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Everything posted by tarragon

  1. Re: Sean style pointlessness! I'm going to be contrary to all the other nice people and say that if a player presented this to me I wouldn't allow it. It feels like an attempt to manipulate the speed system and not an attempt to model anything.
  2. Re: Update to 6ed? I can't rep you, so I'll support you publicly. I wrote up something along those lines but then decided it wasn't worth it. I'm glad someone did. Multiple someones in fact, G-A just got there first.
  3. Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition If we're to reintroduce something like a 5E COM to 6E here's what I would like to see. A single number is fun. You can compare COMs the same way you compare anything else; "Ha, My COM is 4 points better than yours, I'll get the first dance with the princess." It's also a good short hand for gamers who like to quantify everything. "The bartender is a smok'n hot red head with curves like mountain road and wearing a spaghetti strap top leaves little to the imagination" is a better description than she's COM 30 (legendary COM, wahoo). But some people will have a better idea how to react to the COM number than the description. So give them both. There are however a number of weaknesses I'd like to see addressed. Either with rules and mechanics if necessary or simply guidance on how to use the characteristic it that's all it needs. We need a way to deal with Cultural applicability. "You humans don't see it, but all the male dwarves in the room are tripping over their words and their beards when they are within 10 feet of the dwarven princess." I'd like to see a method that deals with the value of a hideous appearance that isn't different from all the other characteristics by costing more to lower the number. Perhaps a separate but related mechanic, perhaps limited presence. I'd like to see guidance on dealing with the downsides of appearance, both positive and negative. The pretty girl and the ugly guy are both more likely to be picked out in a crowd and remembered later. The pretty girl may get a bad reaction instead due to jealousy or prejudice (all blonds are dumb). One a related note, the ugly guy may a positive reaction due to pity. Perhaps this is just guidance on buying Social and Distinctive Features complications. Finally, I'd like to see a method for dealing with changing appearance. Shapeshift, Transform, and Images all can change peoples appearance, and are justifiable in many genres. But you can also drastically change appearence with a night a wading through the sewers or a day at the spa. I'm unhappy with saying to the team's shapeshifter, "sure you look like Scarlett Johansson but you still only have a 10 COM."
  4. Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition Nexus, The problem come from the fact that this thread *IS* about re-introducing COM. If all you want to do is port over the 5E mechanic than the answer is obvious and has been given. It's "Port over the 5E mechanic." If that's all you want it becomes a technical question of how do you add it to a HD template and add it to a character sheet. If you want more than that or something different than the 5E and 6E versions then you need to deal with the issue of what you do want COM to do and what doesn't do at all and what it does poorly. And you can't discuss that without without discussing the weaknesses that you want those changes to address.
  5. Re: Omcv 1? But out of all of the possibilities 3 has a distinct advantage. If CV starts at 3 we can use older characters without changes. If we don't start 6E characters at 3 then we have to convert CVs everytime we try to use a 5E special guest star in a one shot role.
  6. Re: Firing rates of semi-auto&bolt action I'd go with Bolt Action not being able to use the Blazing Away maneuver myself (for -0). I wouldn't limit the uses per turn, a super speedster should be able to work the bolt faster.
  7. Re: Omcv 1? I'm thinking that OMCV/DMCV bases of 3/3 were chosen to make using pre printed characters easier. All of the characteristics new and old start where they've started since the beginning of herodom. If you aren't worried about converting costs you can take any existing 5th ed character (characteristics wise) and just use it in a 6th ed campaign. If the values were based differently you would have to account for that when pulling an old sheet out to run. As it is you just grab it and go. No "Oh wait, Target man is a 5th ed char and i forgot to account for the changes in base DMCV, so you actually hit." When you convert the sheet later you can deal with the details of the changes and accounting for the new scores.
  8. Re: Resistant PD and ED I thought I had a good answer for you by doing it with a list and characteristics as a power, But it doesn't work right because of rounding issues and it doesn't look right to take so much space, this should be a one liner. Thick Skin 1 1) +1 PD, Resistant (+1/2) 1 2) +1 ED, Resistant (+1/2) Any better answers?
  9. Re: Power Discussion: Making Adjustments It's almost listed: 6E1 p135 "If two different Adjustment Powers are applied to the same Characteristic or ability, record and track the fade/recovery of each one individually." That implies the compliment, if a single adjustment power... But I'm not so sure.
