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Posts posted by 薔薇語

  1. I have a player wanting to do something akin to Blacksuit Spiderman. His PC has all their normal abilities but there exists a nudging force just beyond their control trying to take over and be violent. 


    My question is this: How should I best emulate this? My first thought was merely Accidental Change with the change being purely RolePlay or granting me, the GM, temporary control. 


    Has anyone had experience with this kind of thing? Any advice going into this? Is AC the best or perhaps a Psychological Complication? Any other advice?


    La Rose. 

  2. It has been awhile since I saw the varioud MA rules for this that Boli references. As I recall even the main book(s) note that as an optional rule for the hit-location chart / called shots, any attack(s) that deal 1/3 of a characters body to a single location can be said to have destroyed or otherwise disabled that location. You could use this as a bench mark and not use the hit location. 


    Have the player roll the attack. If they hit, roll damage. If that damage equals or exceeds 1/3 the characters total or current BODY, rule that a limb (your choice or at random) has been disabled. 


    Other options: 


    Drain with a similar mechanic to the above. The fade rate representing normal functions returning. 


    CON / BODY Entangle with a special limitation showing it is only 1 limb at a time. Entangle already has Use, Combat Value, and movement restrictions built in. 


    A Change Environments with minuses to Strength and/or Dex to impose rolls when the target attemps to use that limb. Failure means it is still disabled. Success means they can use it. Then decide if one success negates all potential future rolls (full recovery) or if rolls are still required until the power ends. 


    I think the last one with CE is my preferred stylistic build choice and the first one above being my preferres route for an in the moment decision. 


    La Rose. 


  3. So many have already pointed out some of the extreme troubles with Imperial Japan, as it actually was in the 30s and 40s taking over the US in a realistic fashion. Be it the fact they'd be trying to do two extreme land wars in both mainland China and then the US plus need to maintain unquestioned trade dominance in the Pacific, there is no way for them to execute such a goal. Even their early war aims against the US were more retaliation for US embargoes and a desire to merely push out the US from the Pacific by displaying enough early force to cripple US expeditions into the South-East Asian parts of the Pacific wherein they could restock, regroup, and push out at far more unpredictable locations. A US force lacking Midway and Hawaii would find themselves trying to enter the Pacific theater through only a handful of very well guarded routes. 

    Beyond all of that, one has to contend with the fact that the Imperial State was barely holding itself together even while all they were doing was winning in Korea and Manchuria. Countless officers attempted to kill high ranking politicians and even the Prime Minister. The top generals had essentially no direct control over their cores in the outer provinces. Politicians were scared into subservience by threats of violence, public sympathies that were extra strong when they were doing well, and the classic issue of looking one's constituency into the eyes as you tell them you will abandon all the lands their sons and brothers died to secure. Even the Emperor was only nominally in control in a very classically Japanese manner. The system was destined to break in that form regardless of their successes. In the real world there is no set of foreseable outcomes where Imperial Japan continues in any form we'd recognize for much longer than it already did. 

    So, if we accept that perhaps the path of Japan from post WW1 was more or less fixed even if we change the details, why not completely change the past? There was, even still post Pearl Harbor, and idea popular with some politicians to create a Co-Prosperity Sphere in Asia wherein Japan essentially unites the Asian populous behind a single banner. Let's say that there were a number of True Believers in this in the ranks of Japanese and non-Communite Chinese. These Japanese Metas were moved by the plights of the Colonized Asians and move to protect the politicians of this ilk. Perhaps these same Metas were on the front lines with some of the early Korean and Manchurian successes and thus hold a great deal of respect in the public's imagination. Likewise, the various army purges of these separatists were a decade earlier and far more successful. 

    Now what we have done is set up the groundwork for a true world power alliance in Asia. The Japanese are still spooked by the downfall of Tsarist Russian and fear the spread of international communism. They move to work WITH Chiang Kai Shek to subdue the communists in the Chinese region and help arm separatist movements in India and IndoChina. These two powers will be able to create manageable puppet states in current Bangladesh, unite with Siam, and carve out Indo-China for the Chinese and Thais while claiming the southern tip of Malaysia and the islands for Japan. Japan, being a leader in Military Strategy, Technology, and a strong manufacturing base would be able to assume a more managerial role, ala Great Briton in India / Asia, A war in which the larger Asian continent is consolidated, unified, or otherwise paralyzed wouldn't be as concerned with US embargoes. 

