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    gewing reacted to Netzilla in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I did not duck any question.  Part of my point this whole time is that voters are not part of a 'political coalition' unless they choose to be so.  Acting otherwise is not a winning strategy.  My point is that blaming Clinton's loss on the voters is counter-productive.  Basically, I believe that you're starting from a flawed premise.
    Remember, you responded to a point I made about how the Democratic leaders and the media are trying to pin this loss on the voters rather than looking at themselves for why they failed to win over those voters.  Do you really think that the Democrats can win over voters for the next election by calling those who failed to vote for Hillary stupid or apathetic?  Democrats are already painted as intellectual elitists who don't care about the common voter.  Dismissing those who failed to vote for Hillary as stupid or apathetic only reinforces this image.  It would be better for the party to look at how the campaign failed to win over voters and improve on that for the next time.
  2. Like
    gewing reacted to tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I haven't been online since yesterday, and even then I was working on one hour of sleep. So I haven't read what has been posted here, and I'm not going to.
    I'm just letting you know that I am bowing out of this thread. I thought I could control my emotions, but I was wrong. I think I should just stop reading this before I post something that will get me banned. I have more important issues going on outside the Hero Boards at this time, and I will devote my energies to those issues instead.
  3. Like
    gewing reacted to csyphrett in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Netzilla is right. I know a guy who voted for McMullen even though McMullen wasn't on the ballot in my state. I don't like either one of these candidates so I voted for a third party. I told him point blank that voting for someone who didn't have a chance was just throwing your ballot away.
    People want change versus status quo, that's fine. But knowing you have a sociopath who will wreck your boat and a status quo person who will at least try to keep things together was the choices. Anything else was hey I'm jumping off the boat to drown. That's especially true now that Ryan is making noises of destroying Medicare, and the Republicans can destroy Obamacare.
    (I am especially pissed about the Obamacare because I depend on it for my heart medication. This guy at work has it too, and he voted for Trump. I just found that out. I was like this dumbass is an idiot. OMGWTFBBQ!!!!)
  4. Like
    gewing reacted to csyphrett in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Trump still has to answer his 75 lawsuits. One of the two Trump U cases has been said to have grounds for racketeering charges. I doubt there will be an impeachment process as this plays out
  5. Like
    gewing reacted to Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Also, while New York State is usually ignored, I hear a lot of gripes about New York City... heck, "New York City Values" was a sleight used in the primaries... so honestly, both it and Cali get plenty of @@@@ for being liberal bastions in my experience. 
  6. Like
    gewing reacted to Netzilla in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Well, I guess we've found one thing that California and Texas have in common:  They'll both threaten to take their ball and leave if they don't get their way.
  7. Like
    gewing reacted to Badger in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    THis might be difficult for some to take, but I do think some of the "hidden vote" that the polls missed, it has occurred to me where it came from.
    In the last decade,  a lot on the liberal side  have made a pretty virulent and aggressive effort to dehumanize the conservative in front of the masses, and it has been quite successful.  Agreeing with Obama, 90 percent of the time has become a requirement to avoid being called racist.  Vote for Hillary or you hate women.   Homophobe.  Warmonger.  Being called racist, is probably the worst insult you can throw in this hyper-PC environment.  A very serious charge that should not be thrown around like candy at Halloween.  Conservatives aren't above such rhetoric, in different forms.  But, quite, honestly, the left has been much more intense and relenting of late.  I think some conservatives were essentially bullied into silence.  You don't say you will vote for a guy, you expect the questionnaire will attack you for supporting.  I think they seethed and yesterday, unleashed.  You cannot say "conservatives are bigots"  and expect me, a conservative, not to take it personally.  I wasn't blinded to vote for Trump.  But, others might have seen this moment as their time of revenge.
    Not to say, never to use such language.  But, I would hope, maybe, it is used more carefully in the future.  And not as the political weapon it has become.
  8. Like
    gewing reacted to 薔薇語 in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Why would you think anything else would happen? We have spent the entire cycle demonizing the opposition. We have convinced too many that President-Elect Trump is the next Hitler and all that it entails. If you actually believed Hitler had been reborn in orange, wouldn't you go to streets? Actually, I am perhaps more shocked that more vocal elites in media aren't in full on apocalyptic riot mode given ths extremist position some have taken.
    Perhaps this can serve as a lesson to us all about open processes, honesty and hopefulness in message, and NOT demonizing all opposition.
  9. Like
    gewing reacted to Lord Mhoram in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    What we need is for those that don't support Trump to understand why so many people felt so disenfranchised and ignored by the "media elite" and policy makers that they elected someone with so many personality flaws to the presidency. If that communication can happen we can get actual growth - not just name calling of supporters from one side or the other. Much of middle/lower class America has felt ignored, mocked and brushed off that they finally said 'Enough is enough"
    Think about jokes made at the expense of "white trash" or rural Americans, (people who work hard all their lives only to see jobs going overseas and health care costs rising) - the jokes made at thier expense by comedian of the stripe of Bill Maher ... if those jokes were made about any other group (Minorities, Islam, women) the person would be off the air and careers destroyed. It makes sense that the butt of those jokes decided to make a statement about change, even supporting someone they may find personally distasteful.
    Personally I don't like Trump, but I can completely understand why he was elected. I'm hoping the shock of Hilary's defeat will make the liberal elite actually try and figure out why and communicate with them - and build a better future that includes them; instead of mocking and ignoring them as has been done by Washington insiders for decades.
