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Everything posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: Lost and Found super-ads Found: Shark. Currently in state of terror after being jumped so many times allegedly by Marvel, DC, and some indies. Please call 1-800-Jump-Vic
  2. Re: Things I've Learned playing a monstrous hero This is the FH version of Grerr Thunderdance, Gnoll bard, for those with morbid curiosity.
  3. Re: Champs and players with no comic book background I don't read the comics as often as I should.
  4. Like the other "Things I Learned" threads. When playing against type, come up with a credible story behind it. Just try to imagine a gnoll bard in a D&D game. I had to explain he was raised in an elven community as part of a sociological experiment to determine nature against nurture, and he was a case for nurture. I never said a "good" story. Just a credible one. And elves being good (and being "ahead of the times" was a trait of good in the Book of Exalted Deeds). they could have attempted such an experiement. One fellow player thought the idea was good and funny. But enough pontification from me. Let's hear what you guys (and ladies) have to say.
  5. Re: What I Learned Playing a Robot If you are stuck with numbers and letters, make sure your allies can come up with a nickname.
  6. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin All the really good character ideas are by default Munchkin. Playing a ghost: Munchkin because of perceived invulnerability. Playing a nanomorph (t-1000 type): Munchkin because of Versitility and perceived invulnerability. And it doesn't matter how much you expand the vulnerabilities and susceptibilities and make them dead obvious to anyone with half a brain.
  7. Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot? Could be worse. You could be working on a Transfomers-based RPG. As one among many different projects.
  8. Re: GM Question: Social Equity "Mutant" is just another source of power in most of my Champions game worlds. And in Milwaukee Masks, Race, religion, or sexualorientation are not disadvantages unless you make it a disadvantage. We don't have "Black Robbers," but "robbers who might be black, white, or whatever..." It isn't realistic, but this is a more idealized Milwaukee in which we don't worry about society-wide Racism, sexism, homophobia, or faithism.* In my games, being a minority is not a disadvantage unless you get in people's face about it frequently. For example, a homosexual man who is constantly hitting on guys would be at a disadvantage, in the form of a psychological limitation. On the other hand, if he went to a gay bar and tried to flirt up a couple of patrons, that's not a problem (but we will not be roleplaying the sex if he scores. Some folks will be made uncomfortable if we do.) Though If I feel Prejudice is an important issue in campaign, then I would make it a disadvantage to be a nimority. A social Limitation. For instance, in one game world I am designing, we have a WFRR type of world where humand and toons live together, but the toons are treated as a minority. In essense, "animated-american" (thank you McCoy) toons in the 1990s are treated like african-americans were in the 1960s. There, it's a disadvantage to be a minority, and that's reflected in the game's rules (Not using HERO because HERO isn't OGL). If the character looked wierd for their world (like a Fex (See Terran Empire) in Milwaukee), then you would have to take Distinctive Features. I never allow DF just for being African-american or Latin-american. *Faithism: A word I made up for religious prejudices, like bigotry against pagans, jews, or muslims. I do not know what the real term is.
  9. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? One of the oldest gags out there. I've seen it in many cartoons. It's up there with the anvil.
  10. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them?
  11. I'm just curious What you guys think... My first exposure to Cyberpunk was the 4th edition version of Cyber Hero. That was how it all began, really. To be honest, I found it quite disturbing at first. Then I started to look at it with curiosity. Later, I bought Shadowrun. Cyberpunk with Magic. Meh. Recently, I purchased Cyberpunk 2020, the second edition of the ORIGINAL Cyberpunk game. Now, Cyberpunk is a pretty grim genre. And admittedly, grim is not really my expertise, but from the game books, I feel a bit of an intrest in the genre. So I've got a question: What do you think it would take to do a parody of Cyberpunk? Examine your favorite tropes of the genre and think of ways to turn them upside-down for humorous effect. Think about what can make a game funny. Do you know any good Cyberpunk Spoofs?
  12. Re: Disads for "Cheese Champions!" Well, this isn't Champions... More like CheesePunk, but here's something: Under Perks: Reputation: Always gets the job done. Under Powers: 6d6 Luck Under Disadvantages: Reputation: Buffoon who only gets the job done by sheer dumb luck. All on the same character. An idea I had, admittedly, for a hero for a series of cyberpunk stories, but the same combo works well for superheroes as well.
  13. Re: Disads for "Cheese Champions!" Prepare to be repped, mere mortal.... BWAHAHAHA....
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Those two remind me of XPlay's Johnny Xtreme.
  15. Re: What power would you buy (with a twist) I'd distribute between INT, EGO and PRE. INT because you can't be too smart, EGO so I can better control my temper, and PRE so I can be more self-confident.
  16. Re: WWYCD: The Famous Guy Hypotheticals Lab Rat is out because he was scared off by DA in phase one. Reinard's got the Heckler thanks to his investigative skills. His method would pretty much be the same as any cop's really. Questioning under a hot light. The Heckler would most likely then have to justify to himself how this is possible. He might call on the DA's aid for any neccesary muscle. Kitsune in one of her forns has just tracked the Heckler to his layer and has the device stowed away. While he's not looking, she'll take the device and pocket it, replacing it with a peice of junk. Then she turns into a rat, the device with her appearing to be gone, and she'll watch the hilarity ensue as the Heckler gets the crud beat out of him by his business partner's henchmen before going back to her city. Sonic Eagle is not such a good detective and is hardly a stalker. He pretty much failes to get the Heckler, but once he finds out about the Courior, he'll go after the courior to get the device and fly it back to the city.