    Without Pearl Harbor, the US is far less likely to enter any war. Without the manpower of India, crippled trade routes from Asia (no rubber, steal, tungsten, etc), Great Briton would find it much harder to hold on. Perhaps we even concede that some of the One Punch KOs against Russia landed with more effect as Russia tries to secure its Chinese/Manchurian boarder allows Nazi Germany to work against the UK more directly. Maybe the UK falls, maybe it doesn't. But certainly they are broken in manpower, resources, and spirit enough to sign an uneasy peace. The US, which has been relying on War manufacturing and Ally Bonds gets involved too late to save the War for the Allies. The Anti-FDR movements and communist movements takes hold in the US and it fractures into a new civil war. Germans, Italians, Japanese, and Mexican forces all rush to pick a side and create a new puppet. The Japanese, unlike all the others actually have experience in effective puppet management and are able to gain strong East Coast ties using the rockies and deserts as a natural wall. Now you have an American region with all its fractured culture under the influence of Japan without the direct control. To get an idea for how this might actually look in practice, read up on how Both Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan  or even Okinawa were administered. While colonization is never a pretty thing, there was usually a lot of support for Japanese management; things ran on time, Japanese schools were high class (many subjugated folks tried to send their kids to the Japanese system schools because of the prestige). 

    If you want to have a post-war cultural revolution akin to the US, it could be in a similar form wherein the new generation actually embraces in a non-cynical manner the nations of the Co-Prosperity Sphere and push the military and politicians to more fully adhere ot its non-colonial ideals (i.e., stop training soldiers how to kill by using live Chinese prisoners, etc). 

    Those are, of course, just my thoughts. 

    La Rose. 

  4. Good game. I am on my third play-through now with Hardcore mode. It is a solid game with a decent flow. It could use some work to make it more playable beyond the main story. Mostly with keeping low value missions more available so you don't essentially get boxed into always needing a couple assaults plus high support. The RogueTech mod helped with that but it always seemed to push me into bankruptcy lest I pushed up the initial credit value. 


    As of now I am having fun running a Jumping Orion LRM Boat with a MG Firestarter and SLaser Firestarter to run and punch. One even with a mega arm mod so it punches like an assault. Then the 4th is usually a AC20+ Jumping Hunchback or the Highlander. 


    La Rose. 



  5. You could split the difference and go with 1d3+1. It's upper limit isn't as high as 5th's and it's distribution averages lower than 5th's but still higher than 6th's. 


    You could also super simplify and say that all Killing damage has it's stun maxed out (thus always killing x3). There is no stun gamble but for players not used to the system, they don't know what they're missing and it makes the prospect of a good killing attack extra sweet with no bitter sweet 1s on the multiplier. 


    For the sake of speed the second is the best and the former is best for the gamble but not ease. A third option to split yet another set of hairs and to give them a revised chart and instruct them to roll one off color Hit/Stun die. On a Six, x3; on a five, x2; on a four, three, or two, x1; and on a one, x1/2 or any combination thereof. Rolling at the same time with a simple index card should help speed things up while keeping the stun gamble. 


    La Rose. 

  6. To make sure I understand correctly, you want a "healing"  power that one character like a herbalist can use on another character in order to slowly (in game mechanic terms) restore them. within 1 to 3 days. Below is a HERO Designer build of such a power with the special effect of "herbal medicine". 

    11 Real Points, 0 End, 20 AP:

    Regeneration (1 BODY per 20 Minutes), Usable By Other (+1/4), Damage Over Time (8 damage increments, damage occurs every 20 Minutes, +3/4*); Requires A Roll (Skill roll: Herbal Remedies; -1/2), IIF herbs (-1/4). 

