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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Blue

    Champions CCG?

    Re: Champions CCG? I know I would appreciate it, but the rest of my game group would not get the same thing out of it. It would never get off the ground there. I think that we all want to see more Champions/Hero products, but I think this one has a limited built-in audience. I think that if they were ever to have a Champions CCG, they'd have to approach it in reverse; Market it, then use it as a springboard to get people into the RPG. Anyone played the City of Heroes CCG yet? I've got a battlepack and a couple of boosters, but because I'm not all that saavy on CCGs, I'm still figuring out the rules. Just thought I'd see what others thought of it.
  2. Re: Bennie's Head Swells, Film At 11 VA is excellent. (As an aside, I actually have Miskatonic University; It's the first CoC supplement I've bought in many, many years. With a couple of projects in the way I haven't had a chance to read it. Now I'm going to have to.)
  3. Re: Putting on Power Armor Funny that in all these years it has never come up. My initial reaction was to say that if it's Inaccessible Focus (which most armor is) then it's 1 Turn. But I think I'd just make it 2-3 phases if it was an emergency.
  4. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game To clarify slightly, you'll still need to visit the tailor afterward to add the cape on. But the mission to earn the right to wear one is where they said it is (Atlas).
  5. Re: What would you trade for wealth? Silly genie. I already traded all my money to be this handsome, smart, and strong. (Well, okay, I didn't own much)
  6. Re: Why are 2nd powers cheaper? I allow the duplication of a foci for the purpose of having a backup, since having one really doesn't allow the character to attack more often, as my players aren't munchkining.
  7. Re: THRILLING HERO TALES — A Campaign Chronicle Great write-up. I'm pretty sure that my middle-aged yet juvenile group would get hung up on the "Island of Death from Behind".
  8. Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind. The ridiculous thing I don't mind?... The "Chainmail Bikini" Effect. Yes, I'm superpowerfu; Yes one of my powers is having enough str to support my chest; yes, a team of engineers had to design these two straps special so that I don't come tumbling out. It's the juvenile in me. And boy is he ever present.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Like a hot knife through Buddha." Okay, it was said while playing City of Villains. But I did say it in character.
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Yay! The patch notes say they no longer have gate portals generate villains in accordance with the number of pets. (All 4 players in my group have masterminds and all 4 have generated insane numbers of enemies simply by being there).
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game There's a patch? Hope it's new stuff. I'm actually starting to feel alittle bored with things.
  12. Blue


    Re: Isis I'm no expert on Isis. Except to say that they sure knew their teenage boy demographic
  13. Re: Hypnodisk! That ROCKW! If I had $350 laying around doing nothing....
  14. Re: Power Question: Purple Man I was thinking the "based on CON" modifier. That's the standard way to go about a mind controlling drug, which is sort of what pheremones are.
  15. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do? First you get the oil, then you get the women. Actually, while the Middle East might be a reasonable target, I think I'd make it a ruse. The whole point would be to force troops to deploy to parts of the world where they are at a disadvantage and have trouble with supply lines, but more importantly: Where they aren't protecting their home, thus leaving it vulnerable.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Emily Rose speaking in tongues, in The Exorcism of Emily Rose
  17. Re: If YOU have been playing Hero since the 80's why do you still keep coming back? Coming back? Who left? Well, ok, technically I did. There was a decade where I didn't game. But when I came back to it, because I might occasionally have to run something, this is the first thing I came back to. I still had all the older books, and I knew the character building mechanics inside out (even if I often improvised rules for combat when we weren't sure). And it's the one game that everyone in the new game group liked but that nobody was running.
  18. Re: Is this android "anatomically correct"? If he's built with the "automaton" rules, I'd say he'd need the PERK in order to have sex. If he's not, I'd say he'd need a limitation in order to not be able to. I wouldn't have thought of a PERK as the way to go for the first part, but that actually fits pretty well, and doesn't break the bank point-wise.
  19. Re: Zeppelin versus Pterodactyls Here I thought Led Zepplin were going to be fighting Pterodactyls. Cuz Jimmy Page could take it all by himself.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Banquet, by Bloc Party
  21. Re: Essential OHOTMU: worth it or not? I have the original series still, which I think was something like 15 parts (I think they planned 12, then wound up adding 2 "book of the dead" and 1 "weapons/vehicles" type book). I think for the short writeups of many heroes/villains up to the moment of that publication, it's kind of useful. I Still occasionally can't remember what happened on a characer and will look it up. But in man cases, by now that's only half the character's history. I still like mine, but then it's the only reference of it's type I have.
  22. Re: Comics that I miss. Sandman! Good Catch. I Soooo miss monthly Neil Gaiman.
  23. Re: Comics that I miss. Now I never collected the comics (my brother did), but I did have about 80% of the toys. My favorite toys of all time!
  24. Re: Comics that I miss.
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Can U Deliver, Armored Saint
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