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Ian Mackinder

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Everything posted by Ian Mackinder

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Cool. Kind of 'McHale's Navy In Space".
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Still could be.
  3. Re: High STR + HKAs, thoughts The power as set up is major, and I would have certain ... reservations against allowing something like this if I was the GM. UNLESS, that is, the Player had a derned good justification for how it fitted the Character concept. Haven't heard anything about this side of it, so I am inclined to make a snap judgement that this Player is just trying to rort the system. On the other hand, OK, you can use it to do a mondo amount of damage to something / someone. But using it repeatedly in one combat seems pretty much out (which means you have ONE SHOT to get it right). Also, certainly not recommended for use where collateral damage might be an issue - innocent bystanders, objects that are both valuable and fragile, other objects that are both explosive and fragile, or toxic and fragile, or ... you get the idea. Otherwise, this concept sounds like a prime candidate for 'The Gilt Complex'.
  4. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs Sounds of Captain Ferguson seeing to it that his ship, 'Antares', has been thouroughly scrubbed, polished, holystoned, re-painted and generally spruced up from masthead to keel. And that the guest cabin is tidy. And that his formal uniform is back from the cleaners.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Not a quote as such. More like a rather ... disturbing concept, making for an especially disturbing mental picture. BESM campaign, SF setting. Our group had to travel into a wilderness area controlled by a less-than-friendly local government. Basically, we opted for a two-layered cover story - officially, we were "birdwatchers", searching for a particularly rare and endangered species of waterfowl. A more thorough investigation would reveal that we were, in fact, cryptozoologists searching for the local equivalent of 'Bigfoot'. The idea being that the authorities, once they discovered this last, would automatically pigeon-hole us as lunatic fringe amd thus leave us alone. There was speculation as to the equipment that would-be Bigfoot-hunters might have. For some reason, mainly the sheer freakiness factor (and effect on the Ref, usually the one to come up with these ideas when HE is a PC), we pushed the idea that a life--sized, anatomically correct, inflatable Bigfoot doll was exactly what we needed for our cover. Yes, you read that correctly. Take a moment to think about it if you like. The Referee ruled, rather hurriedly, that we had neither time nor budget for anything like this to be made. But the expression on his face when he first heard the idea was priceless. You just cannot buy moments like those.
  6. Re: Terrible Movie or Awesome Back Story Argued? Thought it was an actual fact.
  7. Re: Doctrine for beginning vampire slayers? Any rpg-related article or book providing advice or tactics for combat in general, and dungeoneering in particular. Or even if the Character simply just participates in a few campaigns (role-playing a role-player, certain irony there, I guess). Arguably, one could get a lot of sound theory from this direction. I would also suggest just about every trashy slasher / zombie / horror / etc. flick the Character can find, if just so he can go through all of them and gain some insight into what NOT to do.
  8. Re: shadowcats vehicular insanity shop: F-104 Starfighter I have read that the West Germans called the F-104 the "widowmaker". They preferred low-altitude air operations, something this aircraft was really not suited for at all. A number of nasty accidents came out of it - mainly involving Luftwaffe F-104s "interfacing" with hillsides.
  9. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs Hey, I have hopes. At the very least, Ferguson now has the concept for that minisub - maybe "Doc" can make use of the idea at some stage.
  10. Re: Zombie variant options How about an Extra-Flexible (and/or Extra-Squishy) Zombie? You think you've got your barricades and fields of fire all nicely set up, until these nasty buggers start squeezing their way in, up through small sewer pipes or any gaps where a "normal" zombie couldn't POSSIBLY fit.
  11. Re: The Addams Family Very high levels of physical toughness and recuperation, given what we saw them do for entertainment / relaxation. Especially the kids. Also maybe various immunities, given some of what they eat. Recall some VERY odd things in that regard - Hemlock amongst them.