    This will restore a standard human (8body) to maximum health within 3 hours from 0 body. Two doses of this could restore even very sturdy individuals to perfect health within a day. 


    You could change the number of instances of effect from 7-8 to be less to generate a less effective healing solution. You could also change the time delay to once every 6 hours to decrease its potency and  better match the 2-3 days idea you expressed. That would actually bring this build down to 12 AP, 0End, and only 6 RP for a power that would fully restore a standard human from above in 2 full days and even the toughest of adventurers in 4 days. 

    Of note is that "Damage Over Time" in this build is not technically RAW legal. DOT requires the power to be an attack power and UBO doesn't make Regen an attack. I illegally put it on with HERO Designer but if you want to make it more RAW legal, just make it "Usable as an Attack". 



    La Rose. 



    1 hour ago, Ninja-Bear said:

    Sorry La Rose. What I meant was do you have any Hero books that even have a sample of magic spells which you can steal from?


    Ah. I see. Relevant to this I have the core books and the Fantasy HERO book. I have number of other books in the broad category of HERO but which aren't quite relevant to a heroic level magic systems. Is there perhaps another book you would suggest? I was debating getting the 6th edition grimoire referenced above. I thought it would give me some easy access to a variety of monsters and just basic creatures. I often look up in the various supplemental books for Monsters when I have run fantasy before. 


    La Rose


  8. Thanks for the great ideas everyone. There have been a number of good ideas on group options and pitch methods to help ease the process. I really appreciate these! I will be jotting down some of the ideas so I can present them when the time comes. 

    As to the magic system ideas, I think that is a reasonable concern regarding AP penalties, Lucius. I was originally just going to have the Spellskills not have "RSR" on them in the build but rather house-rule that in order to do a bit of non-attack magic, one would need to succeed on a "magic" roll. Then allow players to adjust the difficulty in the standard ways of adjusting any skill difficulty - spending extra time, concentrating, having assistance, ample resources, etc. Thus out of combat even a relatively skill level could still achieve any particular spell's difficulty. For attack spells, especially in combat, I would just use the Combat values to determine success. I had also thought of using Mental-Combat-Value and reskinning it as "Magic-Combat-Value" to act as a small bridge against a sword master dipping into offensive magic and vice versa. 

    As to the magic Builds I have now, I am just doing the standard build of a spell sans the RSR, looking a the Real Points and dividing by 3 to arrive at a skill cost that then requires a Magic Roll. Things seem to be going okay but so far is it just theory crafting and HeroDesigner building. The real test will be when players react to what is presented and play though it of course. 

    I notice that Vondy put forward how he does magic. It seems as though there is a Platonic ideal of a Fire-Ball spell which characters must learn. Though study they learn of this one immutable spell (always 6d6) and gain greater master (skill increases). Is that a fair summation so far?

    Something I was thinking of doing was having spells that can be increased. That is to say, there is no platonic ideal rather discrete forces that can be used in varying quantities. Thus a character could buy a Minor Fireball of 2d6RKA w/ magic roll and upon progression they could decide to increase their master of that spell (skill bonus for X spell) or test their limits and strengthen the spell (3d6RKA). I wouldn't have the PC buy yet another skill for "Average Fireball", rather increase the points spent on "Fireball". 

    Is that system I described for myself particularly different from yours, Vondy, in the sense of 'leveling up' a magic spell or is my original analysis of a platonic ideal of fireball not quite right? 

    When it comes to spells as skills in the Vondy method (individual Spell-Skills have individual rolls), are there any particular issues you have run into in game that I should keep an eye out for? Do the costs bog down casters? Is the fact that a spell only requires one individual skill tend to promote everyone dipping into the spell-pool? And as a kind of meta-aside, what general point frame do you work on to produce characters? Do you also allow any frameworks? 

    Lucius, you seemed to have some experience in this realm, so I was wondering if you could also  expand more upon that and what the system was like for you. I know you mentioned the one obvious issue you had, but where there any others? 

    La Rose. 

