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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Re: Looking for alien invader types - 6th Edition I really can't reccomend Champions Beyond enough. More than one species is mentioned there with 'agent level' write ups IIRC.
  2. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) Renegade and Golden Axe had their encounter over a stolen bit of highly reflective Jade Three 'Men' in white robes and conical hats attempted to take another piece of highly reflective jade from one Chen hsu, antique store owner. They turned out to be freaky demon green light things that Mimic and Starwatch destroyed. An auction where both Olympian and Solar Knight were attending has ...you guessed it, another piece of highly reflective jade for sale. Copper Spear has offered one thousand dollars for it, and has threatened anyone who bids higher. Daniel Fong aka Wildstorm, finds himself at a skateboarding competion. One young competitor of Chinese descent is being eyed by a sexy girl with a fox tattoo on her shoulder.
  3. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) Well, it's not my strong point as a GM, but we'll see how "Big Evil In Little China" goes
  4. Re: New Protectors Rising! (Bay City Campaign idea) With the Masters of Fortune ambushed, their leader Cateran now on her way back to justice... the 'new' protectors (including Mimic, who stumbled onto the scene) return home to meet the once captured REAL Night Owl. A celebration banquet is prepared, but alas, the hits keep coming. Captain Thunder, Doc Sonic, and Ace have discovered they had not one, but two spies in their midst. His cover exposed, Mr Republic, a former PRIMUS agent, admits he is on assignment from Homeland security to spy on the Protectors and make sure they never go rogue again. Renegade II is tempted to go for him, but reminds himself he is not a convict anymore, and merely makes a threat to the Federal agent. after Mr. Republic leaves, our heroes await the last words on whether they're fully in or not... but one last complication awaits
  5. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered? Hey, Hot dang! Lux Aeternum made the goal! At least one is going to print
  6. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?
  7. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered? Well, seeing as this is my baby, maybe I should explain the setting in a bit more detail. In 3rd World, the invasion has already happened and then some. In fact, you could say it was arguably invaded twice. Once, by a group of aliens that humanity now refers to as the "Dark Alliance". Each member race of the Dark Alliance had its own reason for wanting Earth, but it sure wasn't out of concern for the locals. Saying they ravaged the landscape is putting it mildly. Humanity surely would have become extinct if it hadn't been for the interest other alien races had in it (Not sure how much I should spoil) and the Dark Alliance severely underestimated that interest. A Co-Operative formed out of other species to come to 'protect' the Earth, again, each member species of the Co-Operative had its own reasons for doing so. In the end, the Co-Operative won, but humanity, it could be argued, lost. To the victors went the spoils, and the prize in this case was Earth. Those interests I mentioned gave each member of the Co-Operative reason to hang around and humanity was far too weak (and in some cases too grateful) to do much about it. The nations of Earth were divided among the victors into "dominions". While the Game Master is encouraged to tinker with this set up to his/her heart's content, the default for the setting is Alien Occupation, Colonization, and Exploitation rather than invasion. The variety of dominions allows for campaigns that reflect themes of rebellion, tolerance and teamwork with the 'other', or just struggling to get by when you're down and out. I tried to borrow heavily from this or that slice of history what happens when a technologically superior culture moves in on the turf of one that isn't so advanced. Players can play humans, or a member race of the Co-Op. Many of the 'alien' races have almost admirable reasons for being on Earth, or at least sympathetic ones. You can "take up the Blue Man's burden" and try to help the poor savages, or maybe this is your people's holy land. You might be of a species that needs the humans or some race like them just to ensure future generations prosper. And, of course, sometimes you just want to see what's in it for you. Heck, if you think the humans have it bad, you should see what remains of the Dark Alliance races on the planet. Many of them were left behind, and some no longer even recognized by the far off worlds their grand-sires came from. And yeah, players (with GM permission) can play those too. While the setting is rare (I won't say unique) in that it is a Sci Fi setting where you're never intended to get past orbit, it's my hope that there is something for everyone. A GM can make it as dark and gritty, or as hopeful, as he/she wants. There's lots of room for tragedy or drama, but also some humorous elements here and there. A GM can either use it so the group can explore issues of religion, bigotry, and more... or focus on the action aspects alone. To those that do want to purchase it, and especially to those who've already ordered, you have my thanks, and, assuming all goes well, I wish you many hours of fun with it.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos For those that are missing Smallville, the JSA, or both
  9. Re: Order of the Stick Behold, the power of Charisma unchained http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0794.html
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Now it can no longer be my favorite city I know nothing about... you see what you did???? I gotta find a new one...
