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Everything posted by Tech

  1. I'm trying to figure out where I saw a villain called Sludge, a man turned pollution. I remember it being in a PDF but don't know if it was Digital Hero or somewhere else. Can someone direct me?
  2. For Champions, what powers (other than Mind Control) can you suggest for someone who plays a flute focus? I'm no expert on music but I wouldn't mind some music terms for each power. The only other one I can think of might be a sonic blast.
  3. To get more of the feeling of the power, add another limitation: If CON roll is made, doesn't affect target for another turn
  4. A) Bolo, nice pic! B ) Wow, dt, nice to hear someone knows of Ray Harryhousen still. Iron Harpy Jill Landers was driving home from work in the rain near midnight when her car hydroplaned and crashed off the side of the road into a tree. Unfortunately, the accident occurred near a scientist's laboratory. When Jill awoke, she felt incredibly heavy and when she tried to talk, her voice had a metallic sound to it. The scientist had been working on a variation of the 'Frankenstein monster' and had mad a powerful body but needed a mind - that was Jill's. She was horrified at what had happened to her, and destroyed the lab, the scientist, the house, everything within half a mile. She loathes herself now and considers herself a monster, and hires herself out to the most dangerous of assignments for supervillain freelancers. Her metallic body is made of questionite, in part, and is incredibly resistant to damage. She has incredible strength and almost limitless energy. She can fly via hidden rockets in her wings. She can generate intensely loud volume that sounds like metal bending to deafen or blow back her enemies. Her claws can penetrate most metals, and given time, even the hardest ones. Through her eyes, she can generate laser beams to cut down or burn obstacles. She is powered by a self-perpetual energy core, which will last approximately a century. It's her loud metallic voice that earned her the title Iron Harpy.
  5. Time for the winner. Although archer's is funny, I picked Bolo as the winner.
  6. Christopher, we have different points-of-views and we're not finding a point of agreement, so let's agree to disagree on this. I talked the power over with a friend and decided to go with Summon. However, I'm curious, how would you build the guy?
  7. Watched Star Trek, the original series, episode "Amok Time".
  8. Ninja, when making a character, be careful you don't make the character so complete that there's no room to grow. When I build a character, I think about what I'm going to buy/add down the road once I have 50, 100, 250 xp, etc. Just a thought. Hope you have fun with your first character! Btw, do you need to start with an 18 Int and 18 Ego? You were talking about shaving points so just throwing that out there.
  9. Based on your last statement, there's no need for a rude response. I've seen the movie more than once. I'm trying to build a supervillain based on the villain of the movie; not a copy. I'm trying to build powers that CAN be attackable, regardless of the movie. I'm well aware about Entangle, Barrier and Grab - it's Blast (for example) that cannot. Why not just say the Blast could be Missile Deflected? I guess I'll go with Doc D's suggestion or go with a special Summon.
  10. Hi Ninja. We don't know if a 12DC and 6 SPD is the norm for other characters that will be with him. Do you need a 23 Dex since your OCV/DCV is high? The character seems to be a brick so I'd lower your DEX. Are the other character on par or lower in damage than this character? Hard to tell right now.
  11. Well there ya go! If you can have a Dyson Sphere, you can certainly have one the size of a city. Also, there's nothing in the rules against having a city-sized base. Still, the cost... wow!
  12. Doc, you are quite right! My apologies to all; I'm not feeling my best the past few days and my concentration is not the best. Borrowing the movie villain concept, the villain has like, a million, little microbots as Christopher nicely mentioned. Now, modifying it for my concept as such, the microbots can do any physical attack or action he can think of: create a large fist (of bots), an avalanche (of bots), sharp spears, attack multiple people at the same time, create a platform to walk on and so on. All attacks would be physical due to them actually being microbots, and are generally large in nature (no pencil-sized attacks, more like a tree-trunk size or pick-up-truck sized attacks). I'd like the heroes to be able to block attacks, such as with a Barrier. The heroes can target the attacking microbot onslaught (such as a big fist) to 'destroy' the attack. As each hero keeps blasting away, there are less & less microbots to attack the heroes with, eventually with no more to attack the heroes. I hope that helps clarify things but probably not much.
  13. Christopher etc: If that happens once per campaign, this is certainly not UBO. If you do it regulary, it is. And it is subject to all the scrutinty a UBO power should be due. That is fine for your games. Just please say so when you post ideas on the Forums. It becomes really confusing if you start talking about Hero "Tech-version" as if it was 6E. There's no confusion, nor has anyone ever said so on any of my posts, except now. When I ask the forums a question, I'm asking for their 6E (or 5th or whatever version they use) opinion. It's silly to expect everyone to abide by (or know) an individuals game rules/style. If I state my opinion on how I use the rules in the campaign, it's my opinion on how I use them. I expect people to give their answers by the rules. I was agreeing with Duke on Transform. I thought it was pretty obvious on how I use Transform as my opinion for the campaign I'm in. And I don't talk 'tech-version' as if it was 6E. I said I can't recall using UBO because it's just that: I haven't run into the situation requiring it.
  14. If you've never put your finger into an electric socket.... don't do it: you won't like it. (Ah, the accidents that occur when you're a child.)
  15. Apples win because the Pear marries the Apple and takes on the Apple name. Paper books vs Ebooks
  16. Drain isn't the effect I want. What I'm looking for is more like Doc D's example, something that CAN be damaged by a Blast, KA, Martial Strike, etc. I even thought about Summon (unique creature), which I'm beginning to think is a possibility: multiple limbs with a high SPD would give the effect.
  17. Heya Duke. I agree, UBO and Focus are not mutually exclusive, never said they were. If I make a sword OAF, and I lend it to a comrade for a couple phases, I am NOT adding UBO just so they can do that: that is part of the limitation of a focus & it's part of that episode for comic book flair and fun. Quite frankly, I can't recall ever using UBO. I use Transform as I wish; I don't hold onto the rules tightly. If a power concept works with Transform, I may use it regardless of what the rules say. The rules are there for my fun and I'll bend them (or ignore them) as I deem necessary for everyone's fun in the campaign. This is in part because as the editions go on, rules are changed and even reversed. I just know someone's going to say 'people thought it over and revised the rules to make the better' or something like that. I know of one power where things got changed, then changed back - no, not gonna look it up, don't have the concentration. Nonetheless, the rules are there as a guiding rule for fun, not a teacher who's gonna smack your hands with a ruler if you don't obey them.
  18. I'm thinking of someone who can have their power damaged but how to do it? Think of the villain in the movie "Big Hero 6". (If you haven't seen it, watch it; it's surprisingly enjoyable.)
  19. The reason why you're materializing the sword is key here. Are you creating a sword so you can go swashbuckling? If you're materializing swords so you can hit someone with a KA, and no one can take it away, it's just a special effect. As for it not disappearing, talk to your GM. If you can have your sword that you materialized disarmed, it's an OAF (Obvious Accessible Focus). Btw, OAF also takes care of the potential problem of an enemy grabbing your sword away and trying to hit you with it. You're certainly not going to apply UBO on a power so your opponent can take it away from you, to run you through with your weapon; that's a Focus limitation. We need to be clear about UBO and Focus: UBO is an advantage that is beneficial, Focus is a limitation that is detrimental to you.
  20. Here's one I think you should recognize. Even if you do, have fun. Btw, yes, I do use him when I GM.
  21. SLIGHT SPOILER ON VOID HISTORY. I don't know where you got that info from. I have the GSvC, which to my knowledge wasn't updated; correct me with specifics if I'm mistaken. At any rate, Void's origin from GSvC is unknown. Crimson Claw never came from Void's chest nor did it/he kill Void.
  22. Tech