  9. I think folks have brought up a number of interesting ideas regarding this possible location setting. Allow me to add a few thoughts:

    Let's assume for a moment that there are many types of undead in the kingdom ranging from traditional zombies and skeletons, to Ghouls and Apparitions, to Vampires and Litches. The former being devoid of independent consciousness, the middle being driven by basic / animalistic desires, and the latter being fairly comparable to humans. If we don't want to make this kingdom comic-booky evil, then they have to see in themselves and this state of affairs some positive merits. So, what if the positive merit is that "A good life leads to a good Unlife"? 

    Folks who come back to life as the former two categories are somehow impure and thus, in a butchered Buddhist sense, must be cleaned through #eternal labor. By doing so they honor their ancestors and provide for their progeny. In this way, the (un)dead are a sacredlized member of a family. It is the family unit, in a Confusion sense, that owns the body. It is the role of the head of the house to maintain the (un)dead and to bring prosperity to their family and honor to their name. Destroying an undead worker isn't merely an issue akin to breaking someone's TV, it is as if you have killed their father and perhaps eternally doomed that person / family. An act so heinous that forced 'incorporation' of the offender / offender's family, might be the only reasonable recourse. This could also be a great plot hook idea (PCs break this sacred law / one family is trying to expand their control by 'incorporating' another). 

    This would help one build in very strong familial ties and power bases and help prevent a monopolistic Emperor Litch from just having a kingdom of pure undead. This bond making and value also explains why families don't just send out their undead members off to war for greater aquisition. They know who these folks are and share some kind of bond with them. And risking their eternal servitude and honor risks one's own post-death chances. Obviously it will happen just as fathers have sent sons into battle, but it is generally for some greater cause that could bring honor.

    This society, one in which struggle, hard work, and familiar devotion are paramount might see incarnations of the second kind (Ghouls) as expressions of a life lived in greed, gluttony, lust, or any other deadly sin. This eternal hell might instill a work ethic hardly seen in any other population. Why don't they merely go on vacation forever and leave all the hard labor to their dead family? Because doing so risks your eternal soul. You may become one of the outcasted dead. Perhaps the presence of such an undead creature in a family line is equivalent to a mark of Kane on the whole family. If the wider public finds out, they risk ostracism or perhaps incorporation into the imperial line. Only there, when-in they can serve the whole of the glorious kingdom can the tar of sin be washed away eventually and their souls allowed to move on. This is why the Emperor is so important: only he can wash clean the befouled. Only he can keep the kingdom safe from the deadly sins. Thus he serves not as an all powerful figure to be feared but as an eternally nurturing healer and protector of his kingdom. 

    It is, of course, the conscious sinners (Vampires and other fully sentient undead that embrace some baser urge like hungry) that occupy the greatest attention by all. Their ascension isn't just a deep smear on the family line but an eternal curse. An infection of flesh and society that must be purged with the holiest of lights. No one abides the vampire kin. So great is their blemish that the kingdom has gone to war with its neighbors under the explicit banner to eradicate this scourge thought to be ruling or being protected by the rulers of that kingdom. Destruction of such a foe is of such great honor that whole familial lines can be lifted to great heights by one member's heroic deed. 

    The last group would be the litch (or litch like character). Someone not bound to some baser urge/sin and fully conscious. These souls do NOT become the eternal rulers of their family. These are the chosen of the kingdom. The only one's whose life could truly justify presence before the Eternal Emperor. These are his children. The Eternal Emperor can bear no children of his own but is blessed with abundance in his line. Should an emperor ever fall, it is from these select few that the new emperor is chosen. Perhaps it is like the system of Cardinals picking the next pope, perhaps it is whomever can seize power the fastest, perhaps it is a person chosen by the previous emperor. Indeed, while we call the Emperor Eternal, his lifespan is short (maybe only one additional lifespan). But the role is Eternal and thus the title. Having one's family member in the Eternal Court brings great honor in society and the Emperor's family is given extreme privilege. 

    You could layer onto this lots of other ideas, too. What is the role of women in the society? Perhaps maternal and fetal death in pregnancy is a great shame/curse and as such women are given special protections to aid them. Slave birthing might have a stigma as it risks death from the woman and child and not all deaths are equally good. If menial labor is relatively plentiful and reliable, there might not even be much need to birth many children - indeed doing so might limit the work options for the child and thus risk his eternity. Or it could be the opposite. 