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Not so... my favorite city I know nothing about his Timbuktu (Not even sure that's spelling it right) which I think is somewhere in Africa, but I'm not sure Or maybe Walla Walla Washington
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings A few prayers on the way
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I am the very model of a modern procrastinator when I have to do it now I prefer to do it later Part of me cares a lot but the rest is lackadaisical like trying to write some snappy fiction for y'all I drift in spurts of energy while my lethargy I try to cull My muse she put a hole in the cup just when I thought IT was full Of my bipolar energy level I have plenty proof like lounging around when suddenly I make a sing song spoof My reputation meter indictes my whims are quite a hit yet sometimes I try to force it and I feel like #### In short when it comes to energy, trying to find my synergy, I seem to hit a fader I am the very model of a modern procrastinator
  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Me-Folks on the boards are actually editing out their own profanity lately. $$$$ Yeah! I'm so proud I could #### a brick! Friend- Irony has a restraining order on you, doesn't it?
  15. Re: Vandaleur Twins Anais was actually female originally in the 4th Edition IIRC. The 'change' to male in Arcane Adversaries was actually ONLY in the art. I don't recall the whole story, but the artist apparently assumed 'twins = identical twins" and, not being familiar with French names, thought both were male. EDIT: Looks like Dr. Mid-Nite beat me to the explaination.
  16. Re: Project WyrmStar: The Wreck of Alpha Central To each their own. Love the "Gamma World meets Thundarr' Description btw
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Ok. I saw Kung Fu Panda II one day (Which I thought would be fun, and it was) and PotC: Stranger Tides (Which I wasn't expecting to like, but actually did). So far, this is turning into an excellent movie time for me.
  18. Re: Perfect World acquires Cryptic Studios Mixed feelings on this. I'd hate to see the Champions IP get a 'Chinese government approved' overhaul, which as a Chinese company, I fear Perfect World might be subject to. On the other hand, an international touch might have many advantages as others have stated.
  19. Re: Project WyrmStar: Terracide Fantastic. Hopefully they'll give you some good word of mouth as well.
  20. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Makes me wish I could afford another one
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Thanks Bunneh. I love the whole 'secret history' vibe you've got going for your setting, and have started to glimpse at your blog for more. Frankly, I don't think there's a bum setting in the lot of all seven, though I, as one of the creators, 'might be considered less than impartial.
  22. Re: Musings on Random Musings http://www.indiegogo.com/3rd-World The stuff below the trailer gives more details
  23. Re: Musings on Random Musings No magic as such in this world, though there can be psionics... as for Australia...
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings A definite thanks then, L. Marcus. The play one words "3rd World" is probably pretty obvious to most. I tried to draw elements (which is writer speak for 'ripped off liberally') from historical events in Earth when one technologically superior culture encountered another and moved in. I tweaked each dominion trying to get a little something for everyone. The Aggro Strip is possibly one of the more depressing of the locations, where 'prisoners' is just another term for field slave. On the flip side, Nova Europa is meant to be more whimsical as you find out what happens when an alien race becomes OVERLY enchanted with human kingdoms and tales of chivarly and such long dead. I even put a spot in former China were rebels with psychic powers can fight using psionic ablities against their reptilian corporate overlords, which if a GM wanted, could be a very weird mix of wire fu movies and aliens. Most of the focus is in North America mind you, but I tried to spread enough globally to at least inspire. And nor are all the non humans "The bad guys". Some want to 'Take up the Blue man's burden' and truly do mean well, or are scarlet skinned rivals arriving on Earth as part of a holy calling. Others are just happy to have a planet where they can exist with less hostility than elsewhere. A few even champion human causes (Though they are in the minority) and the pcs are encouraged to be among them now and then when suited. I tried to avoid the 'aliens with hats' situation...each race has multiple governments/cultures they can come from, though some are more uniform than others. And the humans? They're stuck on the Earth they got so they better make the most of it. Some will become heroes, and, yeah, plenty of black hats are found on human heads. I trust any GM will swap things around as best suits them. Some of the dominions could easily have been claimed by the same governments/people but just in a different area. Relations can be better or worse than depicted, and so on. Hopefully, the 'kitchen sink' approach will pay off for folks.
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