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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. “You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din.”
  2. You’re already on the list....don’t make things worse.
  3. Kind of looks like me some mornings, the rest of the time I look like my picture there.🔚🦧
  4. Hold your head high, you did more for that beleaguered campaign than anyone else and kept the faith. You did nothing wrong but pick unluckily. Spin the big wheel and try again.
  5. I just heard that because of the sale of the CW network that the B5 reboot has been removed from the list of shows that will be coming out this year. It is however on the list for shows to potentially be done in 2023, but this will be up to whoever buys the network. You can go to JMS’s patreon page for his statement.
  6. In order to get that “One calorie per serving” advertising quote Diet Coke had to say that there were two servings of soda per can...........What kind of psychotic only drinks half a can of soda because “That’s my one serving.”
  7. Every time I get into a discussion like this my blood pressure shoots up to bad places.....I’m gonna give this one a pass. Best of luck and well wishes to you and yours.
  8. Is that Lombard St. in San Francisco?
  9. Something I don’t think anyone else has mentioned is how much easier it is to build a real monster of a one trick pony. When your not spending points on anything else but Mental Domination, you get REALLY good at it. Especially when as a villain the GM can spend as many points as needed to do it up right. This is not a slam, it’s just an acknowledgment of the fact that some villains are just going to be Hella good at their job. It’s for the PC’s/Heroes to think and roleplay their way around the problem instead of relying on lots of points in Smash Stuff and metagaming their way around the write-ups. A character like Purple Man makes my flesh crawl, especially when portrayed as well and as creepily as David Tennant did on the Netflicks series Jessica Jones. But he would be a great recurring character type in a campaign.
  10. I’ll go with Ezekiel, the rest you could have met at a Stargate-SG-1 convention.
  11. Sorry, he was a brand new comedian and had only done a couple of gigs when he appeared at a comedy night at a club my brother was managing. Nobody thought he would make it...mumbling, never looking at the audience, weird material. Imagine my surprise when I saw him on TV a few years later.
  12. Nope, I was a kid and my dad and I were at a well known ice cream parlor in Hyannis on Cape Cod. It was right next to the local airport and while we were in line a limo pulled up and Mr. Hope stepped out. I never noticed him getting into line behind me until I saw everybody else pulling back and staring. I turned around and looked straight up into the most famous nose since Cyrano.....bushy as hell. He was performing at a local venue that weekend. So I guess he wanted something sweet before he went to the hotel, and felt like surprising the locals.
  13. He’s a hell of a performer and he writes great songs. That’s all I ask of him. BTW; Nobody took a guess at mine, how come?
  14. Did this finish with a three way tie? If so, well done to all the players! (I knew I should have voted for myself!)
  15. Have you seen the folks wandering around Target & Walmart!?! It’s like the cast of Tod Browning’s Freaks and the cantina scene from Star Wars crossbred.
  16. So he just kind of blended in with every other entitled git wandering around Harvard Sq.👨‍🎓 Anytime I see someone on TV lording a Harvard diploma over someone else I remember every ignorant, arrogant schmuck I ever had to deal with. Remember, Osama Bin Ladin, Marc Zuckerberg and Ted Kosinski all went to Harvard.
  17. It at one time was proposed that American culture was based on the concept of the cowboy. A loner, an individual making his own way responsible to no one. While Japanese culture is based on the village, a community always coming together against outside forces. These differing viewpoints are reflected in every level of both societies. From political outlooks to business practices. I am in no way educated or intelligent enough to prove or disprove this idea, but it does seem to bear out in many respects.
  18. “One Punch!” “One Punch!” Blue Beetle “Batman hit Guy Gardner.....and I MISSED IT!?!”.......”Oh God, I’m depressed.” Black Canary
  19. Mojo Nixon was a rockabilly style singer best known for his one hit wonder “Elvis is Everywhere”.
  20. I enjoy the History Channel program “The Foods that Made America” it’s about the people who developed the modern foods and started the companies that make the foods we take for granted. According to that, when Kellogg and Post were developing their first cereals it was as more of a health food than a breakfast treat and tasted pretty horrible. It was after Kellogg’s brother sued him for the rights to the company that sugar was added to make it more palatable.
  21. This time I’ll fight under your banner. As a kid I always put too much sugar on my cereal. So my mom agreed to switch me to Frosted Flakes, I had sweetened cereal and she knew I wouldn’t put any more on. I’ve loved them ever since. I don’t like any of the others.
  22. That or Dr. Frank N. Furter.
  23. I don’t know who’s the lie, but it sounds like one HELL OF A WEEKEND!!
  24. I’m torn, because on one hand I feel like “Let freedom ring, baby!” On the other, explaining to the hand grenade why you have the right as a free citizen to wait until four or five to throw it seldom works.
  25. Not to be nitpicky, but that’s six covers. To paraphrase the instructions to the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch....Five shall be the number of the counting——-Six is right out!🇬🇧
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