    What is the war strategy like? Someone mentioned above that they might try to find way to preserve the opponent so as to not damage potential new legions. Maybe the Emperor sees conquest as his only reasonable way to increase his forces since he can not institute drafts in the same way real world nations have. And of course he needs to be seen as a strong enough figure as to maintain the order lest citizens question his right to rule. Of course the Eternal Court helps build in some popular support and give aspirational goals to the common folks who, though a life of hard work, could get into the court and maybe even become Emperor in their undeath. 

    Their religion could actual revolve around the Sun and Sand. The Sun's holy might is what holds back the worst of the undead filth (vampires). The streets could shine with eternal flames meant to ward away such creatures. The hearth of a home could always be ablaze to ward off such fiends. They may even look down with repugnant scorn on human slavers. They defile the good names of their slaves and risk everyone's safety; indulging in their greed and wrath they risk their souls and denying socially beneficial labor to their slaves dishonor their family and perhaps risk other spawned horrors. In this way, they could actually be a force for some good in their neck of the woods. 

    Those are, of course, just my thoughts. 

    La Rose. 

  10. I am gearing up to run a fantasy hero game in the next month. I was looking through my copy of Fantasy HERO and trying to think of how I want to run things and have thus come up with some questions I was hoping to get insight into. 

    First, lets start with describing me and the situation. I have been playing with HERO for a very long time. Every time I have played, I have generally done so with fellow HEROphiles or at minimum a majority Herophile group. This will be my first time running for complete HERO newbies and two of whom are relatively RPG newbies. So i want start off with by making things as easy and intuitive as possible. So among the things that I want to streamline regard building up spells and unique character abilities, heavy tracking of END, and particular complexities regarding variations in weapons, etc. To that end, the following are some of my basic ideas:

    --The Pitch-- 
    While they are all relatively new (minus 1 DnD player), they are all familiar with DnD and such generic high-fantasy. So I am going to be pitching this as a High-Fantasy Game in a setting with familiar ties to DnD. A world full of thieves, priests, soldiers, sorcerers, druids and mages. Anything they can think of from DnD and so much more will be a possibility. That their general guideline should be to think of "low level" characters they wish they could play in DnD or characters they wish they could have play but for whom the rules of DnD were too restrictive to allow. I will even pitch a few "group" ideas to help get creative juices going and hopefully avoid the issue of Option-Paralyzation wherein given a blank page, folks struggle to think of ideas. 

    --How to Help--

    I am looking for some pitch ideas I can throw out there to help. Not ideas for individual characters per se but more for a group identity in which they could form a group identity. The one system the relative newbies have played with uses this "group identity" method to help form characters so it should be familiar to them. 

    My ideas are: 
    A coalition of [insert class] seeking vengeance for a lost master. Could be a group of monks, clerics, or mages, etc. 
    The Freed Undead. A group of otherwise undead characters (or a linked monstrous group) that were once under the thrall of a necromancer or such but for some reason are now free and in search of a way to rid themselves of this curse / repent for their previous thralled deeds. 
    The Anti-Magic Cult of warriors. A relatively secretive group that seeks to undo the deeds of (evil) mages. A group who specializes in a type of anti-magic style of combat and action or who otherwise only use magic for good. 
    Circus Performers. A band of traveling circus performers who live by the creed, "leave every place a bit better than the way you found it". 
    Mercs for Hire. Obvious. 
    Any more? 


    One of the things that can get hard for any new player is the variety of options for powers. I feel competent enough to build anything they want and hopefully the pitch and character brainstorming session should be enough to get us to a well rounded character. It is the issue of magic / character abilities that I worry about. One idea to help keep things simple on the page and achievable for the players that I got from Fantasy HERO was the idea of "Spells as Skills" wherein one buys the POWER SKILL as "Magic X-". This is their roll to use any of the magical spells they have bough. And the spells are listed like Martial Art Skills. A fireblast [RKA 1d6; 15active] would be cost/3 to get as a skill. Thus FireBlast would be 5 points. The second step in this would be to have PCs buy a "magic reserve" which would be an ENDurance Reserve an a Recovery rate based on some particular trigger (sleeping, meditating, etc). This would help PC spell users not drastically outpace their fellows and help keep the casters tracking of ENDurance simple-ish. 

