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Everything posted by Querysphinx

  1. Re: Duplication without independent free will Instead of buying duplicates, build it as a summoning power. "Summon: copies of myself, Slavishly Loyal"
  2. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Here's another "speed painting" of a villain named Caust.
  3. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Here's a quick (well relatively quick) drawing of a background NPC in an upcoming game: Argent.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  5. Re: Need a name for a windy character Glad to be of service.
  6. Re: Need a name for a windy character Storm Queen Vortex Blue Norther (Texas term for a huge northern storm) Jet Stream Sturmhersteller (Storm Maker) Kriegsturm
  7. Re: Jokes One advantage to living in the middle of nowhere is that no one is going to try to steal your passwords from your end.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Student: What do you call those people who take dead bodies and make them look alive again. Me: Necromancers.
  9. Re: need a name... Isn't you last name Malfoy?
  10. Re: Give me a head with Hair! Cockatrice has weak prehensile hair, but she uses it for this very purpose in "The Cockatrice: Carpe Demon" by yours truly. Coming to an e-reader near you sometime this summer.
  11. Re: More space news! CAll me back when someone can adequately define the word "time." We infer time from our experience of sequential displacement, but how this experience comes about is an utter mystery. We can predict the behavior of objects as their speed changes in relativistic ways compared to other things, but we still haven't the foggiest idea of what causes "intervals."
  12. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Meh. There's really only one plot. Somebody wants something and is prevented from getting it. When that incongruity is eliminated, the plot ends.
  13. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns? Thunder: A gender swapped Flash. One of a long line of mother to daughter inheritors of speed powers. Legion: A Superman/Captain America mashup. Superman's powers with Cap's origins. He was pulled out of service after WWII because the US Govt considered him too valuable to risk in the field. "What if someone else manages to kill him. We'll be at a disadvantage!" So they took him off the table until they could figure out how to replicate his powers. "If we can make lots of him, he'll be expendable!" It's been almost a century and they've had no luck replicating his powers. So now he serves as the front man for a secret metahuman team, taking the credit for the work that other people do. He is not entirely happy with the arrangement, but since he doesn't seem to be aging, he's learned to take a long view. He had generally parleyed his influence to prevent his team from being forced into the role of assassins or regime changers.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And surprise! ...I'll come in again.
  15. Mathematical proof slows traffic cop's roll Chris Hayes reports on the relatively complex mathematical proof presented by a physics professor to refute a ticket he received for running a stop sign. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/47068574#47068574
  16. Re: Are there ANY good plant/wood powers names? Some that I have used before: Barkburr. Briarthorne. Jungle. Also, Yggdrasil though somebody else already mentioned that.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And so far half the crew of the Tyrant Sun has picked up on the fact that the captain is clueless, and have begun parsing any insane thing they want to do, "The lord captain commands me to [fill in insane thing]!"
  18. Re: What is the strangest super power you have allowed from a SFX?
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. From tonight's gathering at Teh Bunneh's house. Teh Bunneh: We should get you a job closer to civilization. Lonewalker: Yeah but there are no prisons around here. Querysphinx: I am not exactly wedded to the idea of spending the rest of my life in prison.
  20. Re: More space news! Anyone know why they gave up on the whole spinning satellite concept?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Or possible dessert planets.
  22. Re: Have you written a story?
  23. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Talk about extreme sexual dimorphism. What we need are uterine replicators.
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