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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Re: Are the Early Wolfman/Perez Titans a ripoff of the Avengers? I think there are only so many archetypes, and you don't build a team of all-bricks, or all blasters. So it's inevitable that in putting together a team you've got a blaster, a brick, a mage, etc, etc. Might as well have been comparing them to the Defenders.
  2. Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick? Uncle Slam. His sidekick would likely be someone he thought could carry on the mantle once he retired. I expect it to be someone young, probably an idealist, but with some messed up ideas about what it takes to protect this country. He'd see a younger version of himself in the person and feel the need to correct the kind of rabid patriotism that blinds him to his actions. Anthem. She's too young to really have a sidekick; she's pretty much sidekick level as heroes go. But I suppose if there was someone bent on fighting crime but who had little to no existing ability, just desire, she'd feel the need to protect them. She'd teach a little martial arts and see what she could do about procuring them some protective gear. But all this would only be after a lot of trying to talk them out of this.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Boom Boom Out Go the Lights by Pat Travers
  4. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Heh. Yeh, the one near hte arena. In fact, I didn't even remember there was more than one in Port Oakes, because I never use the other one. Start off facing away from the arena toward the quartermaster. To your right is the road that has one of the contacts on it (Brian Heck? Something like that.) Running parallel to that but right next to that road is the one that slopes downward (It heads away from the arena). That's the road you take to the end and go up the stairs.
  5. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel A complimentary copy of the STRANGE TIMES newspaper is slid under your door every morning you stay in the hotel. It features articles on insane people; You know... murders in the park, suburban housewives who flip out at the supermarket, etc. The more you read it, the more claustrophobic the hotel feels and the more you feel like you're being watched, as if the insanity of the paper is rubbing off on you. What's more, you can never get a glimpse of the delivery man, and the circulation department (whose number appears on the paper) has only a very old sounding recording, telling you how to become a "Permanent Addition" to the paper. If asked, the bellhop has never heard of the paper. But the 70 year old janitor tells you he remembers the paper and that the Strange Times went out of print in 1974. **** For no apparent reason, you find yourself strangely wide awake for a moment and feel compelled to check the hallway. A woman has checked into the room up the hall. She is shrouded fully in black, but the gauzy dress with a sort of lacey spider-web pattern to it reveals shapely curves. Without any glimpse of her face you decide she is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. In fact, anytime she comes into the hallway, no matter what you are doing, you know she's there somehow and go to steal a glance. The more times you see her, the more you want to see more of her. If approached, she will mostly let you do all the talking but may occasionally whisper a word or two in a breathy, sexy tone. She answers very few questions however, especially about why she's there. Subsequently, the only way someone will find info is to climb out on the fire escape and spy, use the neighboring (empty) room and drill a hole, or to break in when she's gone. This will lead to her attempting to seduce the characer (which by now should be easy). That of course is when an amorphous roiling mass of darkness shows up for his "cut" of your soul. Pimps get at least half, ya know. ***
  6. Re: Wizkids: Rocketmen! I was handed some of these boosters at Comic-Con, but I never got around to opening them. Heck, they're probably still in my suitcase.
  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I played Tankers only sparingly before I5. After that came out, I created Sleepwalker and leveled fairly quickly up to about 29th or so. I like the character and power set, but feel it's actually too similar to my now level 50 invulnerable scrapper. I'd have been happier if the two power sets were more divergent. That's the thing about CoV: There's very clear delineation between Stalkers and Brutes. CoH gets kind of mushy between scrappers and tankers. I'd still play the toon, alas there's only so many hours in the day. I feel bad for the team she joined up just a week before CoV came out. They've probably leveled way past her now.
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game In CoV or CoH? You have to be 10th in either, I believe. In CoH, you go to city hall in Atlas, to the registrar (behind the desk inside the entrance). In CoV, there's a building that's hard to give directions to (Especially from memory). Here's how I go there: When you are in Port Oakes, at the Quartermaster, face to face with him, you go right until you come across the inclined road (It should slope down to your left). Follow it all the way to the bottom where it ends at some stairs up. There's usually some "family" on the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a building; Inside is the registrar. Same one does super-bases.
  9. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Haven't done the respec yet. Sounds... challenging. I'm one of those folks who failed the CoH respec 3 times w/3 different characters, so I wouldn't be the yardstick to measure by anyway
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Thanks. He's a little worse than "pet pulls". I run up to where I can see an enemy. I'm always there first and I'm hidden. So I step back out of range so that he'll stop at me. Instead, he'll run right past my and up to the enemy then back up like he shouldn't have done that. It really is kind of funny, especially if we live. I think he got tired of it because he's got teleport foe now. But he still runs too close to select an enemy. Not sure why that is. Maybe he's trying to click everyone, rather than using TAB or something.
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game The guy i play with regularly (my buddy Joe), for a great roleplayer in our RPG group, and a devious mind, he seems to have no sense of precaution in-game. He seems to treat everything like he's invisible and nothing will notice him. Not good for a Mastermind with 4 pets in tow. So while it irritates me sometimes that he's turned the group of 5 badguys into 10 or 15 because of a lack of subtelety, it's also part of the fun, and I don't expect him to change. No point in getting mad at him. Don't think I've ever had anyone get mad at me about how I played my character. At least they didn't say so.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Is Uncontrolled Bleeding louder?
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I meant to come on last night and post when I was playing something I happened across by accident. In an old issue of Guitar (or Guitar player, can't remember) they had those little plastic inserts that were basically flimsy little records you could play on your turntable. When I came across mine I pulled out the old turntable explicitely for listening to it. It was the guitar duel from the Ralph Macchio film Crossroads where he's dueling with the devil (Steve Vai). Anyway, I've only got about 3 records. One is a double album set by a band called Raven that I barely remember, and another is the infamous Dead Kennedy's disc Frankenchrist over which the PMRC sued (and bankrupted) the band because it included a poster of HR Geiger's "Penis Landscape". Can't remember the third.
  14. Blue

