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Everything posted by Jagged

  1. Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ? To be honest I think you guys are thinking too hard As a GM I could live with gadgets as a MP as long as the concept was sound. First and formost the Active Points of the MP represent the ability of the gadgeteer. Thats how strong he can make his/her gadgets. As long as more than one isn't in play at any one time I think the representation is fine. Amusing as Mr Waters' Batman example is, when Batman hands a shuriken to a tenament kid its no longer a 2d6RKA its just a momento.
  2. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas So how does he get into your home? Teleportation or some kind of desolidification/squeezing/stretching deal? Most movies seem to go for the latter. On the subject of detects can his also tell your religious convictions? Based upon purely circumstantial evidence he seems to deliver to Christians, lapsed Christians and people who were never Christian but have Christian relatives. Maybe he can just detect stockings hung on beds and mantles? What a weird power! Hes a disturbing thought: maybe he has to be invited in. Santa's a vampire
  3. Re: The worst Retcon of all time While that cartoon is funny it makes the mistake of over estimating Hollywood. DC will be able to keep Zorro as the movie because Hollywood will keep remaking it
  4. Re: The Art and Science of St. Nicholas Someone should also do the Futurama Santa Bot
  5. Re: 7 Sci-Fi Series Ripe for Movie Reboots
  6. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure I have to respond that while you and I may personally not like it there is no reason why a society may not operate perfectly successfully while dictating to the individual what job they have to do and who they have to marry. We don't like the idea because we have certain expectations. Expectations that come entirely from the societies we have been born into. After all I believe that in the history of Western society chosing exactly who you marry is a fairly new thing. I could also envision the possibility that a society that dictated the job of the individual might be far more efficient. Imagine a world where community leaders where chosen because they were suitable rather than because they aspired to political power. I could also imagine that in an enclosed world like a generation ship every "job" would have equal worth and while it would be inevitable that some jobs might be preferable to others (risk or effort?) if all rewards are shared equally that might do away with a significant amount of job envy. Might
  7. Re: Will Stronghold Qudo to all for the converts. Your reward awaits you in Hero System Heaven
  8. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure
  9. Re: 7 Sci-Fi Series Ripe for Movie Reboots Are you suggesting Bionic Woman was more famous & popular that the Bionic Man? I quite liked the Bionic Woman redux. However it took them too long to decide on a story direction (if they ever did actually decide) and so their story arc was all over the shop. Still they had some interesting characters (except the dippy FBI love interest) and I would have continued to watch if they'd continued to make it
  10. Re: What do I do? I'd ask you players. They might been keen to move to 6 or they might want to stay on 5. I think most of us continued to run existing campaign using the same system and didn't "upgrade" until some significant or suitable point.
  11. Re: Multipower are so common, why not just cut every cost by 2 ? That would be a perfectly acceptable Campaign-World-Rule.
  12. Re: Excited about the system but totally unfamiliar I think you have a few options: 1) Be upfront with your players and state outright that because everyone is new to the system (including you) you will review all the characters after you've played with them for a while and accept that minor changes may be made. Or if you are playing supers that characters might have the odd radiation accident 2) Take the opportunity to get your players to design the characters on paper without numbers. Then you build them. Obviously thats more work for you, but is a neat way to show off the flexibility of the system. Plus if you come here people will help. I'd offer but I don't have 6E
  13. Re: Will Stronghold I'd put that down to the nature of the universe they live in and that all characters with powers are tougher than normal. Perhaps thats why kids without "obvious" powers are chosen as sidekicks? Perhaps even sidekicks are tougher than normal (normals)?
  14. Re: Will Stronghold And yet he'll be the one on cereal boxes. Show me the justice in that.
  15. Re: Will Stronghold To be honest nobody shoots bullets at him during the movie. However it is suggested he has the same powers as his dad and they describe his dad as Invulnerable, but thats the "invulnerable" you get from being super strong. I suspect Will Stronghold would be able to shrug off "mundane" attacks (like bullets). Sky High was an unexpectly decent movie.
  16. Re: 7 Sci-Fi Series Ripe for Movie Reboots Absolutely, I love UFO. I remember being quite shocked as a kid when I found out why the aliens where kidnapping people. Accepting the alien craft could go faster than light, everything else seemed fairly realistic and internally consistant.
  17. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure I remember a Tharg Future Shock story as well. Which featured two stellanauts waking up from cryo-sleep as they approached their destination, only to find a thriving inhabited planet. They were treated as heroic pioneers with tickertap parades and such. Which is a nice variant on the Buck Rogers setup. Can't remember the final outcome of the story though. Either that was it or they suffered from culture shock.
  18. Re: Game Master Lament Re-reading the OP it sounds like they were at least upfront about it. Still, I would not bother including them if they couldn't be bothered to watch a movie and read a few pages. Sounds like they're being deliberately argumentative. I mean, how long does it take to build a character? I often build characters while watching a suitable movie anyway Perhaps you should ask them, in all seriousness, if they'd like to GM?
  19. Re: Jokes Voted funniest joke at this years Edinburgh Fringe: And voted worst: My son's favourite joke:
  20. Re: Game Master Lament I think you were perfectly right to expect a certain amount of effort from your players. If they couldn't be bothered they should have at least told you up front. The reason I am not running a campaign now is because I don't feel I have the time to devote to one. So if I went to the effort of making time I would be similarly annoyed if my players couldn't be bothered to watch a .99 movie rental or follow a couple of links I sent them There's also the other players to consider. If your players have immersed themselves in the genre they are also likely to get annoyed if one individual is constantly breaking the mood, whether through ignorance or design. Still, turning one session into movie-night will almost certainly be more productive than having a rant, however justified
  21. Re: On the Willful Killing and Maiming of NPCs Another plot device used in film and tv flashbacks that would also work here is to first present the player-controller NPCs with a tough situation that they might be able to over come. They fight and survive by the skin of their teeth only to be presented with alien reinforcements of twice the number toughness etc at which point you call CUT! Please do, I am curious
  22. Re: Generation starships and their internal society structure Doesn't it all change if you can get to a reasonable propotion of light speed? I'm sure I remember reading some calculations about Generation ships moving at half the speed of light or above and effectively replicating themselves like a virus at every star. In a few hundred generations humans would be everywhere in the known universe
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