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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Re: Indiana Jones with root access Cut? Nonsense! He uses his whip.
  2. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews Yes.
  3. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews I'll make an announcement once the books are on teh way to stores.
  4. Re: Jokes 10a: Build a man a fire, and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life.
  5. Re: [Character] Popeye To chime in with the introduction from the Champions Can of Whupass game with their mishmosh of character ideas: He'll punch ya and bang ya, With anime and manga, He's Popeye, the Sailor Moon! I wish I had a picture of him to share here.
  6. Re: Indiana Jones with root access Code Nazis. I hate those guys.
  7. Re: Need code name for cleaner Nirvana, the Path to Enlightenment.
  8. Re: Religious Serial Killer Idea. In a Daredevil/Spider-Man crossover arc in the '80s, there was a character called Sin-Eater, who was a Normal that would kill sinners and "take their sins" so that the murder victims would enter Heaven, although he was damning himself to Hell by doing so. Not quite what you're looking for, but it was quite well done, and could provide you some inspiration.
  9. Re: Any date for the Ultimate Mentalist? The Ultimate Mentalist can't get a date? I figured with awesome mental powers, attracting the opposite sex would be easy.
  10. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews Still trying to get that proof copy from the printer. You wouldn't think it'd be a big deal, but they apparently got slammed with "gotta ship before Christmas" orders. My guess is that they'll start our printing late next week, and ship them out between Christmas and New Years. But that's just a guess.
  11. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews Although the point totals are high, I tend to spend a lot of points on Perks and "useless" Skills and Powers, so you can often knock 1/4 or even 1/3 of a character's point totals to compare his against a standard Champions write-up.
  12. Re: Magic Martial Arts Something I've been wanting to do is to use magical martial arts, but to apply something like Weapon Elements, so you might see a spellcaster that has "Use Art with Alchemy, Divination, and Necromancy."
  13. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest Sounds like it would make a nice Damage Shield. Plus, you could always buy it as Sticky!
  14. Re: Hex map for a railyard Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth includes a hex map of a subway terminal with trains on it.
  15. Re: The Munchkin Build Contest This one is purely evil, and should never be allowed. EB 1d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Variable Special Effects (Any, +1/2) Just change your effect to exactly match your attacker's, and voila! You're instantly immune to his attacks.
  16. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews His 22d6 is generally enough to do the job, but against tougher characters, he'd immobolize them with his neurotoxin before putting all his levels into damage. Ah yes, I'd forgotten that the M&M version had that one.
  17. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews It will be in a few weeks. We're waiting on the proof copy from the printer (which I'm hoping will be here today or tomorrow), and once we give the okay, printing will begin in earnest. Figure a week to print, a week to ship from the distributors to the retailers, and throw in another week for fudge factor, and the book should be in stores by the end of the month, and just maybe before Christmas. Freshen up your lipstick? Paint your barn?
  18. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews Not exactly, as OddHat notes. Remember that Magog can generate an extra 4d6 with his Combat Skill Levels (sort of the equivalent of doing an M&M Power Attack), and that he has Find Weakness, which can drastically alter the damage. Also, when you get to higher levels, in M&M an extra point of damage is just an extra 5% chance of knockout, but in HERO, once you get past campaign defense levels, the extra d6es all go straight to damage, making knockout MUCH more likely with each added d6. That being said, I generally added 25% to damage levels, and 50% to defense levels, but each character was statted from the ground up, with whatever made the most sense at the time.
  19. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews There are two sets of previews, side by side. You want to click on the [HERO] links.
  20. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews The trouble is that now that so many ships and stations have been released, there's an object library of shapes, pieces, furnishings, etc. that make it so much easier to assemble a new ship without having to start completely from scratch. I just figure that in the future, the manufacturing plants all crank out their flooring pieces in 5-foot squares. That's a floor design you're seeing, not an actual square grid. There's nothing stopping any of us from laying a hex grid on top of it.
  21. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews It might save time on proofreading, but not on initial entry. I'm very keyboard-centric, and having to switch between a keyboard and mouse contantly drags my typing speed down. I've been trying to encourage that...
  22. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews The print book will not be in color, since a color book going through the distribution channel discounting would retail for $117, according to our standard formula. We do not plan on releasing Hero Designer packs. It's not that we're stingy or anything, it's just that we write our characters by hand.
  23. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews That link is for the M&M version. The HERO System version won't be out for another couple of weeks still. When it's ready, I'll post instructions. Sign up for our mailing list to keep abreast of developments (http://www.blackwyrm.com/list.asp)
  24. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 previews His write-up is even scarier than his picture.
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