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Everything posted by Jagged

  1. I know you said Krampus is not "evil Santa" but perhaps he still has access to some of Santa's powers? Maybe he can access the same slow time dimension that allows Santa to deliver all the toys in one night? Maybe Santa's little helper grants the heroes the same access so they can save St Nicolas as well as the world?
  2. Didn't realise she was in that. Loved that show ;-)
  3. Recently finished Punisher. I am going to disagree with the other comments in this thread and say that I found the pacing just perfect. Unlike other Netflix shows I enjoyed all the diversions into side characters who seemed to behave in sensible or at least realistic ways (again unlike other Netflix shows). The only action I had trouble buying was from Castle himself in the final episode. Which you can probably guess if you have seen and we can guess Season 2 is the real reason. Punisher is a long way from my favourite character but this has been one of my favourites from Netflix.
  4. I think that is a generous take on the state of play in the UK ;-) We used to do enormous seasons. Can't afford it these days!
  5. Super heroes are one of my favourite genres and I feel like we had to wait an eternity for any decent ones. Then came Sam Raimi and a couple of Spiderman movies followed by another excruciating wait until the current MCU run. So I am pretty happy with how things are right now. If I had a wand that was limited to superhero related entertainment wishes Spiderman and The Fantastic Four would appear as high quality weekly TV serials. Probably featuring occasional visits from a "proper" Doctor Doom. But I don't :-(
  6. Yeah, how they deal with the attempted subterfuge could easily be annoying. I am expecting the usual harassment claims etc. That's not necessarily a problem if they do it well. I have been enjoying the light hearted approach the series has been taking so far but won't mind if they try and get a little more serious for the main plot.
  7. Now I am hoping England fails to qualify. Which feels terribly unpatriotic, even though I am not a footy fan :-(
  8. Nice plan but they'd need to actually be IN their offices for that to work
  9. For me that is how it has been with "traditional" telly for some time. For example if the BBC was an optional choice for me I probably would have stopped paying for it ages ago.
  10. Just read the series has been renewed, so I guess the numbers are good enough. I am glad because like many I find it quite watchable. Much to my surprise.
  11. I think The Gifted is surprisingly good, given it is not really doing anything we haven't seen before. Not sure why exactly. Possibly a combination of the acting (which is not bad) and a coherent representation of the world.
  12. It is amazing to think there is so much Super Hero stuff on TV and some of it is quite good and aimed at adults!
  13. I gave up on Neverwinter because it seemed like every time I got close to buying some nice bit of loot, the economy would change and the market would fall out of what I was working on. Happens once, you think damn. Happens again and you realise areas of the game are limited to people who play all the time or spend loads of money.
  14. This. When I am in charge (it is inevitable I tell you) these high powered halogen style lights will be illegal. They just encourage faster driving while destroying the night vision of on-coming drivers.
  15. That's not fair. Previous seasons he moped about for half the run to get over one trauma or another
  16. I think the theme for this years Arrowverse series is that everything from the last season cliff-hanger is basically resolved in the first episode
  17. Not at all. Replication is exactly one half of the startrek teleportation process. So its an entirely reasonable supposition. There is also nothing implicit in being able to assemble some objects from energy that would allow you to disassemble something without completely destroying it. Lets face it with 3D printing we might soon be able to approximate something like replicator technologies for food. However we are probably never going to be able to teleport.
  18. Not at all. Replication technology, even in the Startrek universe, is only about copying things. Being able to non-destructively reduced something to it component atoms, shift them long distances and recompile them (often without any attendant machinery) is an array of extra godlike technologies. I would also suggest that the typical Startrek fan is familiar with the philosophical argument that a Startrek teleportation actually kills you and makes a copy. :-) The show has never address exactly how it goes about deconstructing objects. In many ways that is more problematic than replication, since if you can do that why isn't everything instantly destroyable?
  19. If you want to use Maptool just to display maps and move tokens for a face to face game, then you don't really need any game specific stuff. Lots of people use Maptool like that. The forum is very active too.
  20. Just because you have replicator technology doesn't mean you can teleport. You might be able to make pretty good backups of your Bridge Staff if any of them get killed. Which would make for a fun Orville story now that I think about it ;-)
  21. What I enjoy about the Arrowverse shows is their subtle differences. The Flash is still my overall favourite but they all ebb and flow. I nearly gave up on Supergirl during the first season but it has found its feet. It does have its weak points though. Jimmy Olsen has been a constant disappointment as a character and a story point,for example ;-)
  22. Thanks for the suggestion but I am going to avoid cosmic threats. I want instead to concentrate on the players' worlds and the mess that happens when the wrong people are given easy power ;-)
  23. That's an interesting idea. Without the magnetosphere biological life on Earth is going to get irradiated. Maybe there is some research going on to discover why Mars lost it magnetosphere, secretly funded by Mechanon.
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