  10. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment
  11. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment nsfw
  12. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies THANK YOU! I've been wanting and official way to do this for a while. Even suggested it in the 6th ed forums. It's awesome to hear that you've addressed this. Hey what do you know. I *CAN* rep Steve.
  13. Re: Installing Linux on a Dead Badger: User's Notes Old news. Phillip was over-clocking lemons (and I assume installing Linux) a year earlier.
  14. Re: Create Familiar Spell
  15. Re: Create Familiar Spell Well how does your vision of a familiar differ from the perk version? If your familiar is a permanent companion then whatever the mechanism the points should be paid to cover the value. For me the difference from transform is that transform heals or otherwise ends, a familiar relationship doesn't. I would not allow a player to transform something into a familiar and then top up the transform between adventures so that the transform is effectively maintained forever. Particularly since spells are coming out of a VPP. Such an arrangement is all upside with no cost for the character.
  16. Re: Create Familiar Spell From my point of view the familiar is simply a follower. The spell casting is simply the special effect of spending the points for the follower. No points are spent on the spell. As a metaphor look at how a character might go about learning the Deep Elf language. Mechanically the player just spends points. But in game you don't just wake up one morning knowing a new language. The in game special effect of spending those points is that the character spends time with a teacher and practices the language over time. You wouldn't ask players to spend points to be able to learn this language. You may make campaign ground rules that require the character to know the right spell to get that special familiar and there is a different spell for each one. In that case in game you make the character find or research the right spell before you allow them to spend the points. Back to the language example, you don't let a character learn the Deep Elf tongue just because they have the points. They need to find someone that can teach them. It might take a lot of asking around to find someone who speaks it and is willing to teach. It might require a full blown quest to find a teacher. If it's very difficult to learn the right spell or arrange the right circumstances to cast the spell then you might create a fringe benefit perk and require that they buy that before being allowed to spend the points. 2pts; concealed familiar permit. Again with the language example. D&D's Thieves cant is only taught to novice thieves. Characters are not allowed to spend points on it without the guild membership perk. Similarly some campaigns require a character have some sort of mage perk before being allowed to buy spells at all. If your campaign does you can tie this Familiar ability to the existing mage perk or make a related perk.
  17. Re: Alternate Advantage and Limitation configuration I still think back fondly on the version of variable limitation from (I think) the first edition of Fantasy Hero. It wasn't one of a fixed set of limitations like it is now, it acted like you describe. If I recall right it was an advantage to take but then you could pile on limitations as you needed. The real points stayed the same the limitations gave you more active points. It was great because you could get something that felt more like the way magic is sometimes presented. If you have a Summon with variable limitation that with no limitations can summon an imp. If you take some extra time and gestures you could summon a low end full demon. With a month of time, 20 people chanting, 1000 gold worth of expendable foci, and a human sacrifice you can plop Azmodeus right in the middle of an enemy army.
  18. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons It's not directly addressed in either direction so I could be worrying for naught, but... If MPA's are now part of this process and become a full phase and 1/2 DCV has that just made the classic lighting bolt plus linked hearing flash slow and painful to use? Perhaps linked becomes an exception, perhaps this all shakes out in the details we don't have. LOOOOOONG!
  19. Re: a living dead PC A long time ago I ran a campaign where one character was technically dead. But he didn't know that initially. During creation he skimped on the Life Support but bought it a few points at a time as he gained EXP. He made a point of making each purchase as creepy as possible for the other PCs. "I have recently given up sleeping. I discovered it was unnecessary for my new physiology and made me vulnerable for a significant proportion of my day."
  20. Re: Muskateer My turn to agree but with a minor quibble. I do not know the history but I've shot muzzle loading (rifled cap lock and smoothbore flintlock) rifles competitively. In competition, shooting at paper targets, I generally made a shot every 90 to 120 seconds or so. I could make an accurate shot every 30 seconds or so if I rushed and there weren't other people on the line (safety issues). I used lead balls I cast myself with a small cloth patch and could easily drive it home with just a ball starter and ramrod. No hammer needed. Mini balls (minie?) were less accurate for me in these situations and while faster to load, not significantly faster. I've seen shooters in speed based competitions make 3 or 4 accurate shots a minute by themselves and 6 or more a minute in pairs with 1 shooter, one loader, and 2 rifles.
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