenge thread that died out a while back.
  9. Re: submissions Yup. We got them.
  10. Re: submissions No guarantees, but I'll put in a good word for you.
  11. Re: artist for hire? While you didn't direct your question to me, I would like to mention that we are also looking for artists. You can find our information at: http://www.goldrushgames.com/subm.html
  12. Re: Huh? Curious, how many of each chit are there? We have something very similiar in the Action! System as well, called Action! Points. Everyone starts off the game with at least one, and they can earn them whenever they doing something heroic, surprising, or very entertaining (as far as the GM is concerned). They can only take a maximum of three into the next session though. Without explaining the system, the Action! Points allow you to add 5 to a roll, subtract 5 from damage taken, or add 5 to damage delivered. As you pointed out a lot of systems are now using some sort of "modifier" to the story. I like your idea with the chits, especially the Gold one. How long do they get to be GM, and how detailed do they get to be? Do they "run" the show, as in interactions with other players and NPCs, or is it solely for them? I like it also because it lets the players shape the world, and I've received and given that request in many campaigns that I've played or GMed in.
  13. Re: Episode Recap Great Idea! Thanks. Now all we need is a group picture from Storn to put faces to the names.
  14. Not when it is a damage shield/force field.
  15. It is being done via a filter called electrify in the Eye Candy plug-in.
  16. I just had to do another version of Aurora our groups weather witch. Let me know what you think. Is it too much over the top?
  17. Yes, Alex, thank you very much! That was very generous. That is one thing I really appreciate about these boards is that everyone is very generous, and it really seems like a family atmosphere. Also, thank you Storn for sharing all your great artwork.
  18. It would be easier to swipe if the HDC file were attached... ;)
  19. LOL Actually, definitions 4 and 5 are exactly what we use. 4 more than 5. There is a lot of back story that is not in print, but we will be hinting at more and more as time goes by, but the basic concept is that this "singularity" came into existance through a scientific experiment, but the equipment couldn't contain it and it exploded the lab releasing the "Flux". The Flux acted as a catalyst allowing the existance of extraordinary things such as superpowers, magic, ultra-tech, etc. However, it was so quick that only a small number of "supers" were brought into existance. Then almost 4 decades later a group of scientists tried to recreate the singularity, but it too destroyed the lab, but instead of ceasing to exist sunk into the Earth and is now in "orbit" around the core coming close to the surface at various points and releasing the Flux energies on unsuspecting areas. There is much more to come, but that is all that is "known" about it. BTW, the vast majority of scientists and people "in the know" refuse to believe that it is real. So there you have, I return you to your show in progress.
  20. No body posted the Flux?? From the San Angelo setting we have a singularity that is "spewing Flux energies". I won't bore you with the gory details...
  21. Here's another HeroMachine/Photoshop combination... Man I wish I could draw...
  22. 1) LOL 2) Yup, see above. C) Back on about page 81 of this thread I posted a challenge to make masks, gloves, boots, you know accessories for heroes. The idea being instead of us non-artistic types stealing you artistic types stuff, we can use the various body templates, and the accessories to through together our own drawings. Sort of a HeroMachine idea, but with more options. I also added that I could convert templates and other drawings to vector to be used with Character Artist from ProFantasy to make the process even easier for folks that happen to have that software. I posted some lame examples of stuff I did as well.
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