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Matt the Bruins

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    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Atlantis is one of the things they actually could get away with. It's under the sea. It has advanced tech and magic to hide its presence even more.
  2. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Starlord in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    There won't be burnout as long as Luke and older characters are still alive.  If its bad, it'll still do at least $1.5 billion.  If its actually good...wow.
  3. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Christopher R Taylor in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Agents of SHIELD was a failure from the first episode, but that was by the very design and concept of the show.  Instead of being about SHIELD it was about yet another Joss Whedon super waif and the team around her.  Instead of being about an international organization dedicated to keeping peace and fighting international bad guys it was about dumb little meaningless plots vaguely related to a superhero world.  Agents of SHIELD was used as Disney's Animatrix, stuff that sets up later movies rather than stories for themselves.  They even made me dislike Agent Coulson, the most likable guy in the Marvel cinematic universe.  I tried and tried to give that show a chance, and while it had a few entertaining bits, it was overall dreary and just completely missed the target. Like, facing the other way from where the target is.
  4. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Pariah in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    The only major character I care about less than Batman is Squirrel Girl.
  5. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Jagged in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    And the last Nolan Batman movie wasn't that great either.
  6. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Lord Liaden in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Every subsequent DC movie trying to emulate Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy is IMO a big part of what brought DC to this state.
  7. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Please Lord, if this happens let them convince Ed Asner to reprise the role in the live action film! He'd be perfect!
    It occurs to me that Flashpoint rewriting everything since Barry was 9 would have basically zero effect on the events of Wonder Woman, allowing them to keep the one film almost everyone approved of in continuity with no changes...
    Mostly in agreement with your rankings. I'd set it almost a dead heat with Age of Ultron, except for some crappy CGI and production values. And the use of the Harley Quinn BootyCam® from Suicide Squad for a lot of Diana's scenes. In the pro column, I like Wonder Woman and Superman better than any of the Marvel characters.
    It was good enough that I mostly enjoyed myself watching it, and there was nothing so bad it made me want to jump either director with a crowbar—something I can't say about the previous two DCEU team movies. I'd actually be more or less satisfied if Warner Bros. could maintain roughly this level of quality moving forward, though they'd probably need to cut their production budgets by about 60% to make the movies fiscal successes.
  8. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to zslane in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Yeah, I tended to agree with Ebert way more than Siskel as well.
  9. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to bigdamnhero in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    ...I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not? You just described the top five things that ruin a movie for me. Those aren't exactly minor technical points; they're the minimum qualifications for Not Shitty.
    As for reviews, I only listen to the handful of reviewers whose opinions I trust. It's harder now that Roger Ebert has left us - whether or not *he* liked a movie, I could almost always tell if *I* was going to like it from his reviews.
  10. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Starlord in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Eh, critics thought the other two DC movies were bad and they were.  They thought WW was good and it was.  3 outta 4 IMO.
  11. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Christopher R Taylor in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    I can live with heavy CGI if its really interesting style (300, Sky Captain) but not if its just... effects and glitz.
  12. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Christopher R Taylor in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Well obviously you need a mix.  Batman is supposed to be a detective type, grim and gritty.  Superman should be noble and uplifting and heroic.  Flash can be whatever they want, which apparently is a dumb spaz kid.  Its just got to be a mix instead of everyone the same way because Batman made a lot of money.
  13. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Cassandra in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    I looked it up and the villain is Steppenwolf.
    God I hope it's the band.
  14. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Starlord in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    None of the women from that article look like they're on steroids to me.  They all look like crossfit trainers to me.  The girls at my gym that do crossfit certainly aren't juicing, they're just in really good shape.  Good muscle tone, less than 5% body fat, just like Serena Williams and some other tennis players I've seen as well.
  15. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Pattern Ghost in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    It's as if Snyder looked at the costumes from the Jenkins movie and said, "Those aren't authentic Amazonian costumes, I know what real Amazons looked like -- I've seen Xena: Warrior Princess!"
  16. Haha
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Old Man in Thor: Ragnarok spoiler thread   
    The Force needs to take its hand off my upper thigh before it gets slapped. 
  17. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Hyper-Man in Thor: Ragnarok spoiler thread   
    I saw the movie last Wednesday and loved it. My only issue was Thor being affected by the star wars slave bolts when the sfx sure seemed taser / electrical.
  18. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Hyper-Man in Thor: Ragnarok spoiler thread   
    Completely ignoring the fact that Odin has enchanted at least one similar hammer (Stormbreaker) with the same powers as Mjolnir without having to wrangle some cosmic storm into it.
  19. Thanks
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Steve Long in MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See?   
    Yes! As eager as we are to hear about progress being made on the project, your well-being has to come first Steve!
  20. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Andrew_A in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    If Affleck is too disillusioned (or trapped in the bottom of a booze bottle) to continue in the role, just back a dump truck of money up to Christian Bale's door and pretend that it's been him all along.
  21. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    While I had qualms about suicidal Pa Kent trying to raise a fearful, apathetic hermit and thought the destructo-porn final battle went on quite a bit longer than it needed to, Man of Steel didn't entirely fall down on giving us a recognizable Superman. Clark was willing to surrender and sacrifice himself for the good of humanity, took a strong moral stance against his fellow Kryptonians when they revealed themselves to be genocidal war criminals, and even showed a bit of charm and a smile or two in his interactions with Lois Lane and General Swanwick. (I'll remind people of the scenes with the reverend in church, Lois in the interrogation room, Colonel Hardy in the wake of the battle in Smallville, and the conversation with Swanwick at the end.) There was a lot of potential for him to develop into the Superman we know and love from that introduction, Snyder just pissed it away in his eagerness to film The Dark Night Returns.
  22. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from massey in STAR TREK: Discovery   
    I didn't catch more than a few episodes of Voyager and Enterprise after they premiered, and I've not felt their lack keenly in the years since. I feel no urge at all to sign on for this new streaming service. Maybe if it were 1994 hot on the heels of TNG wrapping it up.
  23. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in STAR TREK: Discovery   
    I didn't catch more than a few episodes of Voyager and Enterprise after they premiered, and I've not felt their lack keenly in the years since. I feel no urge at all to sign on for this new streaming service. Maybe if it were 1994 hot on the heels of TNG wrapping it up.
  24. Like
    Matt the Bruins reacted to Pattern Ghost in STAR TREK: Discovery   
    It'll be on Netflix outside the US. If you're in the US, you're stuck with the CBS streaming service. I plan to wait until the CBS service fails, then watch it when it finally makes it to US Netflix.
  25. Like
    Matt the Bruins got a reaction from bigdamnhero in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    If Affleck is too disillusioned (or trapped in the bottom of a booze bottle) to continue in the role, just back a dump truck of money up to Christian Bale's door and pretend that it's been him all along.
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