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Ockham's Spoon

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Everything posted by Ockham's Spoon

  1. Two women are sitting in a bar discussing their lives over drinks. Woman 1: "Yesterday, my best friend Linda ran off with my husband." Woman 2: "Since when has Linda been your best friend?" Woman 1: "Since yesterday."
  2. 3 turns because most of our combats don't last any longer than that, so it you can go that long you don't need to track END.
  3. My mother used this exact argument to convince me I should go to the prom. My date was another unattached friend who was nearly as socially awkward as myself. The whole event was very uncomfortable, and ended with both of us getting food poisoning. Not exactly the evening we had planned, but my mother was right about never forgetting prom.
  4. A penguin is driving through rural America when his car breaks down. The tow truck drops him off at the nearest place to get his car fixed, a combination gas station, auto repair shop, and convenience store. The penguin is wandering around in the convenience store while he waits on his car, and finds a freezer with ice cream bars in it. He is hot and hungry, so although he has never eaten ice cream before, it seems appealing, so he buys one and starts to eat it. He isn't wild about the flavor, but the cold creaminess is nice, and he enjoys it even though he makes quite a mess, getting it all over his beak and face. He has just finished the ice cream when the mechanic comes in to tell him about his car. "Well," the mechanic says "it looks like you blew a seal." The penguin quickly replies "Oh, no, it's just ice cream, I swear!"
  5. If I could have a conversation with my microwave, I imagine it would go something like this: Me: "How long should I cook this?" Microwave: "Do you want it too hot or too cold?" Me: "What if you cooked it just right?" Microwave: "WHaT iF yOu CoOKeD iT jUsT RigHt? lmao, ok Goldilocks. Just for that I am going to beep louder than your smoke alarm for no particular reason."
  6. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Gopher, Netscape with frames, the first Browser Wars. Searching for pages with AltaVista, pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain. Time to die."
  7. Yes, then they have to track their END. This has had the curious effect of making some players a tad more cautious (keeping more levels in DCV or dodging) so that they don't get knocked out, and other players going for broke when their STUN is low because they know they are going to have to start tracking END one way or the other.
  8. I use END, but give the players two options: 1. Build your character however you like, but you have to track END carefully 2. Build your character so they can go at least 3 turns in normal combat without running out of END. You don't need to track END, and if something unusual happens in combat (an END Drain, or they had to push END or something), we just assume average END use up to that point to determine how much END you have left. Most players go with option 2, but I have had some that enjoy micromanaging their END for maximum effect. Option 1 is also appropriate for characters who have an 'ultimate attack' that is devastating, but costs x5 END or something so they can't use it willy-nilly.
  9. 'We' being my gaming group. I stand corrected on how healing Flash is officially handled, but I would say we were pretty happy with our house rule of 1-6 segments of Flash healed per d6 of Healing. The RAW seems a bit stingy to me.
  10. Admittedly I haven't had many characters with this ability, but this is exactly how we handled it. I haven't read the specific rules recently, but I thought that is how it was supposed to be done for Flash. And as unclevlad suggested, it was always part of an Expanded Effects on the Healing.
  11. Eos seems like a mentalist type character, and defenses for those characters is often problematic. For Eos I could see a Mind Control, AoE radius, No Range, Single Command "Don't hurt Eos". That could get pricey to be effective, and requires constant Mind Control checks, so a more streamlined version would just be Combat Luck or levels of Damage Negation with the Mind Control sfx, possibly with the limitation "Only works if attacker fails EGO roll".
  12. Lawyer (after presenting damning evidence): "So, did you kill the victim?" Defendant: "No." Lawyer: "Do you know what the penalty is for perjury?" Defendant: "A lot less than it is for murder."
  13. Clearly someone got the wrong video feed with this headline
  14. My mother is 4'9" tall but absolutely fearless when approaching strangers. The other day we're walking through the parking lot and there is this pickup truck in the handicapped parking spot with no handicap tags. There is a guy sitting in the drivers seat, so my mother goes up to him and says "Sir, this is a handicap spot. My neighbor is handicapped and it makes it very difficult for her when people take the handicap spots. You can't park here." The guy says "I'm not parked, I'm just stopped." My mother looks him right in the eye and says "Oh, I'm sorry. I see your handicap is mental."
  15. As I get older, I feel very fortunate to have someone call and check on me every day. Although I have to say her concern about my car warranty is rather obsessive.
  16. Not to derail the thread, but one issue I have with Hit Locations is that if you strategically target them, they tend to be all or nothing. There isn't a mechanic for "you missed the vitals, but still hit the chest or leg" or even if you are trying to disable someone without killing them "you missed the legs but got them in the vitals". That may be good for game-play balance, but strikes me as unrealistic. Has anyone tried something like "miss a targeted shot by 1, and instead you hit an adjacent Hit Location"?
  17. I was explaining to my wife about an article from Bloomberg written by an out-of-touch economist on the topic of inflation and how to avoid its bite. The initial contention was that inflation really only affected people who made below $300k a year, which sort of sounded like the best way to not be affected by inflation was to not be poor. That inauspicious start was then followed up with suggestions like use more public transportation, eat lentils instead of meat, and (I kid you not) let your pets die. Yes, you can tighten up your budget by euthanizing your pets instead of paying for their care. My wife said "Oh my god, I can't believe they printed that! Really? Lentils?" (For the record, my wife is absolutely devoted to our two cats.)
  18. First of all, I am impressed you knew what movie this was. Second, based on this clip, I am impressed it got 7 out of 10 stars on IMDB. I have clearly missed a cinematic gem here, and now must go correct that oversight 😄
  19. There are no other words that sound like "homophone" but are spelled differently. I feel like that is a missed opportunity.
  20. Trying to teach stranger danger to my 7-year old: Me: What would you say if a stranger came up to you and said "I'm your Dad's friend and he asked me to pick you up." 7-year old: You're lying! My Dad doesn't have any friends! Me: Not where I was going, but okay
  21. I agree that unless the character is frail for some specific reason, anyone who adventures regularly is going to be in decent shape. I would be leery of letting someone buy STR with a limitation like that unless they had in in-game justification. Otherwise it smacks of meta-gaming. That said, I have had wizards with spells like "Feather-Pack" which is bought as STR, only to offset Encumbrance, or "Phantom Servant" which is purchased as a Persistent Telekinesis and often used as a pack-horse.
  22. Thank goodness, I was beginning to worry something had happened to Rich
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