    The Role Models

    Re: The Role Models I think ever since the famous "Alcoholic cover", Iron Man has inspired a certain number of "flawed heroes". I know that it made me add some dimension to my own characters, realizing that I never wanted to play a Superman-type who can do everything and whose only weakness is some rare element. I like the demons within as enemies in my heroes. Wolverine will get a lot of disrespect (especially here on the boards), but he brought focus back onto something the Hulk had introduced; A guy not fully in control of himself, but trying to do good. Wonder Woman inspired plenty of hot chicks in skimpy outfits. Okay, a dubious achievement, but I'm not complaining. If we want to throw in villains, I think Galactus was the first true intergalactic menace. If Galactus showed up on the cover of a comic, you knew the entire planet was in trouble.
  15. Re: GM's "Notebook" Hero Designer for making characters. Print out the ones I need before the game. MS Word for writing up notes. Excel Spreadsheet for tracking combat (I wrote up a tiny little macro that will sort the current phase by DEX in descending order).
  16. Blue

    Thank you

    Re: Thank you That's very kind of you to say. I think a lot of the board's character has something to do with the longevity of the game. Some of us are comic-book and Champions fans long, long before the boards existed. I have my 1st edition copy not far away from where I sit and type this.
  17. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Been more like miss and miss. I'm just beginning to explore the MasterMind types myself. I'm not constructing with PVP in mind at all, but with soloing. So far that's made some of the pool powers that everyone can get after 6th level pretty useful as I keep my army alive and protected from mental attacks and such. He'll probably never go into PVP because he's too creature-centered. If his creatures go down, he's offenseless.
  18. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide I haven't read a single word of it yet. I do like the art though.
  19. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Stalker observations to date in PVP... Danger Sense is AWESOME. The fact that you can see someone who thinks they're invisible is great, and VERY champions like. You can stalk someone untl they're totally vulnerable then nail them. AOE Is the best way to find stalkers. A hero targets an area and the damage expsoses the hidden stalker. Stalkers are good when hereos have the numerical advantage. Otherwise the heroes often hit and retreat and the stalker doesn't have time to deliver the ol' backstab. If I follow my friend, a MasterMind, around, he gets followed by heroes, then when they engage him, I wait and deliver a nasty sneak attack. Unfortunately, I miss probably over half the time with that mauever in PVP. I don't know why. Might be the other people's level of defense.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Don't Change by INXS is ending, You Make Me Feel Like A Whore by Everclear is coming on. There's a joke in there, but I can't pinpoint it
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I was listening to that in the car earlier. Forgot I had the CD 'til I cleaned out the trunk. It amazes me just how damn catchy most of the songs are on there.
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Different Names For The Same Thing, by Death Cab For Cutie. This CD, mellow as it is, is starting to really stick in my head.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Parade by Garbage.
  24. Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville Based solely on the trailer I saw at Comic-Con, my hopes are huge. I have great faith in Bryan Singer. At comic-con they used the jor-el voiceover. And it sounds like they'll use a little computer wizardry to include him a tiny bit in this film. I hope that doesn't mean a full CGI Brando or anything.
  25. Re: Heroic Images Those are nice. Now if we can convince the artist to draw the backs of the people to make cardboard minis
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