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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Re: Improved Critical I've done it as +1 STUN Multiplier for up to a 2d6 HKA; Activation Roll 8-
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures What they don't mention in the brochures is that those used to be Doc Ock's arms, and can defend the ship when necessary.
  3. Re: Does your Dungeon Master has military experience? He orders you to drop and give him 1d20 pushups.
  4. My new campaign is going to feature a spinoff superhero team on the west coast. The formation of the team will also be the basis of a new reality television show. I figure that at least the first 6 to 8 sessions will all be TV-based. Many of the players are bringing also-ran characters to compete against. I'd like some suggestions for a "game show" challenges and plots for superheroes. So far I've got: The Champions make a guest appearance masquerading as their evil opposites (from Through a Mirror Darkly from DH#38), which the tryout heroes must defeat SWAT teams and special forces dressing in VIPER costumes and robbing a high tech facility, likely turning into a hostage scenario A few supervillains disguising themselves as auditioning heroes, so they can learn the inside scoop on the new team on the block A full-on actual supervillain attack, to wipe out a bunch of idiot heroes on national TV Some PC team #1 versus PC team #2 competitions
  5. Re: Homage I find that Hero Points from Mutants & Masterminds are a nice addition to other systems.
  6. Re: The Babel Effect Sweet find, D-Squared. I never thought to scour the archives for this very solution.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures What would be even cooler would be if the "extensions" could retract, so that it could pass for a normal* boat, and fit down narrower waterways and under bridges. * for varying values of the word normal
  8. Re: The Babel Effect I'd thought of Flashing Voice, but this should also affect the printed word, too.
  9. I'm trying to come with a way to scramble communication. Not just jamming radio signals or anything, but actually confounding languages. Sort of the opposite of Universal Translator. The best I can come up with so far is Drain/Suppress/Dispel Languages, but that seems kind of Munhkiny. A simple 2d6 Dispel with the +2 to affect all at once, and a Selective AOE would completely mess up an entire team of opponents very cheaply. I thought about some variant on Flash or Darkness to Speech, with a Lim that the people affected can actually make noises, but not words. But I'd like it to affect the written word, too, so I'm back to the Language method above. Any ideas?
  10. Re: The Godzilla Scenario Or you could rule that the character's mental entangle only affects the Human Class Of Minds.
  11. Re: Super Hero? ::Eyes Glaze Over:: The superhero genre can be seen as silly. Putting on tights and capes to rescue kittens from trees is a bit too "Superfriend"y for some people. Try describing it as a modern game where secret abilities separate a few chosen people from the rest of humanity. Or tell them you want to play a game based on NBC's Heroes.
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. That's not a coin. He had a hobbit frozen in carbonite.
  13. Re: '45 Psychobilly Retropocalypse Man, that sounds awesome. I'm going to go pick up a book, too.
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. "What if your friend the wizard were to meet with, say, an unfortunate accident?" "In the end, you're all just worm food."
  15. Re: Favorite Hero Book of 2006 The Ultimate Skill for me, too.
  16. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest Don't forget Megascale on your Darkness.
  17. Re: Algernon HERO If budget is a concern, remember that our books are all available as PDFs
  18. Re: Algernon HERO A good question, Michael. Probably so, unless her group of roadies were conscripted into performing that chore.
  19. Re: Algernon HERO Well, Praetorian starts out with 35/35 defenses, but he's also got that large VPP for his configurable warskin. Of course, his main defense is that he's inside his 30 Hardened DEF giant vehicle stocked with hundreds of thousands of followers. As for conversion philosophy, I built each character by hand from the ground up. But I did use the M&M stats as a guideline. In general, HERO defense was raised by 50% and offiense raised by 25% from the raw numbers in M&M.
  20. Re: Algernon HERO The print version is expected to hit store shelves in January.
  21. The Algernon Files for the HERO System is available to download at RPGnow. 256 pages for $19.95. Find out more about the book, and check out free samples at http://www.blackwyrm.com/algernon.htm.
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