  10. Like
    gewing reacted to Vurbal in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Rather than comment on the outcome of the election, I'll simply share what my 20 year old daughter said this morning. After reading several friends' posts on Facebook, saying they wanted to leave the country, she said, "Too many people have sacrificed too much for this country to just lay down when things get hard."
  11. Like
    gewing reacted to csyphrett in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Also if he allows the ACA to be repealed, that will be a personal blow to me and my family.
    Forgive me if I am not sanguine with the thought that we elected a moron who could not be trusted with his own phone the last two days of his campaign
  12. Like
    gewing reacted to Badger in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    THe one thing  do hope for is Congress finally grab their spheres back, after getting them stuffed in the locker by Bush/Obama.  Trump might actually be what they need for them to go like Back to the Future and stand up to the bully.
    And I can breathe slightly easy for 4 years on the Supreme Court.  I don't like the idea of a heavy-conservative one.  But, a heavy-liberal one is one of the few things that could get me running screaming about the end of the world.
  13. Like
    gewing reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Maybe cheating and conniving and manipulating to get the one person who couldn't beat Donald Trump as the nominee wasn't such a great plan after all for the Democrats.
  14. Like
    gewing reacted to Nolgroth in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I just cannot force myself to give a crap enough to feel anything about this election. I cannot escape the tagline for Aliens versus Predator: No Matter Who Wins, We Lose. Either way, the losing side is going to be a pain in the backside for the winning side and we'll have four years of constant yammering about how bad it is/how good it would have been. I did my civic duty and I voted. The POTUS position is screwed either way, so I focused more on the local issues. I just can't wait for the election to be a thing of the past. I figure after four years we can forget about this one.
    In the meantime, I'm going to wander the Commonwealth Wasteland and kill some Raiders. Catch you all later.
  15. Like
    gewing reacted to NuSoardGraphite in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    That does not change the fact that she violated the rules by recieving her government emails in a non-government server.
    Working for the Federal government, I run into a lot, and I mean a LOT of Fed employees who are absolutely gobsmacked that nothing is happening on the email front. They make us take training every year as to the policy on how to safeguard classified and sensitive information, I have taken the training six times now, and she basically violated every rule cited in the training. Just about everyone I know who has taken this training is flabberghasted at the results of her investigation.
  16. Like
    gewing reacted to Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I was a bit surprised about that myself.
    Frankly I'm now very disappointed that Giant Meteor Third Party isn't making a more concentrated effort.
  17. Like
    gewing reacted to Pattern Ghost in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I saw a sincere politician the other day.
    He was riding a unicorn that was farting rainbows.
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    gewing reacted to BoloOfEarth in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I find it interesting that in Painter's own op-ed piece, he mentions:  "(For the sake of full disclosure, in this election I have supported Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Hillary Clinton for president, in that order.)"
    Whereas the KOS article says, "Painter, a former George W. Bush, Marco Rubio and John Kasich supporter..."
    I guess Hillary didn't make the cut there.  Well, neither did Jeb, but leaving him out doesn't really change the implications of that statement.  Leaving her out does, at least IMO.
    (For the sake of full disclosure, I'm not a Trump nor a Clinton supporter, nor am I a registered Republican or Democrat.  I'll probably vote for Hillary because I'd rather chew tinfoil while diving naked into a pool filled with razor blades than take a chance on Trump getting in the White House.)
    I just find it interesting how people on both sides of the fence subtly twist things to fit their narratives.
  19. Like
    gewing reacted to Badger in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    That is the only thing that made me ever consider Trump, for even 10 seconds.  The idea of a liberal Supreme Court for the rest of my life, gives a feeling of hopeless. (then again the only Supreme Court justice I actually like is Kennedy aka the only one capable of independent thought-conservative or liberal)
  20. Like
    gewing reacted to Badger in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think you may be overestimating Hillary, I think for both it is the other hasn't dropped yet, and have dared to challenge their right to be sovereign President.
  21. Like
    gewing reacted to Old Man in In other news...   
    Knife fights often result in the deaths of both combatants.
    Just sayin'.
  22. Like
    gewing reacted to Cancer in In other news...   
    Bob Dylan has been given the Nobel Prize for Literature!!!
  23. Like
    gewing reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Since the key issue of this election has turned to the character of the candidates, I can't help wondering where we would be if Bernie Sanders had won the Democratic nomination. I noticed quite a few people questioning his platform, but never his integrity.
  24. Like
    gewing reacted to Badger in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    What about option E: After Hillary becomes President, Trump and Bill Clinton take a road trip to see every bordello and strip club on the East Coast. (possibly coinciding with option D)
  25. Like
    gewing reacted to Ternaugh in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Hillary was listing the various good things about the Affordable Care Act as a way of showing what would be lost by Trump's "repeal and replace". Things like no pre-existing conditions, no higher premiums for women, the ability to put children up to age 26 on their parent's plan, and so on would be wiped out with a total repeal. The major talking points about ACA needing fixing are that premiums have gone up, benefits have gone down, and co-pays have gone up. That's an unfortunate consequence of trying to push healthcare reform using for-profit insurance companies. Perhaps, the "fix" should be either to model the Swiss system (not for profit insurance companies compete for customers with added wellness benefits), or just bite the bullet and go single payer.
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