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Everything posted by Querysphinx

  1. Re: Mathematics based mental attacks? Just have Theorum's main attack be, "Teaching them how to play Hero System" The math boggles even the mighty.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What's with the sudden outburst of heartfelt role-playing? More please.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So now you have to decide which was the single best quote of them all.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Which it was utterly insane when the U.S. army actually came up wioth a tactical nuclear artillery shell. Maximum range < minimum safe distance. ??????
  5. Re: Best/Worst Characters? I have GM'd more than I have played the game by several orders of magnitude. The worst character I ever encountered from a build point of view was a one-session wonder named "Defender." His power was a magic ring that could turn any one element into any other element. So far so good. The problem was, he didn't want to go through the trouble of figuring out what the effect of transforming something into say white phosphorous could be. So he only bought one power, transform any one element into another, apparently figuring that the game physics would take care of itself. "I transformed his armor into cesium, so he should be dead, right?" The player compounded this error by buying no defenses whatsoever and 5" of gliding for a movement power. That's right folks, he could glide slower than he could run. I, the helpful GM tried to talk him out of the build, but he wouldn't have any of it. I could have just said, "no." I was in the habit of doing that. Instead, I decided to see if he could learn from his mistakes. Nope. There was a superbattle going on in a downtown area full of skyscrapers and "Defender," espied a group of heavy weapon agents atop the roof of a building down the block. Defender: "I jump off the roof and glide toward them and turn the heavy weapon into white-phosphorous." GM: "You do realize they're about 40" away from you?" Defender: "Yeah." GM: "And you're going to spend at least 8 phases drifting like a leaf on the wind. A big fat green leaf with a bulls-eye painted on it." Defender: "Yeah! But when I turn their guns to phosphorous it'll kill 'em." GM: "Okay. Roll to hit." He missed. He did not survive the return volley. Very little of him ever reached the ground. Ignorance is curable. Stupid is not.
  6. Re: Questions about Money Perk I don't use the money perk as written. I use it as a form of reputation, because when it comes right down to it, that's what money is.
  7. Re: Shoule NASA be nixed? You clearly have not been paying attention to American politics lately. Most if not all of our pols freely ignore anything, up to and including the laws of physics, that does not shove money down their throats. Most of the confederacy of dunces that makes up the voting public is just as bad.
  8. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store
  9. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Unless the analog was a robotic-mutant-alien-demon-vampire-hybrid and then that gets assimilated into the host.
  10. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store I was just wondering if it was a buffet line or if it was a "the wand chooses the wizard" type scenario.
  11. Re: The Certified Resistance Review Good review. I've played most of the scenario, but I can't get past the final battle on solo. It turns into an "and I died again" festival. A straight hour of getting killed over and over again whilst trying different tactics was a little dull for me.
  12. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store So has Icons ever deliberately or inadvertently tried to teach someone a lesson. I.e. Has a racist ever found himself in the alter ego of a black man, or a misogynist in the alter ego of a woman?
  13. Re: Gadget For Your High Tech Hero -- Hoverbike! To heck with the heroes. I can see myself using one of those. It would cut my two hour commute to Teh Bunneh's game in half. I would need the extra fuel tanks though.
  14. Re: What power ideas/concepts do you get from these code names? Don't have the whole set here. Code Red: An adrenal booster. Can boost his strength and speed up to phenomenal levels but only for very short periods of time before burning out. Throwback: And absorbing brick. The more you hit her, the stronger she gets. Pitch Black: Dark clad stalker of the night. I picture him as being invisible to electronic/ mechanical surveilance
  15. Re: Stretching Character Art? One of mine. Her name is Knotwork
  16. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store Every time I read about this game concept I send myself into sniggering fits thinking up character concepts that involve the sentence, "There is no way I am wearing that in public!"
  17. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store So, if the campaign concept is different now, is Icons still untouchable, or does it have people picketing out front and government surveillance at all times of day and night? (The govt. would be of the mindset--"This thing spits out random assets/threats. We must make sure we control it/them!")
  18. Re: The Badass Sewage Collector, or, "THEY became a hero?" The protagonist of Neverwhere is an office worker of an unspecified type, ends up saving the world from a fallen angel. Arthur Dent, no known occupation, one of only two humans to survive the destruction of Earth.
  19. Re: Is There a Canonical List of Stronghold Escapees? I thought everyone supervillan ever sent to Stronghold escaped as plot required.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures I find the idea of living there unpalatable.
  21. Re: What's *your* superpower? Clear a room: I walk in and everyone else decides to leave. 10D6 Mind Control. No verbal Command. Fixed Command "Leave room". 0 END Always on AOE Rds. Only effects human class of minds. Mandatory effect, target must believe it is there own idea (+20)
  22. Re: How to convince a hero group that they should be registered and work for governme I ran a game once where superhumans had been part of the world for centuries. Society generally tolerated them because societies who expelled their metahumans tended to crushed by societies who found a way to work with them. In America it was generally realized that many superhumans came about by accident and many people with useful powers didn't want to be full time law enforcement assets. One of the most powerful heroes on the planet was a stay-at-home-mom who only came out to kick butt when seriously major bad things were happening. Over the centuries of its existence America devised a system that allowed superhumans to be unattached deputy federal marshals without revealing their personal identities as long as they (a) took training and kept certified ( agreed to respond to code X emergencies © established a positive method of identifying themselves to law enforcement so that no one else could impersonate them. In essence, the superhuman identity was a legal persona that existed to serve a specific societal role. This is not to say the system wasn't occasionally abused by both sides, but it worked more often than not. Superhumans who were convicted of abusing their authority were, in addition to suffering fines and imprisonment, publicly unmasked which really messed with their lives after the fact. An unmasked super was treated with about the same level of contempt as a sex-offender. Conversely, a superhuman who was unmasked by bad guys could actually get a form of witness protection, up to and including a new identity.
  23. Re: Where is your campaign based? My last games was based in Teh Bunneh's basement, because it has a snack bar. An Evil snack bar.
  24. Re: If powers were related to personality traits, what power would you have? POSITIVE: Pessimism-- A field of all consuming darkness that sucks life and joy out of everyone it envelopes, draining them of hope and leaving them incapable of action or even thought. NEGATIVE: The same only more so.
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