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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Re: Where else do you roll down? I mean I won't stop playing hero if this happens, it just seems arbitrary. I understand that people feel it'll make the system more accessible, but this seems to be the complaint I hear the least. Seems to me more that, "I hate Rolling Low" is a cheap way of saying I don't wont to play your game, as opposed to an actual complaint.
  2. Re: At what point can HERO sue? I believe Monte Cook wrote the Unearthed Arana...he was a line editor for hero back in the Iron Crown days.
  3. Re: Question about "DANGER SENSE DODGING" Again it's special effect. If the SFX of the AOE is a hail of macine gun fire than yeah I can see the dodge working, if however it's a 8" cone of fire...no. That's a Dive for cover because you have to physically not be in the area, that's more of a teleportation on a trigger.
  4. Re: Question about "DANGER SENSE DODGING" Well, in the cases of effects desol, it's all about SFX, as a GM i'm willing to say in this case the effect Desol doesn't work, unless it's made to effect the super dodge itself. Also The Dodge wouldn't work against AOEs.
  5. Re: Where else do you roll down? If you go roll high, wouldn't you just change the skills to 10+ instead of 11-. Then change the arithmatic of the OCV vs. DCV mechanics. I'm a fan of just leaving it as is.
  6. Re: Question about "DANGER SENSE DODGING" Anybody try Desolid for this.
  7. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math Monte Cook was a former Hero line editor, back with IronCrown, that's why there are hero-isms in D&D these days.
  8. Re: How To: Missile Reflection 'plus' Try a 4d6 EB only to augment a "Reflected" attack. The Variable SFX advantage will cover the rest. Then maybe a small Multipower or EC pool to cover Physical blasts RKAs and ERKA's as well.
  9. Re: Hugh Neilson and D.U.H.S. Though the name of this product wasn't supposed to be the focus of this thread, "Hero Powered", seems like a winner.
  10. Re: Hugh Neilson and D.U.H.S. This on the surface anyways would seem to be a great way to attract new gamers.
  11. Re: D&D 3.0 - Sneak Attack Not really. It works but it's no better than Deadly Strike. Besides, you can limit DS to circumstance a little more readily, and hero has a built in sneak attack, x2 damage whenever suprised.
  12. Re: Hugh Neilson and D.U.H.S. ...What? Doesn't have to be an acronym.
  13. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math Well I always tell people about the chart in the BBB, Sidekick and now 5th revised. You don't need to do fractions just look at the chart and round or estimate. Same with OCV and DCV.
  14. Re: Hugh Neilson and D.U.H.S. I think it's funny here, but definitly would need a more costumer friendly moniker. Powered by Hero, Designed With Hero....
  15. Re: Jujitsu - Help!!! Yeah, buy the Ultimate Martial Artist, all the MA you need and then some.
  16. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) Wow just looked it up... I was wrong. Well I'll tell you this, this will make your game far more deadly. We use it. Games still aren't blood baths but combat is definitly something to think about before entering into. As a note: we also allow a "roll with puch" on head and vital shots for pc's. If they can make the dex roll they'll take only half the damage(after the multiplier and armor has been figured). This is to avoid lame/wanker deaths caused by the randomness of dice. We don't mind PC's dieing, just PC's dieing stupidly.
  17. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) Ummm, please correct me if I'm wrong...but you apply the hit loc modifier before subtracting armor. So a Head shot would do 14 body, 11 body to a person 5 points of Def on their 3-5. That's how we play anyways. Makes things FUN!!!
  18. This I think, is a great idea!!! Designed Using Hero System. Imagine if someone could get a title like Halo or Cowboy bebop. Then design the game. Maybe make it a box set where the primary book is the game setting and rules. the rules should be transparent. No stat blocks or write ups just the gun does 2d6k, then list any particulars like CV modifiers ect. Explain how the game plays and describe how everything works as pertains to the game not hero rules. Then have a small booklet in the back for hero-philes, the "here's how we used and abused the hero system to make this game." Include all of the writeups and modifications to the rules included earlier. Then you can whore the hero system, in the GM section you say, does something not work the way you like and you want to change it, or did it work singingly and you'd like to find out how we make it work, buy this: hero 5th edition to find out how to develope and create your own worlds or change ours to your liking. Edit: By the way this is in responce to something Mr. Neilson brought in the why aren't more people playing Hero thread.
  19. Re: I smell something fishy Ehh...what J did was make a Perception roll (probably by 4-5). The Gm desribes the scene (in detail do to the extreme success of the Perception roll) and the player reacted according to his PC's concept. This isn't a power or anything terribly tangible more than anything it was a Role Playing moment. Being in a diner and and feeling the set is abviously Danger Sense.
  20. Re: Need feedback on house rules for my new campaign Eh, artificial balancing techniques like this never work for my players. We as a group tend to be very concept oriented and are happy with the 20 NCM (varied depending on race of course). I just balance my villians against them, it's not hard in hero to challenge powerful P.C.'s sometimes it's harder in fact to avoid having things to difficult in combat. I'm a bit spoiled I'll admit, if I say to my players we're starting this game of as 100 pt characters they immediatly get in that mind set without any grousing.
  21. Re: Roman Martial Art, comments please I'm actually curious as to whether or not Romans on any level or career learned Pactranation (sp?).
  22. Re: Stun Problem in Fantasy Hero (Double it) Being knocked out as apposed to killed is actually the way hero is supposed to work out of the box. This represents heroic fantasy lit and cinema far better than a high death toll. There are plenty of options, see above, if you need to see more bloody games.
  23. Re: Modelling d20 Negative Levels in HERO The actual Special effect of Negative levels is what? Negative levels is a powert that effects a system specific mechanic, what is the in game (not system) effect? The weakening of your soul, entropy being mystically enhanced or some other random thing. Start there than move on to a power that'll fit. Remember Convert the game world not the game system.
  24. Re: Fantasy Hero Exalted I'm not a fan of the Ego based end (all it really is, is an end reserve with some flavor text, based on ego, and limitations on the Rec. However I can see why you'd use it, it is easier to just say your egox2 is your essence. There is also precident for it in an optional rules type way. If end is work per normal rules, and essence is base on LTE lose; I'd allow for the (-1/4) based on special end, since it is limiting in this context.
  25. Re: Hero System is Just Alright With Me Hero5 is made to be tweaked, house rulked and redefined. That's it's beauty, that's why I love it. Steve and Co. even give us means to tweak and change there games as examples in text (magic cost real points/2, 3 or 5, that's still blws my mind , and I love it).
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