  12. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs My Character, from St Barbara's "Adventurer's Club" campaign: Captain John "Blackjack" Ferguson. Born in Australia, into a family with a strong tradition of service in the Royal Navy. Gained a commission in the RN, then transferred to the Royal Australian Navy upon its inauguration in 1912 (was a very new Lieutenant aboard the battlecruiser HMAS Australia when it first arrived in Sydney Harbour). During The Great War, he served with distinction in various capacities in various locales, gaining his own command (a destroyer) before war's end. After the Armisitice, he transferred to the Reserves, and took up a new career path as a tramp freighter deck officer (also doing the odd job or two for HM Government). At the time of the campaign opening (mid-1930s), Captain Ferguson is well-known in nautical circles as a capable and (reasonably) honest freighter captain with a mean right hook and a fondness for taking on "unusual" jobs. Most of his experience has been gained in the Far East, with forays into the South Seas and even the Caribbean - he speaks several languages fluently (including Mandarin and German) and is acquainted with nearly every major port and stretch of water from Shanghai to Havana. Within the Adventurer;s Club, Ferguson is seen as the resident expert on Maritime Lore and naval matters, as well as being able to tell a good story. Additionally, he is a keen Treasure Hunter, having a definite knack in collating data on finding "lost" valuables. Profit is not always the motivator, since he has been known to seek out artifacts of purely historical interest (generally of a maritime nature) and then donate them to a suitable museum or university. He is especially interested in the famed Chinese navigator, Admiral Zheng He, and any chance of turning up new information about him (or a related artifact) is GUARANTEED to get Ferguson's full attention. Ferguson is also a mean opponent in a brawl - favoured weapons being fists, big heavy objects (furniture, people, capstan bars, whatever) and large-calibre revolvers. These days, he owns his own ship, the 'ANTARES', a small (400 ton) freighter registered out of Hong Kong, but currently homeported in New York (the Adventurer's Club provides a free berth in exchange for occasional assistance). The crew is very VERY mixed, and quite loyal. 'Antares' is kept busy with both routine coastal trade and "special" jobs for the AC. Most recently, Ferguson has become part of a small group within the Adventurer;s Cllub. This group is composed of relatively junior members with a widely diverse range of skills and abilities, often called upon to handle especially ... unusual problems for the Club and, sometimes, for the US and/or British governments. In terms of physical appearance, Ferguson is about 6'2" and can most simply be described as an un-klutzy, well-muscled and somewhat tidier version of Captain Haddock (of 'Tin Tin' fame). His chosen vocation is unmistakable on sight (Distinctive Appearance), so disguises or "blending in" can be very difficult in his case. Normally very even-tempered, preferring the 'quiet authority' style of leadership over anything louder. He is very tolerant as regards matters of race and origins (evidenced by his crew), but this is noticeably absent when it comes to Nazis or Communists - both of which he has absolutely no regard for. Thanks to some rather ... unfortunate events in recent adventures, he has become less than enthusiastic about flying - he is not phobic and recognizes the usefulness of aircraft, but ... well, given a choice, he would rather walk, or sail, or even swim. Crawl, even. He plays the part of the bluff forthright sea dog to the hilt, but is well-read and a shrewd tactician. To the ladies, he tends to be rather gallant in a crusty sea-farer way and, whilst not the crusader type, does believe that wrongs exist to be righted (if at all possible). Ferguson also takes captaincy seriously - willingly deferring to others as regards their own areas of authority and expertise, but on his ship there can only ever be one captain. Suggestions listened to (when possible) and higher authority at least acknowledged, but the buck always stops with him. Also worth mentioning that, depending upon whom you ask, that his ship either has or does not have a deckgun, or a fake deckgun, or a 'Weird Science' weapon provided by the Adventurer's Club. That last is, most assuredly, not true. Well, at this point, anyhow.
  13. Re: Does anyone have a write up of Gloop/Gleep from the Herculoids? Personally, I have always thought their gender was optional. And variable.
  14. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side
  15. Re: Does anyone have a write up of Gloop/Gleep from the Herculoids? Excellent question.
  16. Re: T-Minus Fourteen Hours and One Minute (Or So) To Gametime Been there. Best solution (IMO) is to mess with the PCs heads, especially about stuff they may have already done (or not done, as the case may be). Get them paranoid enough and they will almost write the scenario for you.
  17. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side
  18. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side
  19. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side For that added twist, include an undercover hero in the group - one of the characters is secretly a good guy (or at least inclined to be so). Somebody with the righ mindset and character could have an absolute blast here (pun intended), playing off the bad guys against each other.
  20. Re: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Being released in Sydney very soon. Really liked the previous movies - a lot of excellent gamer-esque moves and one-liners in them. Just hope my expectations are not too high.
  21. Re: Can we define the archetypes?
  22. Re: The Ol' Cross-Genre Bait-and-Switch Yes, the Macarena definitely qualifies as horror.
  23. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? Then, too, there is the USN's absolutely disgraceful treatment of the Indianapolis's captain afterwards. Basically, he was scapegoated for everything that had happened, and eventually committed suicide. Some sources blame Admiral King for a lot of this - he allegedly had a major grudge against the guy's family.
  24. Re: Wait - you punch WHAT?!? (or what would the damage from an atomic bomb be?) Good thread. However, I think one fundamental aspect of all this needs to be mentioned. In KODT, it is quoted as 'Gary Jackson's Fourth Law Of Player Dynamics'. Any nuclear weapon in any RP scenario will inevitably be set off by a Player-Character. In simpler terms, you let your PCs near a nuke? What were you THINKING????????????????
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