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Doug Limmer

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Everything posted by Doug Limmer

  1. Re: Chaotic TV show and card game I don't think the new animation style is awful, but I do miss the more distinctive style they had before.
  2. Re: Order of the Stick New one is up. "Now can we PLEASE resume saving the world?"
  3. Re: Resurrection Man, any ideas? Only slightly tongue-in-cheek: make a character. Have him die. Make a new character. The rest is special effects.
  4. Re: NightHawk version Deviant Art No paid subscription; I'm not even logged in. I am, however, using Firefox. I tried it with IE (7, I think), and I got a blank PNG, too. Firefox (I'm still using version 2) was able to save it.
  5. Re: NightHawk version Deviant Art Do you mean legally, or mechanically? For me, "Save Image As ..." worked fine.
  6. Re: Order of the Stick Actually, since this is a prophecy, you have to be careful to get the wording right ... My first spoiler block!
  7. Re: Order of the Stick It really is worth your while to re-read the last trip to the Oracle (strips 321 to 332, and maybe a few before and after). Not only does it answer your question, but it's pretty funny, too.
  8. Re: Order of the Stick New one is up. Man, am I glad I just re-read the oracle strips. [i'm not sure what AliceTheOwl is puzzled about.]
  9. Re: Order of the Stick It's not a joke. Or, at any rate, not a new one. It's a continuation of the joke from comic #324.
  10. Re: Personal Sacrifice Transfer: BODY to END, self only? (Powered by an appropriate END Reserve)
  11. Re: D&D 4th Mostly because some people have been saying exactly the same things that were complained about months ago on the D&D Discussion Boards, when little concrete information was known about the game. It almost seemed as if I had fallen through at time warp. If you don't like what you see in the game, there's more specific content available to rail against now.
  12. Re: D&D 4th It's kind of amazing how much conclusion-jumping is going on in this thread. I'm not a big supporter of D&D 4e (I'm neutral to it, really), but it's getting bashed by people who don't really have true information on the game. Go look at the previews that Wizards has up (they have quite a few by now), and see for yourself what it's like. Don't rely on biased reports saying "it's just like a MMORPG now!" My opinion? It's a game that has evolved from the original D&D, and has many things in common with it, but it is not the same game as, say, 1st edition AD&D. That doesn't make it good or bad, or better or worse, just different.
  13. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position I'm going to make a different suggestion: gadgets. Maybe technological, maybe magical, maybe just leftovers from whomever they've fought before. It would mean a conscious decision to become more effective on the character's part, which could be an interesting story line. And it goes against the stereotypical seductress template.
  14. Re: Order of the Stick I started to. But the protagonist is a bad guy, or at least is working for the bad guys without any moral qualms. So, I stopped. (Maybe I should have used "was" instead of "is", but for some reason I doubt it's changed since I stopped reading it.)
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Macrame.
  16. Re: Headmaster Transformers As I understand it, the second form (the one that didn't buy the vehicle) wouldn't have access to the vehicle. So, the vehicle would "disappear". For many multiforms, this would cause serious "common sense" issues; for this one, it fits quite well. The vehicle perk would disappear, but the "special effect" would be that the Transtector would become part of the second form's body. Well, I think it makes lots of sense, anyway.
  17. Re: Headmaster Transformers Couldn't this one be just multiform? Have the little robot form buy the Vehicle (as a perk), and then it shouldn't be able to be used by the other form.
  18. Re: Order of the Stick Yes. Yes, it is. To correct a previous poster, the "acidborn monster" template, with an example of a large acidborn shark, is from Dungeonscape, written by two fellows named Jason Bulmahn and Rich Burlew. Unless there's a second acid breathing shark in MMV...
  19. Re: 4th ed vet-- how different is 5eR? When I read this, I wondered, "How many points of similarity do 4th edition and 5th edition have?" Now, I have this idea of a Game Familiarity Table stuck in my head ...
  20. Re: Kishi Banahana I'm reading it as "Kissy Banana", if that's any consolation.
  21. Re: Order of the Stick New strip is up. Not to give too much away, but "Miko 2: Electric Bugaloo".
  22. Re: Songs that inspire(d) you to make a Champions Character I have an idea for a super-thief inspired by "Razzle Dazzle" (from the musical Chicago). If I ever run a Champions campaign, I'll have to write her up.
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