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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Hermit

    It worked!

    Pardon, I know no one asked, but I just had to say.... It worked! I ran my first ever Star HERO game yesterday. It seemed to be a hit! This is the same group that included one player who hated/was bored by Sci Fi, but loved Pirates. I made the story about intersteller piracy, and ran the 'origin story' if you will for the crew, and they all liked it and want to keep it. We don't get together too often, and have other campaigns, but it did not die at birth. Whew... sorry about this, I just had to go and cheer.
  2. Q: I'm stuck in a cosmic nexus! Can you help me? A: Hooray for the Black, Green and Gold!
  3. If that doesn't work, perhaps you could try to flesh them out in Digital Hero?
  4. Does anyone know if any of the races are going to be explored in much more depth officially? If so, which ones?
  5. Re: Re: Your favorite Terran Empire race No kidding Well, I figured once the revolution started up, a few rebellious normally stay at home Osathri would "take it to the enemy" and go into outter space more often. ............ Keith, you got to design the Mon'Dabi? Tres Excellent.
  6. Maximum of ten options on a poll, and as you can probably tell by the book... that's not even half
  7. Since this question was once asked of the Star Frontiers setting, and since I actually have had time to read this most excellent book myself- I thought I'd ask what race(s) in the Terran Empire setting is your favorite? I've been looking at them for a bit now. I'm not sure I could pick just one. Here are three that stick out for me... I like the Osathri, they seem rather handicapped in play... but I can't help but feel for their plight. You could get a lot of drama for either a loyalist or a discontent. Fish with attitude. The Fassai with their 'hundred houses' strike me as something a player or GM could tailor easily, while still maintianing a common thread. The look is a bit too Klingon in parts (And the Perseid suffer from the same problem some what) but it's a minor gripe. For some reason, I like the Mondabi (And Kolajik), but for the life of me I can't be sure why. I think maybe I saw the original "Land of the Lost" one too many times as a kid Anyone else finding favorites yet? And, I confess this list might change for me as time goes on and I give more of them a run.
  8. Fuschia Star ports, here we come.
  9. NP. I was wondering for a second of the Thane had made a comeback
  10. I'd have to say Mentalists as a rule are the most feared in my groups, espcially the ones with Mental transforms. I can't say I blame them. As I am most often GM, I fear NO villain! HAHAHAHAHA!
  11. Hermit

    Name Help

    Well, yes, but your question about it was more detailed. Despite what Kinetik might think, speed isn't everything
  12. Hermit

    Name Help

    Re: Name Help While he sounds too modest to come up with these himself, perhaps something related to his now greater than the top nature? Zenith Apex Pinacle Does he have a theme? That would also affect things (In a "Blue Beetle" style).
  13. Very nice. If I can get this Terran Empire game going (and it's going to be a real tooth pull) Maybe I can buy the toolkit afterall.
  14. Q: So, what was your blind date like? A: 15 Hexahedrons and one hexagon riddled plastic plane... and a six pack of mountain dew.
  15. Q: How do I solve my lawyer problem? A: A Pan Galactic Gargle blaster!
  16. If that's normally reached by traveling on light beams, then I think youv'e got the wrong one Herm "Your planet is very... bright" it
  17. Q: Tarzan, where's the back up you promised us? A: If at first you don't recede, try try again.
  18. Q: It seems to be a Passive-Aggressive Potato, what should we make it into? A: Side-effects may include queessiness, dizziness, and loose stool.
  19. Q: So, what exactly did the gold digging hussy from hell do that surprised you Mr Oblivious? A: I can't take pain, I can only give it!
  20. Q: "Cuz?" What the heck is "Cuz"???!! A: It's blinking and flashing in a hazy sort of peach color.
  21. Afraid I no longer purchase WW products, and haven't for sometime, so when Exalted came out... I gave it a pass.
  22. Curses, forced to use my free will and imagination yet again! Seriously, thanks for the quick response. Suffice to say, I'm loving the book
  23. On Pages 8-9 of Terran Empire the history mentions an independent little colony called Capac, that didn't want to join the new Terran Empire right at it's start. The plucky little planet paid the price and it's capital city was seized.... fair enough. For some reason, that intrigued me right there. When we got into planet descriptions starting on pg. 68, I went looking for a description of it. Only it wasn't there. Not a big deal, I figure there are a few options on 'where' it is... 1. It's destroyed utterly somehow. 2. It's name was changed (Maybe it's Triumph?) 3. It's no longer imporant enough to bother putting on the map. While any official input would be great, I'm grateful for any input or opinion on what to do with Capac and where to put it Thanks for any help in advance
  24. Dorlavian/Perseid Architecture ideas Nice ideas. If you don't mind me drifting from just government architecture for a moment, I think another factor to take into account is definitely religious/cultural beliefs. For example, the Dorvalians (Perseids) religion is a six god polytheistic faith. If a GM wanted to extrapolate from that, one could have many major building designs be hexagons. The number six might feature promiently in patterns. One could reverse that, of course, and say that because of the sacredness hex designs would be used only for places of worship, but even that choice would shape the building plans. Sticking with the Dorlavians for a moment, one should also take racial strengths into account. Because the Dorlavians have natural sight flash defense and energy resistance, a GM could also incorporate that. Imagine chambers of high polished almost blindling (to non Perseid) crystal where the Dorlavans come to relax or meditate. After all, Perseid mating cycles are triggered during the darker fall season... a dimly lit building might be the same as hanging out a red lantern. Bound to get you worked up. For that matter, imagine walls with very low level currents of energy cruising through them. Other races might risk getting burned or shocked, but Perseid would just run hands over the surfaces enjoying that 'tingling' sensation. Devious Dorvalan designers might even use this as a subtle (or not subtle) way of discouraging non-Perseid from wandering too deep into complexes restricted to "authorized personel". Couple that with the art of Etch Sketching on soft materials (no doubt, many of which could harden quickly after the work is done) and you have some very unusal architecture indeed.
  25. An idea I do not subscribe to Digital Hero, but it would seem to me that DH subscribers would not object to E products as much or they wouldn't be subscribers in the first place. So, maybe DH subscribers should get a 20% discount or so on HERO Plus Products? This perk might encourage die hard e-luvin' herophiles to subscribe to DH even more. Meanwhile, Playtesters (who, I believe, are subscribers as part of being playtesters) would have this as a sort of 'we can't pay you... so here's a way of thanking you instead' message going for them. Just a thought, not sure how workable or practical it would be.
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