    --How to Help--

    I have never tried anything like this before. So any feedback from folks who have tried the spells as skills or used End Reserves for magic essence pools would be appreciated. Has this help players maintain roughly balanced characters? If there is an issue, what has it been centered around and did you and your group generate any particular solutions. An example would be "the fraction rate of x/3 was too low and casters always had far more versatility. Make it x/5" or perhaps the reverse of that, or "Because all that was required was a few points for the Power Skill and Spell, absolutely everyone dipped a bit into caster and so niche protection was lost. Make all casting like Martial arts and require 10, 15, or 20 points to buy in at all". 

    It seems that as DnD has gone on, weapons have gotten more and more streemlined. Long gone are the 3.5 weapon catalogs where every possible variant of a real world weapon needed a mechanical change in game. I can appreciate this quite a bit. I think I am going to just create a super generic chart of Big, Medium, Small Weapons that each have a set damage value unless the Players spend points to get a much higher quality one. Has anyone tried this? Do you and your fellows enjoy the simplification? Given that one can still spend character points to get specialized mechanics. 


    --Generic Advice--

    Any Generic advice for bringing Fantasy HERO to life for a new group? 

    La Rose. 

  11. Not sure if this has been brought to your attention, but it seems the updates for this forum has established lots of notifications as default. I was quite surprised to have probably over a hundred HERO emails in my inbox recently. I think I have managed to kill the notifications. Going forward (or potentially now if possible) establishing a default of no-notification would be a welcomed edit. 

    La Rose. 

  12. I literally just said that abolishing the EC would help the GOP voters in blue states that you consider disenfranchised. Giving more voice to minority states would be fine, but because EVs are awarded en bloc by state*, what matters is the relative proportion of voters within each state.



    * Or district, in the case of Nebraska and Maine.

    Apologizes for not getting back to this faster. 


    I do not like the idea of a national popular vote. I do not like it for a handful of reasons, some of which are partisan. 


    Things to start off with:


    1 - I am not some diehard "democracy" fan-boy. An appeal to "DEMOCRACY" falls as flat as uninspired appeals to tradition. So what?


    2 - The system we have does leave out some groups but is an imperfect way of giving smaller states a voice. A voice they don't really have for 1460 days of the cycle. No Democrat nor Republican is going to ignore the interests of California, New York, nor Texas just because they didn't vote for them. They are too big and important to our nation. Wyoming and North Dakota on the other hand can be ignored in large part. Now the fact that they always vote for a particular party means they exercise less power than they could (or somehow more according to Mega's coalition argument) but then we get back to an issue of fending off the good-enough because it ain't perfect. 


    3 - 3rd party partisanship. The EC allows people to take a chance on third party candidates in solidly D or R states. They can do so "safely". This gives third parties more media attention and helps them secure ballot access. In battleground states, third parties have a far easier time convincing a few hundred thousand or million voters of something than tens of millions in other states. This makes third party interests more important to prospective candidates wanting to lock up a state. 


    4 - Anti-Extremism.  I can't count the number of times I have been labeled a racist for not voting for Sec. Clinton this time around when my vote, per some posters here, "didn't matter". Now, imagine the vitriol and extremism we would find ourselves in with a national vote. This can have a mellowing effect - although perhaps less so than I would want. 


    5 - I like themes. Champions and Comic Books teach us the values of themeing. We have the clear representative themeing of the House, state themeing of the senate and that cozy mix of the two with the PotUS. 


    6 - Given people are so worried about Russian hackers, an EC system actually makes it a bit harder. You have to set up rigged machines in several states which use various methods in order to swing their votes. A national one could just use pick the easiest targets in the whole of the US and swing their votes alone. But of course this is more a concern for the few conspiracy theorists that actually believe Russians hacked out elections :eyeroll:. 



