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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. If you want, you can build a talent-style 6th edition Transfer that is just bone stock: drain 1d6 from target to give that to you, and use that for most builds. Its actually slightly cheaper than Old School Transform (although the active cost is 16 instead of 15). Drain is automatically ranged in 6th edition, and Aid costs 6 points per d6 Drain Ability 1d6 (10 active points) Aid Ability 1d6 (6 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Linked (Drain; -1/2), Only to equal exact amount Drained (-0)
  2. Yeah Like I said, Reshoots aren't necessarily a bad sign, they can get you the end of Rocky or they can give you the first Suicide Squad. There really isn't any way to know until the movie comes out.
  3. Part of what I liked about Ant Man was that he wasn't saving the universe or anything, it was pretty low key. The Hulk movies, same way. Iron Man, all three were not epic world-saving adventures. Its been a mix between gigantic epics and smaller stories.
  4. I have resigned myself to realizing nobody is going to do the Suicide Squad right because they think they need the BIG SUPER MASSIVE EPIC story instead of a tight thriller like Dirty Dozen of bad guys forced to work together. Sooner or later its going to dawn on Hollywood that you can do any story in a Superhero setting, that its not genre, its more like set dressing or time period.
  5. People need to learn to not interfere with Sam Raimi's vision and let him make his movies. Spider-Man 3 is proof of that
  6. While my favorite edition of Hero is 4th, 5th edition has way more content and a broader range of support material than any other edition. I think 6th has a lot of great ideas that I strongly encourage people adapt to their favorite version at the least, but 5th has a ton of stuff to work with.
  7. I wonder what is going on right now at Disney studios. Big reshoots for both upcoming Dr Strange and Ms Marvel movies. Are they changing things to match what they learned in No Way Home, or are they changing something about their planned storyline? Usually reshoots are ... not a good sign, but sometimes they do work out well. The Marvels film has been delayed several times as well. That suggests an overall rewrite of the Big Plan to me. There are whispers of more cameos which... isn't necessarily a great idea.
  8. Another maneuver I've been thinking about is a deflection maneuver. Instead of all-or-nothing block, it is a block that reduces damage taken (something that is done a lot more in real combat than the absolute negation of damage). Damage negation? Damage Reduction?
  9. There is a way for someone who is thrown up to take damage. If they hit a hard object on their way up. Yeah you hit something like the ceiling before reaching maximum altitude, you do a move through on it with your body at the STR of the throw. If you don't break through, you bounce off taking full damage. Then fall.
  10. 24m, because of gravity penalty. Still, thats 12 times the height of a man, so nothing to sneeze at. You fall at 10m per segment, and accelerate every segment regardless of your SPD or DEX. That means basically 2 segments before you hit segment 0: 0m at the apogee. Segment 1: 10m velocity falling, fell 10m. Segment 2: now moving 20m velocity, hit the ground So you hit the ground at 20m velocity and according to the rules you take normal damage from most surfaces and GM's option killing damage (say you fall on a bunch of broken glass or jagged rocks). A "short fall" is 20m or less distance in which you take 1 DC of damage per 2m fallen. A "long fall" is 21 or more meters distance in which you suffer 1 DC of damage per 2m of velocity (in this instance 20m). So the poor sap takes 10d6 of damage from the fall at 20m velocity. Owie.
  11. Welp. Glad I am not playing in one of your games. I couldn't offer you a PHD thesis on physics to justify the superpowers for my characters.
  12. Again there are two strains of thought here: 1) In the real world people would feel real, ethical pressure (from within and without) to go do stuff with their powers other than beat bad guys up, particularly those who can do extraordinary good with it like save lives and end famines, etc. 2) In comic books or games, that kind of thing is a big bummer and depresses people, bringing a level of real world into the game that does not contribute to enjoyment or entertainment, and should be left aside. Someone can hold both of these positions without contradiction.
  13. Yeah that's the cleanest concept, and it would be cheaper than using Absorb as well. the main concern is, I agree, the mechanics of how you absorb body from non-damaging powers. It just made me stop and go "hmm that's kind of neat", not anything I'd necessarily add as a house rule. Some kind of detached kinetic ability or a spell that taps into their motion to give you energy, a quantum gate between their use of a power and yours, absorbing the impact on the world, there's a lot of ways you can "make this work". If someone can do things like absorb sound and turn it into light in the comics and everyone shrugs, I don't see a particularly significant challenge here.
  14. If all the old Champions modules were updated to 6th and modern day, a campaign book could just reference them and string them together with a story ala Pathfinder but that's not really a viable approach as things stand right now. I don't mind the short module concept, but I think what is needed more right now is a full campaign to give new players and GMs something to immediately launch with.
  15. I believe that the followup to Champions Begins should be a bone stock basic Champions adventure campaign. Simple base, simple NPCs, simple adventure arc with lots of ideas and options to customize. Like "Dr Destroyer has an island somewhere, he's building up power to attack the world and the PCs slowly uncover the plot as they do other adventures along the way" 6-10 adventures with a bunch of adventure prompts for things like "love interest in peril" and "secret identity might be discovered". You know, the Superhero classics. Again, like Western Hero, if you're introducing people to the genre and the game, you don't need to remake the mold, just give people a chance to play the comic books and movies themselves. You can get wild and creative after that.
  16. Except suppress also weakens the power. Absorb doesn't reduce the power, it draws energy from use of the power. Unless you specifically buy absorb as a defense it doesn't even reduce the effect of the power on you. I mean the Absorb doesn't even need to be there, you can just define it as an Aid that only goes off when the target does x thing, but its an interesting mechanic and concept that occurred to me. It lets you use a power in an interesting and unique way and I like that kind of thing.
  17. Not exactly. Transfer reduces the power used. When you drain something it gets weaker. When you absorb it, you simply take energy from their actions. Absorb doesn't reduce the power of the attack (or cause their subsequent attacks to do less).
  18. Falling damage is the same regardless of the source. Its based on the distance they fall. Telekinesis as I recall is standing throw, plus there's the gravity effect (go half as far upward because of gravity). YOu calculate the distance from that and then apply normal falling damage.
  19. Something occurred to me while in the shower: what if you could use Absorption to work on powers that are not attacks. As in, Absorption used as an Attack vs, say movement on the target. Every time they move, you get END. It opens up a huge range of interesting options and curious builds in my mind. Your strength only feeds my force field!
  20. ...insult?? I apologize if anything I wrote was offensive or hurtful to you but um... where? And how?
  21. This is the key. How involved will the players be with this, will it make things more entertaining for them or is it just a fascination for you as the GM? Will all the extra bookkeeping and time management matter for the game or not?
  22. I agree that it makes a more dismal and less interesting game to guilt players into going around and using their powers to constantly better the world build a better future, as I said above a couple times. In play and in the comics, you want to run a game that's fun and entertaining, not grim and duty-bound wracking the players with guilt and constant moral quandaries. We play these games to get away from that in life. But philosophically its clear that some abilities carry a greater ethical burden of aid and duty than others. Being a really great shot is clearly not in the same category as curing cancer.
  23. Well there is an ethical difference between "I have a skill" and "I can save lives"
  24. Sure, your wizard can pick up a sword but he won't be nearly as skilled as sword dude. The point here isn't "wizards can't use swords" its that direct application of magic isn't as effective as indirect or just using a weapon in many cases.
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