    Hi tech Plots

    This probably isn't very hi-tech but my plot idea for tomorrow's game is this: a villain wasn't able to get a PS4 for Black Friday (or CyberMonday) so he's taking out his frustration on the local mall, along with some supervillain buddies coming along to make an early 'free' shopping trip. If you've used the old Danco Turtle Armor in your campaign, someone's taken a few suits and seriously upgraded them, leaving the outer appearance the same. When the heroes come to fight these suits as they're committing crimes, watch out as the new, powerful, high-tech suits get unleashed on them. (I've used this idea about 3 times in various ways. Fun every time.) For anyone with a power suit/powered armor suit, a regular thug blasts them with an energy ray but to no obvious effect. Later, the hero's suit is a little more powerful much to the hero's glee. Unfortunately, it keeps getting more powerful slowly, making the user slowly losing control over it - which causes damage or havoc on the city. This easily leads to a part B of the episode: where did the thug get the blaster? Which leads to a high-tech supervillain or high-tech genius. I pulled off the next one in a game, which went well. One of Dr Destroyers Malledroids was captured & damaged by a villain group in a previous episode; not that anyone knew it was a malledroid, just that it was one of Destroyer's robots. Later, the heroes learn that villain team was soundly defeated by the Malledroid and has copied all the villain and heroes' best statistics and powers. The Malledroid has malfunctioned and incorrectly copied too much, making it way more powerful than it is supposed to be & causing it to go haywire. It must be destroyed by the hero team and the heroes may possibly have to work with the villain team to defeat it.
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