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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Re: Algernon Files Questions Then your brain will love the PDF price.
  2. Re: Algernon Files Questions We've got some other things on the schedule at the moment. We'll be printing our supernatural space opera in the next couple of weeks, then publishing Scott Bennie's Gestalt for the HERO System (first) and for M&M, plus maybe a couple of other surprises later in the year. Any new Algernon books will be after that, but are far enough out that we don't even want to hint at a possible schedule.
  3. Re: Algernon Files Questions She is ghostly incorporeal, and exists simultaneously in the physical and supernatural worlds, and can thus interact with humans and with ghosts, demons, spirits, etc.
  4. Re: Algernon Files Questions A deliberate reinterpretation to include Automatons who truly have free will. Those Automatons bought a Characteristic (EGO) as a Power.
  5. Re: Algernon Files Questions The characters and timelines are the same, but characters, followers, equipment, vehicles, and bases are all in HERO System terms. The maps are redone in hexes instead of squares. There is also a comprehensive Speed Chart at the end of the book.
  6. If anyone has any specific questions about the book, especially game mechanics and philosophies, I'd be happy to answer them here.
  7. Re: Power Build: Re-Pete That's basically it, but it also includes escaping grabs/entangles, standing up, being un-Flashed, etc.
  8. Re: Algernon Files for HERO review is up on RPG.net I'll be happy to answer specific design questions, comments, accusations, etc. in another thread, so as not to clutter up OddHat's review announcement.
  9. I'm working on a character, Re-Pete, who has something like a Duplication Damage Shield, but not quite. When Pete gets knocked unconscious, a "fresh" Pete (a Re-Pete) shows up and the unconscious one disappears. Sort of like a video game character getting a "new life." Apart from that, he's a normal with some minor martial arts and maybe some gear. I don't want him to be horribly expensive. Any suggestions?
  10. Re: Fake Websites Since they were given away as DH freebies, you could post the Champions Crossword puzzles I wrote. The Answer likes crossing words...
  11. Re: [Character] Human Flying Fish http://www.comictreadmill.com/CTMBlogarchives/2006Images/Aqua%20HFF.html
  12. Re: Algernon HERO No official reviews have been posted yet; still waiting.
  13. Re: Lux Aeternum Very few thoughts, but thoughts nonetheless.
  14. It's not done in HERO System mechanics, but BlackWyrm Games has released a new PDF (with printed book to follow) detailing a sci-fi setting mixing a variety of subgenres and outlooks.
  15. Re: Zeppelins! Digital Hero #12 includes a writeup and maps of the Bayside Blimp, a floating casino.
  16. Re: unReality TV The campaign started this weekend. I think it went pretty well. "Welcome to 'Superhero Challenge.' I'm your host, Adam West. Joining me on the judges panel are William Katt and Dean Cain." Spread throughout the big combat of two teams (9 PCs against 9 NPCs) were "pre-recorded" interviews with the characters. "So, tell us about your powers. Why do you want to be a hero?"
  17. Re: Muppet Champions Most of the muppets have the Physical Lim "hand puppet", which gives them a -1 OCV for using their hands and feet (since they're being propped up by tiny sticks, but a +1 OCV with their bite). The Swedish Chef and Rowlf do not have that Disadvantage.
  18. Re: Muppet Champions At GenCon, I sometimes run my Muppets Versus Toy Story scenario for Champions. Kermit, Fozzy, Piggy, Gonzo, Chef, Rowlf, Lew, Animal, Harry, Honeydew, Beaker, Sweetums, Scooter, Sam, and Teeth fight out among themselves until only half remain, and the winners take on Buzz, Woody, Hamm, Potato, Rex, Peep, and Slinky. Statler and Waldorf are "Everyman characters." Any of the players can speak up as the hecklers and crack a joke against their fellow critter.
  19. Re: Chimpira's Art Dump Look out! She's going to mark us down!
  20. Re: Chimpira's Art Dump I must spread some rep around... But Bounty looks to me like she's wielding a price gun.
  21. Re: Brain-in-a-Jar & Stretch You can pick up Stretch Armstrong, my son's stretchy PC, from my column in the Clobberin' Times Online #5. http://www.forteuniverse.com/cto/05main.htm
  22. Re: Mutants and Materminds Although we do not have published conversion stats, we at BlackWyrm Games have statted two superhero books (The Algernon Files, The Fires of War) for each system. If you think of picking up M&M to run with, we have 2nd Ed M&M versions available; but if you want to raid material for your own Champions game, pick up our HERO System versions. They're available in print and PDF.
  23. Re: Is it me.... Indeed. From a GMing standpoint, I found it to be one of the most useful books ever.
  24. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)
  25. Re: Speaks loudly AND carries a big stick Pitching and Batting martial arts appear in Digital Hero #23.
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