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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. There are rumbles that they are moving away from Kang as the big enemy. He's always sucked in the comics, I cannot figure out why they wanted him as the villain for this sweep. All of their movies and TV shows have either been canceled or delayed, my guess is they are doing a lot of retooling and rethinking after the poor performance of the last bunch of efforts.
  2. Yeah its not much different than fighting a speedster, who uses their movement to get away after hitting or has specialized moving strike maneuvers. They can be annoying, but can be defeated.
  3. Yeah, if you don't have super tactical, smart players who try to maximize everything, you can probably get away with the change and not much will be different -- although as usual probably things would come up nobody has thought of yet. Not under the rules. It lands the segment after the phase you attacked on. Unless you have a held half phase you cannot then move, because your phase is over and the only thing you can do off your phase is abort to a defensive act.
  4. I have been pondering this a while and have come to the conclusion that if you add this into the game, it changes so much about when people take what actions in what order that it creates the need for a long and complex list of rules that have to be added to the way combat works. I understand that if you do it simply it works well and easily -- Savage Worlds allows this for example, because it is a super, super simple combat system. But with the flexibility of Hero and the combat maneuvers and the speed chart and DEX rank and all the rest, it becomes much more complex. It starts to become, as I noted above, a system of who goes in what order, and how do you determine who interrupts what action and when do you move and how far, and what facing you have. Which appeals to me in one sense -- it makes combat more dynamic and allows a lot of interesting things to be added in like bonking someone to stop them from doing something -- but it also would slow down combat massively, add another book of rules, and make things a lot less free wheeling and fun. I played Aces & Eights, an award winning system. They had some neat ideas like the shot clock and adding poker cards into the game and so on. They break down combat into 1/10th second intervals in which you basically write down what you intend to do like Magic Realm, and then the clock very slowly unwinds as everyone tries to execute their actions at the same time. This all sounds brilliant on paper but is virtually unplayable in actual practice, and took freaking ages for a short gunfight. The whole timing of events thing is a source of continual fighting, rule changing and frustration in games like Magic: the Gathering. So, basically while it sounds kind of harmless I think it would avoid it.
  5. I understand that the girl playing Kamala does a good job, but sadly her character doesn't grow beyond squeeing fan girl.
  6. I'd just do a limitation on it, as Doc said. Maybe a side effect, it doesn't always go off but its triggered by circumstances, slows you when you hit harder material.
  7. I would consider different duplicates to have different personalities and motivations etc only if they were bought that way. Its a special effect thing, for one build they are obedient "shadows" of the real character, for another they are copies teleported in from other dimensions, etc.
  8. The main effect, if 6th had not turned 0 into the lowest you can go, would be on characteristic rolls. The formula still works, at -5 INT you have an 8- perception roll, and so on. Since they made STR power down to no lift whatsoever at 0, the main benchmark for stats wouldn't do anything at negative except STR Rolls
  9. If you get the "Complete" versions of the books, you get 4th edition level brevity with 6th edition detail, I think its the best of both worlds. Could do with a bit better presentation and tone, but they do the job for rules. Hero's biggest problem is lack of market presence and too few adventures. We independent people are trying to fill in the gaps, but the company really needs to step up. You cannot even find Hero on the shelf anywhere, sitting on line and offering POD is not good enough for a game company.
  10. But Dr Strange's arrogance was gone (at least in the comics) when he studied with the Ancient One. He became, for lack of a better term, enlightened by learning the secrets of the universe, which made him more humble. Stark in the movies is pretty well defined by his arrogance, selfishness, and lack of concern for others, which he sort of learns to get past eventually, by the time he dies. But Dr Strange isn't. And in both No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness, he's mostly shown to be an idiot, which is just bizarre to me.
  11. All the leads in No Way Home really delivered, great acting. The story was a messed up jumble, and they made Dr Strange look like an idiot, but the performances and the last half really made it work.
