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Everything posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: What is Munchkin? Well, A munchkin is a player who perceives RPGs as competitive events, and as such seeks to amass power, raise the body-count, and screw-over the other players and the GM. Read "The Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming" from Steve Jackson Games.
  2. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources I never heard of Justifiers, but Disney characters (the animal-like ones) certain count as furry, as do most of the Looney Tunes. Admittedly, I've always wanted to run a campaign set in the Star Fox universe from Nintendo (ignoring the grave assault on the franchise that was Star Fox Assault)
  3. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources Amen to that. Halogen Engine was only recently replaced by FATAL as a game I wouldn't even offer to my worst enemy.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This was from long ago in a D&D X-Crawl game. I just entered the game with a human rogue, and one of the other players was playing a halfling who was a bit of a gloryhound. After a rough fight, the announcer said something about how there was no love from the forces of luck. The halfling then said "But my sword gives me love." Then I said something that got the whole group to stop and laugh, including the GM, who was a lady. The line was, "Yeah, yeah, stroke that thing..." And I was refering to either the sword or the ego. I think it was the ego.
  5. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Cool Devices HERO (if you don't know about CD, count yourself VERY Lucky.) Gouge-the-Eyes-and-burn-the-brain-with-horrible-mental-images HERO (Takofanes is about to have a baby! )
  6. Re: [RISKY] How would your character be described by this guy? Oh, everybody has their stupid moments. Besides, think of this as a creative challenge; rant about and criticize your character. It's just so easy with the Superfriends because they have so much that's so flagrantly easy to criticize in such a harsh manner. We, however, have to work because our own PCs are naturally better (at least in our minds) than those idiot superfriends. So it's not an impossible task, just a tricky one. And I fully expect you to take your time with your characters. Seanbaby might not be interested, but we're talking not about seanbaby (he inspired the thread, no more), but rather about somebody like seanbaby; a person who will find the stark stupidity in literally any character. And then he mocks the character for the stupidity. If you don't want to take part, don't take part. This is just a fun exercise in seeing the flaws in how a character interacts in your campaign or even in a theoretical campaign. This can especially be fun for more humorously oriented characters or characters that seem to end up in silly situations.
  7. Re: How would you use Gravitar? Scary...
  8. Re: Rocket-propelled Chainsaw Cool. But it just isn't the same as the bears with the rocket launchers that shoot flaming flying sharks that explode. But maybe if you get the chainsaws to shoot lasers and explode, unleashing a bunch of mini-chainsaws that also shoot lasers and explode, you might have something...
  9. http://www.seanbaby.com/super.htm [WARNING: Not Suitable for the very young or the very mature due to various uses of "adult" humor and profanity. This is Seanbaby, for those that it matters to. This is also about the Superfriends.] I am posting this site because of this question: "What would your character be like according to Seanbaby?" Below are a few rules: 1) Although Seanbaby is rather obscene, the hero System Message boards do not appreciate such vulgarity. I will have to ask you all to be less profane. Sure, go into how stupid a character might be, but don't swear like he does. 2) Due to the technoligy of the message boards, "illustrative comics" are most likely not possible (your character most likely has no screenshots). You can either use "scripts" for example dialogues, or you can ignore that part of a character rant. Anyone who does manage to create comics that look as though they came from a TV show should be repped. 3) You must conclude your character rant with a Super-rating from 0 (the Wonder twins) to 8 (Bizzarro and Superman). In addition, you must give a summary paragraph bringing the whole rant to a close.
  10. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Getting a Job HERO Copyright Infringement HERO Illness HERO Terminally Ill HERO
  11. Re: An Old Quiz, But A Nice One. You scored as Storyteller. You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director. Storyteller 58% Tactician 50% Power Gamer 50% Method Actor 50% Butt-Kicker 42% Specialist 42% Casual Gamer 42%
  12. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) SenZar HERO (Psychological Limitation: Bloody Idiot (Very Common, Total): 25 points)
  13. Re: [Possible game] Jonestown Blues Renamed it Jonesburg. Averyville seemed far too "out" and the Averyville Horror idea, well, I'm ditching that because it's just too silly.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Dan Brown meets Mel Gibson for this romantic comedy about Christ and Magdelan: Impassioned with the Christ
  15. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Dr. Laura HERO (Psychology meets the Religious Right, and no, it's not the RR that's getting the help.)
  16. Re: The Brown Note: Not as funny as you think. Crap? Seriously, there is no Brown note, but there is a phobosonic range, a wavelength of sound that creates anxiety and fear. That I learned from Mythbusters.
  17. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) The Health Clud comes directly from Typo HERO and is a place to work out.
  18. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Soap Opera Hero season 29: Will Defernder discover his wife's affair with Valerius the Harper? Will Doctor Destroyer hit the Health Clud to prolong his life further? Can Seeker ever find fan support? Find out this, and more on Dice of our Lives.
  19. Re: Cartoonist Stuck In Own Creation Power Build Repped for the deliciously bad pun. ^.^
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares http://www.geocities.com/ben_ruffles/RandomWriting/WBvsCapcomAd.pdf Can't get worse than this
  21. Re: For those of us not artistically inclined I prefer Hero Machine 2.0, but I do have to admit that even that has a lot of limits.
  22. Re: [Possible game] Jonestown Blues I went with Jonestown as a "subtle" reference to Chuck Jones, one of the more famous animators with a normal-enough name to make something like that subtle. It's hard to have a similar effect with names like Freling, Disney, or Avery. So if you can find such a name that doesn't have that problem but still has a subtle reference to a major figure in animation (but not a cartoon character), feel free to offer up suggestions.
  23. Here is the situation: A master villain (along the lines of Doctor Destroyer: Your campaign's equivalent to him) was performing an experiment with his usual power source (technology, magic, genetics, what-have-you) and somehow, as a result of his experiement (this may or may not be accidental), a dimensional rift opened to a non-superheroic world that seems identical to a given television show (you choose). And now, because of the things that happen on the show mixing in with your world, things are starting to get really weird, and if the show itself is freakin'-nuts, there is the potential of a great change, possibly an apocalypse. With your character, you must determine the following: 1: What show did your world cross over with? (Rule: it can't be a show that prominently features a superheroic person, so no Charmed, no Smallville, no Teen Titans, etc. A sitcom, soap-opera, action show, or even some wild cartoon show like Animaniacs would be acceptable for this crossover plot. But the show is up to you.) 2: What sorts of things do you anticipate happening? 3: What Would Your Character Do?
  24. Re: [Possible game] Jonestown Blues IMDb trivia. Also look up Cool World on Wikipedia.
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