    I wouldn't mind seeing the way we do things changed, though. Having proportional splitting of EV along with a mandatory binding of them would be good. This alone would actually encourage people to come out in solid states and counter some of the BS that Dems in California are doing. We can't decrease the minimum values for each state without a constitutional amendment, but we can increase them with just an act of congress. This limiting to 435 was created in 1911. If we went back to 1 per 30 or 50 or even 100k, we drastically decrease that vote imbalance. 


    On a tangential note, we could actually moderate the parties a bit in the congress by switching a bit more to an English style system. Put all the rep seats for a single state up to a vote by party (Dem, Rep, Lib, Green, etc). Then apportion them according to percentage of party votes. Remove the locality of the reps, expand their numbers, and make it a party vote. This does, of course, mean that party politics becomes more important - but also help keep out extremists yet promote 3rd parties. 




    Edited: my original point 3 needed some reworking and breaking out into 2 points. 

  13. I say this as someone who has heard you claim, on this very thread, that Bernie Bros were an actual thing months after the fact, that your assessment leaves me wanting. 

    The Dems had a chance to put someone at the head of their ship that might have actually gotten more than an absolute "NO" from me. They chose not to but in doing so alienated an election-losing percent of their base. Let's hope for the Libs sake they learn nothing from this fiasco. 


  14. Mega, you are confusing politicians with voters. When I go to vote in a Primary, no one knows who I am going to vote for in the election. I can vote in the Democratic Primary and push for a more Libertarian candidate. I have not lost that power. But we still aren't getting pro-peace and pro-privacy Dems. We still aren't getting Pro-Trade, Pro-Minority republicans. We are still more than capable of exercising that power, and the parties are still more than capable of pushing a candidate that will favor us in their primaries, but they aren't. And for as much as I disagree with Senator Sanders on issues, at least that was someone I, a full gold Libertarian, could have stomached against President Elect Trump. But the Dems decided that he and his crew were all racists and sexist bigots and colluded to keep him out. That isn't a process I particularly want to be in. Senator Sanders' willingness to accept that kind of abuse is unfortunate. 



  15. The party politics of the Republicans and Democrats will continue to distress me. But I get to wake up every morning from here on out knowing I didn't vote for someone who would order the targeted death of an American citizen abroad. I get to wake up knowing I didn't vote for someone who treats free speech and privacy as either non-existent or extremely negotiable qualities of our republic. It is amazing how good that feels. 

    If I voted with the masses of Dems or Republicans, my views wouldn't be given any more weight than they are now. The difference is that the Dems and Republicans have a choice to either recognize that my vote is transferable (to a third, etc) and meet me half way on an issue or ignore it. By voting third I exercise far more control than I would inside the party. If the Libs decided to side with Sec. Clinton this cycle, she wouldn't all of a sudden forgo her indifference to foreign wars or crony capitalism. Nor would us voting for Trump cause him to rethink his stance on libel laws and protectionist trade policies. But now that the Dems have lost and can recognize that the Libs could have easily put them over, they have a hard choice to make: meet us half way or ignore it and hope it was a one off. Eitherway, we exercise the exact same amount or more control in the cycle this time. Why? Because coalitions only change policies if members of that coalition will actually carry through on our only power - breaking from it. 


  16. Mega, which of the two party do you thinks represents my ideals even remotely?

    The Democratic Party and Republican party are far too wrapped up in issues I can't stomach. Why vote for someone who is going to send young americans to fight, die, and kill young and innocent Syrians? I don't think that is a trade off I can look at myself the next morning having made. Others feel differently and they are welcome to their views. Thus the reason it becomes incumbent upon me and everyone else in the Lib. party to make a case for our ideals being better than the other two parties. 

    There is of course room to accept that not everyone is going to match my views on particular issues even inside my party. My candidate this time around was most certainly not the representation of my personal views. I had to trade off some things to rally behind Gov. Johnson. I am surprised that you don't recognize that even Libertarians deal with coalitions. We just refuse to deal with your coalitions because you say we must. 


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