  12. I wouldn't say that the rules have gotten more complicated, they've just gotten really specific and try to cover every contingency rather than leaving it up to the GM. I noticed after 6th came out I was looking stuff up in the book all the time instead of just winging it -- and finding I was almost always doing it according to Hoyle just from experience and common sense.
  13. There are some people so amazingly attractive that everyone considers them so. They call it "pretty privilege" and its true for men and women (although more so for women). Tom Selleck at his peak was so overwhelmingly handsome that even men were in awe. Supermodels are considered stunning to men and women alike. I mean, a beautiful mountain range is beautiful no matter who you are.
  14. Yeah I never used that rule, because there's no level of ugly in my mind that makes something terrifying. It just is disgusting. Presence is terrifying. Buying a stat down makes it worse, by definition in my book, so you ought not gain a benefit for buying it down.
  15. I see Comeliness being about appeal and attraction, and Striking Appearance being about awe and/or fear. The difference between Anne Hathaway and the Alien Queen. Comeliness is an RP stat. Striking Appearance is a combat/interaction talent.
  16. That's just it; that wasn't all it was ever used for. YOU didn't use it for anything else, but plenty of other GMs did, which was my entire point. Just because you don't use it in your campaign doesn't mean it has to be eliminated. I cannot ever remember using or building anything with Requires Multiple Users, but that doesn't mean I think it should be deleted from the game. At worst COM was harmless.
  17. 11 OCV is pretty grand but I guess the Wasp doesn't miss very often
  18. Yeah I think every writer thought "superheroes are hot! I can make a game and sell it/rejuvenate an old game!" and... like comic books, there's been basically zero coat tails in terms of sales for either from the movies.
  19. Death ends all legal action against a person. The person is considered to no longer be a person, and hence not liable to any legal action or penalty. Mind you, this used to be different: John Knox was dug up and his body burned at the stake after his death, for example. But today its a dead end legally. In a world where people can come back as another being, or be resurrected, or whatever would have to come up with its own system of law to handle such an event. I can tell you what individual religions think about this, but even if you take the tales of this kind of thing happening seriously, they are usually so rare and specific as to avoid legal consideration. Take the Bible, for instance. In roughly five thousand years of Biblical history, there were ten people recorded as having been brought back from the dead. That's so rare as to be outside general legal consideration. If it happened more often (as in, say, Hinduism with nearly everyone being reincarnated) then it would have to be considered based on the case or person. Nobody is immediately reincarnated into a human again in Hinduism (as I understand it). They are either downgraded to something slightly lower than humans or something higher on their hierarchy of beings. I believe humans are pretty low on the list. Animals are held to be outside legal consideration by just about everyone: you cannot sue your dog for chewing up the furniture. Just some thoughts from a non-lawyer.
  20. The first thing to understand is that the state of Role Playing Games in general is awful. People prefer video games, card games, miniature war games, board games, etc far more than role playing games. Even D&D, the industry leader, is in rocky shape right now -- partly self induced but overall just a symptom of the times. The biggest local gaming shop has only a small corner of the shop devoted to RPGs, the rest to miniatures, card games, and board games. Super Hero RPGs, a small segment of the RPG industry is doing even worse. Modern people have small attention spans, don't read much beyond texts, want flashy high definition moving imagery, and have starved and atrophied imaginations because all their entertainment is played out and spoon fed to them. I hate to be the bearer of bad news like this. I desperately wish it was not so.
  21. Which is why I argued it should be a +¼ advantage for normal attacks at least, if not killing. Its just not worth the cost and the resulting reduction in power (as you demonstrate) makes it not worth taking -- and impenetrable is even less worth taking because almost nobody buys penetration.
  22. I mean it was obvious from the beginning. If your film has to make nearly half a billion dollars to break even you've gotten out of control. Yes, Marvel got used to the idea of 800+ million dollar paychecks from ticket sales alone, but that's an absurdly unrealistic and unreasonable expectation. Its plainly obvious that your movies cost too much in this kind of situation and those excesses have to be cut back.
  23. Ike Perlmutter was fired about that time as well, and I think he was a very strong positive influence that often clashed with what Feige wanted.
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