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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Sundog

    Human Torch

    Shazam/Captain Marvel may not be multiform, but Captain Mar-Vell - at least when he was bonded to Rick Jones - was. There you had two different personalities, skillsets and ideologies as well as powers.
  2. The article just says the film will be "female-centric", not that they'll be changing Plaz's gender. I can think of a few ways to do that, like making the main character one of Plastic Man's supporters or maybe an agent assigned to keep him under control. The effect of having a superhuman around and the changes it makes in the primary character's life could be much more interesting than the super himself.
  3. The Gentleman Always perfectly groomed, in his neat suit, bowler hat and brolly, the leader of the team. His Bartitsu skills, personal courage and the sword hidden in his umbrella are not to be underestimated, but it's his quick mind and charismatic drive that more often resolve the day. After the Constables broke up, he just kept doing what he did. He got a couple of assistants to aid him in the 1970s, before falling out of the public eye...who knows what he's doing since then?
  4. An alternative, a guy with a pair of regular 9mm pistols. But he's so good he can use them to trip over opponents, precisely target weak points, or even shoot other projectiles flying towards him.
  5. Darkwalker Shortly after Doctor Abracore recruited Hundun, the pair found a reference to a being of "great power and darkness" in some old manuscripts, supposedly locked away under a Buddhist temple in Cambodia. Travelling there, they found the temple had been abandoned years before, in the Khmer Rouge period, and they cautiously sought out the prison beneath. The mystic wards were all but collapsed, and it took little to no effort to release the being they sought. What they found was a ball of pure darkness, but as they released it it coalesced into the shape of a woman with raven black skin and eyes. She explained that she was the Darkwalker, the guardian of the darknesses in the world, the blighted places and corrupted creatures that stood in the shadows of the earth, eternal enemy of the Lightwalker, locked - until her imprisonment - in eternal battle to maintain the balance between light and darkness. Darkwalker found the purposes of the Hallows to her liking, and has joined them. She possesses a number of useful abilities, to go into an amorphous, intangible "shadow form", to create constructs of shadow essence, and to teleport from one spot of darkness to another in the blink of an eye. (Doctor Abracore suspects she has greater powers still, but is deliberately holding them back for her own reasons.) One thing disturbs her greatly - while she was locked away for 300 years, Lightwalker appears to have done little, and is conspicuous by it's absence in the world of superheroes and mages alike. She is unsure what to do about this.
  6. Baby Yoda is very cute, but he doesn't take centre stage too much, they mostly just use him for comic relief. Ewoks were cute but didn't need to be to fulfill their role in the story, and would arguably have done a better job if they WEREN'T cute. A bunch of badass forest natives who choose to help the good guys? Would have made for a better movie.
  7. First two episodes of The Boys. Better than I expected - the main character's journey from a weak, rather ineffective person to a much darker place is getting quite interesting.
  8. Actually, that repressive/authoritarian government aspect would be one of the aspects I would emphasize. I'd probably do a complete rewrite on the characters - while the captain and first officer of the Spindrift (great name, keep that!) were OK, as was the stewardess, but the kid and skeevy guy and the scientist were ciphers. Have the first couple of episodes focus on the crew of the Spindrift simply surviving and avoiding Giant attention, gradually introduce the story of the authoritarian government, their use of the "little people" as a scapegoat/object of hatred, and the resistance to that government. Have the stranded Terrans trying to form contacts they can trust while avoiding government, all with the hope of one day repairing Spindrift and going home. I would also emphasize both the Terran tech advantage and their usefulness for repairing and doing micro-work the Giants simply can't. I'd reduce the Giants to a 1950s level of technology, while giving the Spindrift crew the advantage of day-after-tomorrow modern tech.
  9. I would say that Land of the Giants had a lot of possibilities that weren't realized in the original show.Of all of them, it's the one I would have most liked a modern reboot of.
  10. I think the obvious way would be Desolid, affected by light-based attacks, or even with the limitation doesn't work in bright light. Make him a literal shadow, without substance.
  11. I have two favourites both from the '85 version of the Zone: Paladin of the Lost Hour and I of Newton.
  12. Nope. Sorcerer. High CHA - not much else.
  13. Am I Ever Going to See Your Face Again Marseilles No Exit Face the Day Living on the Outside Stay Away Between the Eyes Stonewall Back Street Pickup Red Back Fever Soul Surgeon Life Gets Better Nations Are Falling
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