  17. Re: Real-Life Super-Heroes Well, so long as they aren't hurting anybody, they can keep their insanity. I have a friend online who literally beleives that he is a split spirit, a human on earth and an omnipotent toon fox in another dimension. He's harmless, but has quite a fun twist on things. So, I think crazy are fine as long as they're harmless. But that's this person's shave-and-a-haircut's worth. ^.^
  18. Re: WWYCD: Good Dog Bad Dog K. Dogma is busy framing the super dog with the killings.
  19. Re: WWYCD: The Famous Guy Hypotheticals Reinard will simply talk to Dark Avenger like this, "From one cop to another, my jurisdiction is in an entirely different dimension that I can't get back to. So I'm settling with this world. I have to get back the stolen property before this creep gets his ghands on it and I will pursue this mission regardless how much you b!tch about me being in your territory. You are simply wasting your time with me. Now, we could co-operate on this, or I could go after him. Frankly, it's no fur off my tail either way." If DA co-operates with him (unlikely as it is), then they both take down the Heckler and the technology gets returned. If not, Reinard does it himself, skirting the Dark avenger in the process. Reinard might let DA take the credit for it, but his concern is just to bring about Justice. Lab Rat, being a nervous nerd teen, would back off, but let it be known that DA must be careful with the technology as it would most likely explode of roughed up too much, with a big radius. As in the whole city. Kitsune would "leave." And then the Heckler gets tracked by a small fox or whatever shape she takes up for the job. Sonic Eagle would just go about and try to tackle the Heckler. Then he would use his newspaper connections to lable Dark Avenger as a territorial jerk who tries to prevent other heroes from doing their jobs. This will hurt DA's PR big-time if it works.
  20. Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot? Lab Rat: Perceptor. The kid's got a trendancy to focus on details much to the chagrin of his fellow teen champions. I honestly have no clue concerning the others.
  21. Re: [Campaign] Milwaukee Masks Initially, I picked out Masks as an alliterative term. Peter Parker, Doctor Doom, Milwaukee Masks. But having discussed it with my brother, we figured that the masks would be a loosely affiliated organization in Milwaukee; a large sanctioned superteam with the following perks for free: A base, providing for all one's research needs as well as a place for any heroes who need a place to stay. This base is found in the middle of Milwaukee and is shared by most of the Madison Masks. It's basically Homestead from Champions. Vehicles included. (pay over time. If you bring your own vehicle, then you don't need to worry about buying one from the group.) The ability to call for a backup hero during times of dire need. Don't call if facing Bulldozer or Foxbat. Save it for when you really need backup like Doctor Destroyer or Takofanes. Local Police Powers (2 points; pay over time.) Group Communicators. (High range Radio Percetion, OIF, 8 points, pay over time) And now for the drawback of being a Milwaukee Mask. Hunted: Enemies of the Milwaukee Masks, 8-, as powerful, harshly punish (10 points, acquired over time)The group is partially backed by the local government, and partly backed privately. The players are totally new members who managed to get in somehow, but: Easy in, Easy out. If you somehow prove incompetent, you lose all the perks.
  22. Hi. I'm starting up a campaign on Hero Central called "Milwaukee Masks" (I couldn't think of a better name) and here's a description of it: Tone: Milwaukee Masks is mostly a combination of Silver and Bronze Ages. Some adventures are just for laughs while most of them are typical action fare and hopefully, some are good and dramatic. Morality: A blend of "Black and White" and "Shades of Grey." Oftentimes, the bad guys are clearly the bad guys, while some "villains" have understandable or even noble motivations and are merely misguided. Some victories are complete while some have great compromises. In fact, the Authories can be good, bad, and anything at all. PC Importance: The PCs are fairly standard superheroes. Milwaukee is a big city and some superhero teams protect only portions of the city, which is important if the members of such a team are to preserve their sanity. You won't get Doc Destroyer right away, so don't worry about that. Power Sources: Any power source is available with proper justification. I'm offering a lot of wiggle-room here. Connection to the Champions Universe: Not much. I will use characters from the Champions Universe, but not everything in that universe is going to be in this game. PC Guidelines: Read page 126 of Champions. The characters are Standard Superheroes. So, anything else you guys want to know? Anyone interested?
  23. Re: WWYCD: You C becomes a Toon? I still think Comic book Cosmos work differently from cartoon cosmos.
  24. Re: Lost and Found super-ads Found: QX-P38 Explosive Space Modulator. Beleived to be part of a doomsday device. Still looking for device. Owner must contact the Guardians of Colton (tentative team name) to get both back. For a fee. Y'know, we can't just let anybody destroy planets without a liscense. And even with a liscense, the destroyer needs to pass a certain quality standard.
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